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The Project Management Institute(PMI)


the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), PMI defines the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK) as a term that describes the knowledge within the profession of project management. The project management body of knowledge includes proventraditional practices

that are widely applied as well asinnovative practicesthat are emerging in the profession.The body of knowledge (BOK) includes both published and unpublished materials. This body of knowledge is

constantly evolving.


A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) identififies a subset of the project management body of knowledge that is generally recognized as good practice.

Generally recognizedmeans the knowledge and practices described areapplicableto most projects most of the time, and there isconsensusabout their value and usefulness.

Good practicemeans there is general agreement that the application of the knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project management processes canenhance the chance of success over many projectsin delivering the expected business values and results.


This PMBOK® Guide is different from a methodology. A methodology is a system of practices, techniques,procedures, and rules used by those who work in a discipline. ThisPMBOK® Guideis a foundation upon which organizations can build methodologies, policies, procedures, rules, tools and techniques, and life cycle phases needed to practice project management.


This PMBOK® Guide is based onThe Standard for Project Management,an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard,the standard and the guide are both based ondescriptive practices, rather thanprescriptivepractices.

相同点:the standard identififies the processes that are considered good practices on most projects, most of the time. The standard also identififies the inputs and outputs that are usually associated with those processes. The standard does not require that any particular process or practice be performed.

不同点:The PMBOK® Guideprovides more detail about key concepts, emerging trends, considerations for tailoring the project management processes, and information on how tools and techniques are applied to projects.


The scope of this guideis limited to the discipline of project management, rather than the full spectrum of portfolios,programs, and projects. Portfolios and programs will be addressed only to the degree they interact with projects. PMI publishes two other standards that address the management of portfolios and programs:

The Standard for Portfolio Management[2], and

The Standard for Program Management[3]


The PMI Lexicon of Project Management Terms[4] provides the foundational professionalvocabularythat can be consistently used by organizations, portfolio,program, and project managers and other project stakeholders.


PMI publishesthe Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct [5] to instill confidence in the project management profession and to help an individual in making wise decisions, particularly when faced with difficult situations where the individual may be asked to compromise his or her integrity or values.






TheCode of Ethics and Professional Conduct includes bothaspirational standardsandmandatory standards.Practitioners who are also PMI members, certifification holders, or volunteers and who do not conduct themselves in accordance with these mandatory standards will be subject to disciplinary procedures beforePMI’s Ethics Review Committee.



A project is atemporaryendeavor undertaken to create auniqueproduct, service, or result

Unique product, service, or result.Repetitive elements may be present in some project deliverables and activities. This repetition does not change the fundamental and unique characteristics of the project work.(office buildings can be constructed with the same or similar materials and by the same or different teams. However, each building project remains unique in key characteristics)。

            Projects are undertaken at all organizational levels. A project can involve a single individual or a group. A project can involve a single organizational unit or multiple organizational units from multiple organizations.(项目在组织内部一个组,也可以是组织内,也可以跨越组织)

Temporary endeavor The temporary nature of projects indicates that a project has a defifinite beginning and end. Projects are temporary, but their deliverables may exist beyond the end of the project.


Projects drive change  From a business perspective, a project is aimed at moving an organization from one state to another state in order to achieve a specifific objective。For some projects, this may involve creating a transition state where multiple steps are made along a continuum to achieve the future state。

Projects enable business value creation.PMI defifines business value as the net quantifiable benefifit derived from a business endeavor. The benefifit may be tangible, intangible, or both.

Project Initiation Context.Organizational leaders initiate projects in response to factors acting upon their  organizations.

un Meet regulatory, legal, or social requirements;

un Satisfy stakeholder requests or needs;

un Implement or change business or technological strategies; and

un Create, improve, or fix products, processes, or services


Projects are a key way to create value and benefifits in organizations. In today’s business environment, organizational leaders need to be able to manage withtighter budgets,shorter timelines, scarcity of resources, and rapidly changing technology. The business environment is dynamic with an accelerating rate of change. To remain competitive in the world economy, companies are embracing project management to consistently deliver business value




  3、program和project都关注做好事情,达到预期目标,program 管理相互关联的project以达到更好的效益,project目标相对单一简单


A projectmay be managed in three separate scenarios: as a stand-alone project(outside of a portfolio or program), within a program, or within a portfolio.Project managers interact with portfolio and program managers when a project is within a program or portfolio.

