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最编程 2024-04-18 16:30:58


In software development, code review is important for maintaining code quality.


To help project maintainers implement code-review policies, GitHub provides a convenient approach, protected branch, which enforces pull requests to satisfy certain review policies before merging.

为了帮助项目维护者实施代码审查策略,GitHub提供了一种便捷的方法, 受保护的分支 ,该分支强制合并请求,以在合并之前满足某些审查策略。

(The Downside of Enforcing Code-Review Policies)

Although protected branches sound like a great plan, in practice, they can be annoying because not all pull requests require human attention.


For example, if I want to update my contact information in a markdown file, there’s no point in asking another developer to review my change.


(Potential Workarounds)

There are a few workarounds:


  • Split a monorepo project into subprojects with different review policies
  • Set up branches for less critical changes

I’ve tried both.


The problem with the first approach is the number of repositories grows quickly, and soon it becomes annoying for developers to jump between repositories. Also, it’s hard to document the purpose of each repository.

第一种方法的问题在于,存储库的数量快速增长,很快,开发人员在存储库之间跳转就变得很烦人。 另外,很难记录每个存储库的用途。

For the second option, syncing between branches requires a lot of effort.


Also for both, migrating code in less strict areas to locations under review policy is nontrivial work.


(Build a Better Solution)

After dealing with the mess for a while, I decided it was time to resolve this with a systematic approach:


It’d be great to have an automated code-review app that lets the repository owner define what pull requests are safe/trivial and automatically approves them and lets the protected-branch approach handle the rest.


For example, the app can detect that the pull request only modifies files under an area designated just for myself — which could be a directory named with my GitHub username:


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It can automatically approve it, saving other developers some time:


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Sound good to me! How can we make this happen?

对我来说听起来不错! 我们如何做到这一点?

Since the app requires notifications for pull-request activities and needs to interact with GitHub, which aligns with the definition of a GitHub app, I chose to build on top of the GitHub app infrastructure with Probot (a framework that abstracts low-level details of the GitHub app API).

由于该应用程序需要通知请求拉动活动并且需要与GitHub进行交互(这与GitHub应用程序的定义保持一致),因此我选择使用Probot在GitHub应用程序基础架构之上构建(该框架抽象了以下内容的底层细节): GitHub应用API)。

The user defines a configuration file at the root of the repository that describes the rules to determine if a pull request is safe/trivial.


Every time a pull request opens, the app will get a notification and reads the configuration file mentioned above from the repository.


Then, the app should leave an approval review if the rules apply.


(Design the rules)

To help developers work simultaneously, the first draft of configuration supports inserting usernames.


It might sound a bit abstract at first, but let’s explain with an example.


For example, the user can define the following configuration to allow pull requests targeting files inside a directory named with the user’s GitHub username:


    - name: personal projects in experimental
      path: playground/{{username}}/**/*
    - name: personal documentation
      path: docs/personal/{{username}}/**/*

If it’s still a bit unclear, let’s insert a real username into the example.


Taking my GitHub account, tianhaoz95, as an example, if I open a pull request to modify plaground/tianhaoz95/README.md, it’ll be automatically approved with the configuration above.

以我的GitHub帐户tianhaoz95为例,如果我打开一个请求请求来修改plaground/tianhaoz95/README.md ,则上面的配置将自动批准它。

(Implement the app)

Since the full implementation can get complicated, I’ll only present an overly simplified version in the post.


For the full source code, please see the repository:


1. Subscribe to pull-request activities


Probot is a convenient framework that maps incoming webhook events to handler functions so we don’t need to do the plumbing.


The following code will instruct Probot to subscribe to all pull -equest activities and run the handler function when an activity is detected:

以下代码将指示Probot订阅所有pull -equest活动并在检测到活动时运行处理程序功能:

import { Application } from "probot";
import { maybeApproveChange } from "./core";

export = (app: Application): void => {
    async (context) => {
      await maybeApproveChange(context);

The function maybeApproveChange posts an approval review if the pull requests meet the criteria. There are more details on this function in step 5.

