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Day 8 vocabulary

最编程 2024-01-08 17:40:06

1. a world turned upside down: 一个颠倒的世界

2. Wind and solar energy are disrupting a century-old model of providing electricity.

disrupt: verb

To disrupt is to interrupt or throw something into disorder打断,中断

make a break in: break up, cut off, interrupt

interfere in someone else's activity

3. from his office window, xxx points out over the xxx countryside and issues a Bond cillain's laugh.

point out over; issue laugh

4. the conventional utility: 传统装置

5. photovoltaic solar panel: 光伏太阳能板

the roofs are blanketed with blue photovoltaic solar panels.

6. manure: solid waster from animals, especially horses, that is spread on the land in order to make plants grow well: 粪肥

the cows produce manure

7. back up:  as well as backing up the wind and solar generators in winter

8. all told: 总共   All told, the willage produces five times more electricity that it needs.

9. In 2016 they pocketed about $7m from subsidies and selling their surplus electricity.

pocket: 入腰包,subsidy:津贴,surplus:多余的

10. the things are anathema to ...

anathema: something that is strongly disliked or disapproved of: 令人讨厌的事物

11. 是个例外

But Wildpoldsried is still very much the exception, not the rule.

12. 占比

In 2015 such sources accounted for only 7% of electricity generated worldwide.

13. In terms of reducing climate risks there is a long way to go.

14. The good news is that a decade of subsidy-driven growth has brought with it falling costs.

15. Renewables are still on the pricey side in many places, but they are getting less so.

16. 相当有竞争力可以这么说:reasonably competitive

17. this suggests that their growth might soon need a lot less subsidy than it has attracted to date.


to date; 迄今为止

18. robust carbon price牢固的价格

robust:strong and unlikely to break or fail

19. be a perennial disappointment

perennial: lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time

20. eternal: lasting forever or for a very long time 永远的,长期的

21. has effects on more than their price:more的用法

22. 打击投资:hit investment

23. demand is in decline: be in decline

24. glut: a supply of sth that is much greater than can be sold or is needed or wanted: 供过于求

25. push down prices:使得价格降低

价格降低:prices have slumped from xxx to xxx

drag down prices: 拉低价格

depress power prices

slash price: ...hace shown developers slashing prices to win fixed contracts to supply clean electricity for decades to come.

26. shale-gas revolution;页岩气革命

27. cause a bigger shift in the same direction

28. starkly: very obviously and clearly显而易见地,十分明显地

29. havoc: confusion and lack of order, especially causing damage or trouble

破坏,毁坏,混乱  the storm wreaked havoc in the garden.

the delay played(=caused) havoc with their travel arrangement. paly havoc with

the result has been havoc for the old-style utilities.

30. seperate ... from indebted and loss-making conventional generation

indebated: adj: owing money 负债的 indebated countries

adj: grateful because of help given感激的  we're deeply indebated to you for your help.

31. write off: 

1) reduce the estimated value of something

EY, a consultancy, calculates that utilities across Europe wrote off $120bn of assets because of ...

2) write sth fluently, and without hesitation

32. marginal cost 边际成本,经济学专有名词

the cost of producing one more item, etc, compared to the cost of producing all items so far

33. at first blush 咋一看

34. intermittent: not happening regularly or continuously; stopping and starting repeatedly or with with periods in between  间歇的,断断续续的

renewables are intermittent

35. infrastructure 基础设施

36. in the long run: at a time that is far away in the future: 从长远看,终究

37. faraway:  a long way away 遥远的

38. cling on to sth: to try very hard to keep sth: 努力保持,尽力保留,紧抓...不放

he clung on to power for another ten years: 他又把持了10年权力

39. ... renewables are insulated from the effect that ...

be insulated from: 绝缘的,隔绝的,也就是对...没有影响的

40. meet all the demand

41. vicious: vicious is an adjective that means intentionally harmful or nasty.

the world is caught in a vicious circle

42. foster: subsidies foster deployment of renewables

43. make up: if renewables were to make up 100% of the market...

44. deter: prevent阻止

45. pegged to: 与...挂钩

shy away: 避开

It is a fair bet that, the more renewables are exposed to competitiion by contracts pegged to wholesale prices, the more people will shy away from them as well

46. buck the trend: to be obviously different from the way that a situation is developing generally, expecially in connection with financial matters: 尤其指经济上逆潮流,逆势

47. dry up: 干涸

private investment will dry up.

48. eat into sth: to use or take away a large part of sth valuable, such as money or time: 消耗,花掉

they also eat into demand.

49. incipient:  just beginning: 刚开始的,早期的

his country faces an incipient 'utility death spiral'

50. precipitous: if a slope is precipitous, it is very steep

if a reduction or increase is precipitous, it is fast or great

51. lucrative: adj producing a lot of money: 赚钱的

52. keep demand in line with supply

53. show off: 炫耀

54. liken sb/sth to sb/sth: 认为...与...相像

55. upheaval:a great change剧变