A programis defined as a group of related projects, subsidiary programs, and program activities managed in a coordinated manner toobtain benefits not available from managing them individually. Programs are not large projects.      A very large project may be referred to as amegaproject(不同于program). As a guideline, megaprojects cost US$1billion or more, affect 1 million or more people, and run for years.

      Program management focuses on the interdependencies between projects and between projects and the program level to determine the optimal approach for managing them. (Anexampleof a program is a new communications satellite system with projects for the design and construction of the satellite and the ground stations, the launch of the satellite, and the integration of the system.)

A portfoliois defined as projects, programs, subsidiary portfolios, and operations managed as a group toachieve strategic objectives. The programs or projects of the portfolio may not necessarily be interdependent or directly related.

    The aim of portfolio management is to:

Guide organizational investment decisions.

Select the optimal mix of programs and projects to meet strategic objectives.

Provide decision-making transparency.

Prioritize team and physical resource allocation.

Increase the likelihood of realizing the desired return on investment.

Centralize the management of the aggregate risk profifile of all components.

Portfolio Components are prioritized so that those contributing the most to the organization’s strategic objectives have the required fifinancial, team, and physical resources.

Example:a portfolio that includes a mix of projects in oil and gas, power, water, roads, rail, and airports.


Program and project management focus on doing programs and projects the “right” way; and

Portfolio management focuses on doing the “right” programs and projects.


Program management and portfolio management differ from project management in their life cycles, activities,objectives, focus, and benefifits. However, portfolios, programs, projects, and operations often engage withthe same stakeholdersand may need to use the same resources, which mayresult in a confllict in the organization.This type of a situation increases the need for coordination within the organization through the use of portfolio, program,and project management to achieve aworkable balancein the organization.


OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT:Operations management is concerned with the ongoing production of goods and/or services. It ensures that business operations continue efficiently by using the optimal resources needed to meet customer demands. It is concerned with managing processes that transform inputs (e.g., materials, components, energy, and labor) into outputs (e.g., products,goods, and/or services).Projects can intersect(相交) with operations at various points during the product life cycle, such as;

When developing a new product, upgrading a product, or expanding outputs;

While improving operations or the product development process;

At the end of the product life cycle; and

At each closeout phase.

At each point, deliverables and knowledge are transferred between the project and operations for implementation of the delivered work. This implementation occurs through a transfer of project resources or knowledge to operations or through a transfer of operational resources to the project

organizational project management(OPM)is defined as a framework in which portfolio, program, and project management are integrated with organizational enablers in order to achieve strategic objectives.

The purpose of OPM is to ensure that the organization undertakes the right projects and allocates critical resources appropriately. OPM also helps to ensure that all levels in the organization understand the strategic vision, the initiatives that support the vision, the objectives, and the deliverables.


A project life cycleis the series ofphasesthat a project passes through from its start to its completion. It provides the basic framework for managing the project. This basic framework applies regardless of the specifific project work involved. The phases may besequential, iterative, or overlapping. All projects can be mapped to the generic life cycleshown in Figure 1-5.

A product life cycleis the series of phases that represent the evolution of a product, from concept through delivery, growth, maturity, and to retirement。Project life cycles are independent of product life cycles, which may be produced by a project.

Development life cycles:one or more phases that are associated with the development of the product, service, or result. Development life cycles can be predictive, iterative, incremental, adaptive, or a hybrid model:

In a predictive life cycle, the project scope, time, and cost are determined in the early phases of the life cycle. Any changes to the scope are carefully managed. Predictive life cycles may also be referred to as waterfall life cycles.(传统瀑布模型)

In an iterative life cycle, the project scope is generally determined early in the project life cycle, buttime and cost estimates are routinely modififiedas the project team’s understanding of the product increases.Iterations develop the product through a series of repeated cycles, while increments successively add to the functionality of the product.(迭代模型,目标开始就明确,分开实施)

In an incremental life cycle, the deliverable is produced through a series of iterations that successively add functionality withina predetermined time frame. The deliverable contains the necessary and suffificient capability to be considered complete only after the final iteration.