如果拉取请求符合条件,则函数maybeApproveChange发布批准审核。 在步骤5中有关于此功能的更多详细信息。

2. Get a list of modified files from a pull-request event


GitHub provides a convenient API to get a file-change list from pull requests. We can access the API with the following code:

GitHub提供了一个便捷的API,可从请求请求中获取文件更改列表。 我们可以使用以下代码访问API:

export const getChangedFiles = async (context: Context): Promise<string[]> => {
  const changedFilesResponse = await context.github.pulls.listFiles(context.repo({
    "pull_number": context.payload.pull_request.number,
  const changedFiles: string[] = [];
  for (const changedFileData of changedFilesResponse.data) {
  return changedFiles;

3. Read the configuration from the repository


Reading standard GitHub configuration files (files inside the .github directory) is easy thanks to Probot’s abstraction. We can simply call the config method on the Probot context to get the parsed yml configuration:

由于Probot的抽象,读取标准GitHub配置文件( .github目录中的文件)非常容易。 我们可以简单地在Probot context调用config方法来获取已解析的yml配置:

export const getConfig = async (context: Context): Promise<Config> => {
  const rawConfig = await context?.config("approveman.yml");
  return parseConfig(rawConfig);

The code above reads the content in .github/approveman.yml, parses the yaml file, and converts it to a JavaScript object.


4. Compare the list of modified files against the configuration


To make sure a pull request is safe, all of the files in the pull request need to follow at least one of the rules:


const matchRule = (rule: DirectoryMatchingRule,
  filename: string, info: UserInfo, context: Context): boolean => {
  const renderedRule = render(rule.path, info);
  return minimatch(filename, renderedRule);

const matchOneOfRules = (rules: DirectoryMatchingRule[],
  filename: string, info: UserInfo, context: Context): boolean => {
  let matchOneOf = false;
  for (const rule of rules) {
    if (matchRule(rule, filename, info, context)) {
      matchOneOf = true;
  return matchOneOf;

export const ownsAllFiles = (rules: DirectoryMatchingRule[],
  filenames: string[], info: UserInfo, context: Context): boolean => {
  let ownsAll = true;
  for (const filename of filenames) {
    if (!matchOneOfRules(rules, filename, info, context)) {
      ownsAll = false;
  return ownsAll;



  • The first function checks if a single file matches a single rule
  • The second function checks if a single file matches at least one of the rules
  • The third function check if all files match at least one of the rules

5. Maybe approve the pull request


After verifying if the pull request is safe, the next step is to approve if it is:


const approveChange = async (context: Context): Promise<void> => {
  const req = context.repo({
    "event": "APPROVE" as ReviewEvent,
    "pull_number": context.payload.pull_request.number,
  await context.github.pulls.createReview(req);

export const maybeApproveChange = async (context: Context): Promise<void> => {
  try {
    const changedFiles = await getChangedFiles(context);
    const rules = await getConfig(context);
    const info = getUserInfo(context);
    if (ownsAllFiles(rules, changedFiles, info, context)) {
      await approveChange(context);
      await createPassingStatus(context);
    } else {
      await dismissAllApprovals(context);
  } catch (err) {
    await createCrashStatus(context, err);



  • The first function sends a request to the GitHub API to add an approval on the pull request
  • The second function is a high-level wrapper that uses everything we’ve built from steps 1-4.


If you, too, have questioned difficult code-review policies, here’s an app for you!


I’ve met some developers in the open-source community who had complained that the hardcoded code-review policies had slowed things down or raised the hurdle for first-time contributors.


If you’ve asked the same question, the app I built, ApproveMan, is there for you to improve development efficiency.


The app is available here:


(If you have more creative ways to configure automatic code review, contributions are welcome!)

Defining safe pull requests with the GitHub username is the first schema I came up with — but definitely not the only one that can be useful.


If you have any creative configuration rules, ApproveMan is open source, and your awesome idea is a pull request away.


(If you have ideas on how to streamline open-source development, consider this a tutorial for building GitHub integrations)

Code review isn’t the only place where we can improve our workflow.


For people who’ve imagined a better workflow, I hope this article, as an end-to-end GitHub integration-building experience, can help you get started.


Thanks for reading!


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/iterate-faster-with-automatic-code-review-2138731b55a6
