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最编程 2024-01-15 18:02:45


C ++ atexit()函数 (C++ atexit() function)

atexit() function is a library function of cstdlib header. It is used to set a function that should be executed on exit. Sometimes we need to write such code (like freeing the memory occupied by the global variables, closing the file objects, etc) that should be executed when the program is going to exit, any user-defined can be written for it and that can be set as an exit function using atexit() function.

atexit()函数cstdlib标头的库函数。 它用于设置退出时应执行的功能。 有时我们需要编写这样的代码(例如释放由全局变量占用的内存,关闭文件对象等),这些代码应在程序退出时执行,可以为其编写任何用户定义的代码,并且可以使用atexit()函数设置为退出函数

The function invokes automatically when the program terminates normally. The function