Adaptive life cycles are agile, iterative, or incremental. The detailed scope is defined and approved before the start of an iteration. Adaptive life cycles are also referred to as agile or change-driven life cycles. See Appendix X3.(适应模型,迭代和增量模型的混合)

A hybrid life cycle is a combination of a predictive and an adaptive life cycle. Those elements of the project that are well known or have fixed requirements follow a predictive development life cycle, and those elements that are still evolving follow an adaptive development life cycle.(混合模型:瀑布模型+适应模型)

A project phaseis a collection of logically related project activities that culminates(达到极点) in the completion of one or more deliverables. The phases in a life cycle can be described by a variety of attributes.

Name (e.g., Phase A, Phase B, Phase 1, Phase 2, proposal phase),

Number (e.g., three phases in the project, fifive phases in the project),

Duration (e.g., 1 week, 1 month, 1 quarter),

Resource requirements (e.g., people, buildings, equipment),

Entrance criteria for a project to move into that phase (e.g., specifified approvals documented, specifified documents completed), and

Exit criteria for a project to complete a phase (e.g., documented approvals, completed documents, completed deliverables).

Projects may be separated into distinct phases or subcomponents. These phases or subcomponents are generally given names that indicate the type of work done in that phase.

A phase gate(phase review, stage gate, kill point, and phase entrance or phase exit.), is held at the end of a phase. The project’s performance and progress are compared to project and business documents including but not limited to:

Project business case (see Section,

Project charter (see Section 4.1),

Project management plan (see Section 4.2), and

Benefifits management plan (see Section

A decision (e.g., go/no-go decision) is made as a result of this comparison to:

Continue to the next phase,

Continue to the next phase with modifification,

End the project,

Remain in the phase, or

Repeat the phase or elements of it.

project management process:The project life cycle is managed by executing a series of project management activities known as project management processes. Every project management process produces one or more outputs from one or more inputs by using appropriate project management tools and techniques.


Initiating Process Group. Those processes performed to defifine a new project or a new phase of an existing project by obtaining authorization to start the project or phase.

Planning Process Group. Those processes required to establish the scope of the project, refifine the objectives,and defifine the course of action required to attain the objectives that the project was undertaken to achieve.

Executing Process Group. Those processes performed to complete the work defifined in the project management plan to satisfy the project requirements.

Monitoring and Controlling Process Group.Those processes required to track, review, and regulate the  progress and performance of the project; identify any areas in which changes to the plan are required; and  initiate the corresponding changes.

Closing Process Group. Those processes performed to formally complete or close the project, phase, or contract.


A Knowledge Area is an identifified area of project management defifined by its knowledge requirements and described in terms of its component processes,practices, inputs, outputs, tools, and techniques

Project Integration Management.Includes the processes and activities to identify, define, combine, unify,and coordinate the various processes and project management activities within the Project Management Process Groups.

Project Scope Management.Includes the processes required to ensure the project includes all the work  required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully.

Project Schedule Management.Includes the processes required to manage the timely completion of the project.

Project Cost Management. Includes the processes involved in planning, estimating, budgeting, fifinancing,funding, managing, and controlling costs so the project can be completed within the approved budget.

Project Quality Management. Includes the processes for incorporating the organization’s quality policy regarding planning, managing, and controlling project and product quality requirements, in order to meet stakeholders’ expectations.

Project Resource Management.Includes the processes to identify, acquire, and manage the resources needed  for the successful completion of the project.

Project Communications Management.Includes the processes required to ensure timely and appropriate  planning, collection, creation, distribution, storage, retrieval, management, control, monitoring, and ultimate  disposition of project information.

Project Risk Management. Includes the processes of conducting risk management planning, identifification,analysis, response planning, response implementation, and monitoring risk on a project.

Project Procurement Management.Includes the processes necessary to purchase or acquire products,services, or results needed from outside the project team.

uu Project Stakeholder Management. Includes the processes required to identify the people, groups, or organizations that could impact or be impacted by the project, to analyze stakeholder expectations and their  impact on the project, and to develop appropriate management strategies for effectively engaging stakeholders in project decisions and execution.


Work performance data.The raw observations and measurements identifified during activities performed to carry out the project work. Examples include reported percent of work physically completed, quality and technical  performance measures, start and fifinish dates of schedule activities, number of change requests, number of defects, actual costs, actual durations, etc. Project data are usually recorded in a Project Management Information System (PMIS) (see Section and in project documents.

Work performance information. The performance data collected from various controlling processes, analyzed in context and integrated based on relationships across areas. Examples of performance information are status of deliverables, implementation status for change requests, and forecast estimates to complete.

Work performance reports. The physical or electronic representation of work performance information compiled in project documents, which is intended to generate decisions or raise issues, actions, or awareness. Examples include status reports, memos, justififications, information notes, electronic dashboards, recommendations, and updates.





The project sponsoris generally accountable for the development and maintenance of the project business case document.

The project manageris responsible for providing recommendations and oversight to keep the project business case, project management plan, project charter, and project benefifits management plan success measures in alignment with one another and with the goals and objectives of the organization

In some organizations, the business case and benefifits management plan are maintained at the program level. Project managers should work with the appropriateprogram managersto ensure the project management documents are aligned with the program documents.

The project business caseis a documented economic feasibility study used to establish the validity of the benefifits ofa selected component lacking suffificient defifinition(???)and that is used as a basis for the authorization of further project management activities.

A needs assessmentoften precedes the business case. The needs assessment involves understanding business  goals and objectives, issues, and opportunities and recommending proposals to address them. The results of the needs  assessment may be summarized in the business case document.

The project business case主要内容:

Business needs:

Determination of what is prompting the need for action;

Situational statement documenting the business problem or opportunity to be addressed including the value

to be delivered to the organization;

Identifification of stakeholders affected; and

Identifification of the scope.

Analysis of the situation:

Identifification of organizational strategies, goals, and objectives;

Identifification of root cause(s) of the problem or main contributors of an opportunity;

Gap analysis of capabilities needed for the project versus existing capabilities of the organization;

Identifification of known risks;

Identifification of critical success factors;

Identifification of decision criteria by which the various courses of action may be assessed;

Examples of criteria categories used for analysis of a situation are:

Required.This is a criterion that is “required” to be fulfifilled to address the problem or opportunity.

Desired. This is a criterion that is “desired” to be fulfifilled to address the problem or opportunity.

Optional.This is a criterion that is not essential. Fulfifillment of this criterion may become a differentiator between alternative courses of action.

Identifification of a set of options to be considered for addressing the business problem or opportunity. Options are alternative courses of action that may be taken by the organization. Options may also be described as business scenarios. For example, a business case could present the following three options:

Do nothing. This is also referred to as the “business as usual” option. Selection of this option results in the project not being authorized.

Do the minimum work possible to address the problem or opportunity. The minimum may be established by identifying the set of documented criteria that are key in addressing the problem or opportunity.

Do more than the minimum work possible to address the problem or opportunity. This option meets the minimum set of criteria and some or all of the other documented criteria. There may be more than one of  these options documented in the business case.


A statement of the recommended option to pursue in the project;

Items to include in the statement may include but are not limited to:

Analysis results for the potential option;

Constraints, assumptions, risks, and dependencies for the potential options;

and Success measures (see Section

An implementation approach that may include but is not limited to:


Dependencies, and

Roles and responsibilities.


Statement describing the plan for measuring benefifits the project will deliver. This should include any ongoing operational aspects of the recommended option beyond initial implementation.

The project benefits management planis the document that describes how and when the benefifits of the project will be delivered, and describes the mechanisms that should be in place to measure those benefifits.Development of the benefifits management plan begins early in the project life cycle with the defifinition of the target benefifits to be realized.


Target benefits(e.g., the expected tangible and intangible value to be gained by the implementation of the project; fifinancial value is expressed as net present value);

Strategic alignment (e.g., how well the project benefifits align to the business strategies of the organization);

Timeframe for realizing benefits(e.g., benefifits by phase, short-term, long-term, and ongoing);

Benefits owner(e.g., the accountable person to monitor, record, and report realized benefifits throughout the timeframe established in the plan);

Metrics(e.g., the measures to be used to show benefifits realized, direct measures, and indirect measures);

Assumptions(e.g., factors expected to be in place or to be in evidence); and

Risks(e.g., risks for realization of benefifits).

Developing the benefifits management plan makes use of the data and information documented in the business case and needs assessment. For example, the cost-benefifit analyses recorded in the documents illustrate the estimate of costs compared to the value of the benefifits realized by the project.


Development and maintenance of the project benefits management plan is an iterative activity. This document complements the business case, project charter, and project management plan. The project manager works with the sponsor to ensure that the project charter, project management plan, and the benefifits management plan remain in alignment throughout the life cycle of the project


It is possible for a project to be successful from a scope/schedule/budget viewpoint, and to be unsuccessful from a business viewpoint. This can occur when there is a change in the business needs or the market environment before the project is completed.