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TAT agent information

Used by actions: DescribeAutomationAgentStatus.

Name Type Description
InstanceId String Instance ID.
Version String Agent version.
LastHeartbeatTime Timestamp ISO8601 Last heartbeat time
AgentStatus String Agent status. Valid values:
  • Online
  • Offline
  • Environment String Agent runtime environment. Valid values:
  • Linux: Linux instance
  • Windows: Windows instance
  • SupportFeatures Array of String Features supported by the TAT agent.


    Command details.

    Used by actions: DescribeCommands.

    Name Type Description
    CommandId String Command ID.
    CommandName String Command name.
    Description String Command description.
    Content String Base64-encoded command.
    CommandType String Command type.
    WorkingDirectory String Command execution path.
    Timeout Integer Command timeout period.
    CreatedTime Timestamp ISO8601 Command creation time.
    UpdatedTime Timestamp ISO8601 Command update time.
    EnableParameter Boolean Whether to enable the custom parameter feature.
    DefaultParameters String Default custom parameter value.
    FormattedDescription String Formatted description of the command. This parameter is an empty string for user commands and contains values for public commands.
    CreatedBy String Command creator. TAT indicates a public command and USER indicates a personal command.
    Tags Array of Tag The list of tags bound to the command.
    Username String The user who executes the command on the instance.
    OutputCOSBucketUrl String The COS bucket URL for uploading logs.
    OutputCOSKeyPrefix String The COS bucket directory where the logs are saved.


    Command execution details.

    Used by actions: DescribeInvocationTasks.

    Name Type Description
    Content String Base64-encoded command.
    CommandType String Command type.
    Timeout Integer Timeout period.
    WorkingDirectory String Execution path.
    Username String The user who executes the command.
    OutputCOSBucketUrl String URL of the COS bucket to store the output
    OutputCOSKeyPrefix String Prefix of the output file name


    Key-value pair filters for conditional filtering queries, such as filtering ID, name, and status.

    • If there are multiple Filter parameters, the relationship among them is the logical AND.
    • If there are multiple Values for the same Filter, the relationship among the Values for the same Filter is the logical OR.

    Take the DescribeInstances API as an example. You can use the following filters to query the instances whose availability zone (zone) is Guangzhou 1 and billing method (instance-charge-type) is prepaid or pay-as-you-go:


    Used by actions: DescribeAutomationAgentStatus, DescribeCommands, DescribeInvocationTasks, DescribeInvocations, DescribeInvokers.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String Yes Field to be filtered.
    Values Array of String Yes Filter values of the field.


    Execution activity details.

    Used by actions: DescribeInvocations.

    Name Type Description
    InvocationId String Execution activity ID.
    CommandId String Command ID.
    InvocationStatus String Execution task status. Valid values:
  • PENDING: Pending
  • RUNNING: Running
  • SUCCESS: Success
  • FAILED: Failed
  • TIMEOUT: Command timed out
  • PARTIAL_FAILED: Partial failure
  • InvocationTaskBasicInfoSet Array of InvocationTaskBasicInfo Execution task information list.
    Description String Execution activity description.
    StartTime Timestamp ISO8601 Start time of the execution activity.
    EndTime Timestamp ISO8601 End time of the execution activity.
    CreatedTime Timestamp ISO8601 Time when the execution activity is created.
    UpdatedTime Timestamp ISO8601 Time when the execution activity is updated.
    Parameters String Values of custom parameters.
    DefaultParameters String Default custom parameter value.
    InstanceKind String Type of the instance executing the command. Valid values: CVM, LIGHTHOUSE.
    Username String The user who executes the command on the instance.
    InvocationSource String Invocation source.
    CommandContent String Base64-encoded command
    CommandType String Command type
    Timeout Integer Command timeout period, in seconds.
    WorkingDirectory String Working directory for executing the command.
    OutputCOSBucketUrl String The COS bucket URL for uploading logs.
    OutputCOSKeyPrefix String The COS bucket directory where the logs are saved.


    Execution task.

    Used by actions: DescribeInvocationTasks.

    Name Type Description
    InvocationId String Execution activity ID.
    InvocationTaskId String Execution task ID.
    CommandId String Command ID.
    TaskStatus String Execution task status. Valid values:
  • PENDING: Pending
  • DELIVERING: Delivering
  • DELIVER_DELAYED: Delivery delayed
  • DELIVER_FAILED: Delivery failed
  • START_FAILED: Failed to start the command
  • RUNNING: Running
  • SUCCESS: Success
  • FAILED: Failed to execute the command. The exit code is not 0 after execution.
  • TIMEOUT: Command timed out
  • TASK_TIMEOUT: Task timed out
  • CANCELLING: Canceling
  • CANCELLED: Canceled (canceled before execution)
  • TERMINATED: Terminated (canceled during execution)
  • InstanceId String Instance ID.
    TaskResult TaskResult Execution result.
    StartTime Timestamp ISO8601 Start time of the execution task.
    EndTime Timestamp ISO8601 End time of the execution task.
    CreatedTime Timestamp ISO8601 Creation time.
    UpdatedTime Timestamp ISO8601 Update time.
    CommandDocument CommandDocument Command details of the execution task.
    ErrorInfo String Error message displayed when the execution task fails.
    InvocationSource String Invocation source.


    Execution task description.

    Used by actions: DescribeInvocations.

    Name Type Description
    InvocationTaskId String Execution task ID.
    TaskStatus String Execution task status. Valid values:
  • PENDING: Pending
  • DELIVERING: Delivering
  • DELIVER_DELAYED: Delivery delayed
  • DELIVER_FAILED: Delivery failed
  • START_FAILED: Failed to start the command
  • RUNNING: Running
  • SUCCESS: Success
  • FAILED: Failed to execute the command. The exit code is not 0 after execution.
  • TIMEOUT: Command timed out
  • TASK_TIMEOUT: Task timed out
  • CANCELLING: Canceling
  • CANCELLED: Canceled (canceled before execution)
  • TERMINATED: Terminated (canceled during execution)
  • InstanceId String Instance ID.


    Invoker information.

    Used by actions: DescribeInvokers.

    Name Type Description
    InvokerId String Invoker ID.
    Name String Invoker name.
    Type String Invoker type.
    CommandId String Command ID.
    Username String Username.
    Parameters String Custom parameters.
    InstanceIds Array of String Instance ID list.
    Enable Boolean Whether to enable the invoker.
    ScheduleSettings ScheduleSettings Execution schedule of the invoker. This field is returned for recurring invokers.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CreatedTime Timestamp ISO8601 Creation time.
    UpdatedTime Timestamp ISO8601 Modification time.


    Execution history of the invoker.

    Used by actions: DescribeInvokerRecords.

    Name Type Description
    InvokerId String Invoker ID.
    InvokeTime Timestamp ISO8601 Execution time.
    Reason String Execution reason.
    InvocationId String Command execution ID.
    Result String Trigger result.


    Information of a region.

    Used by actions: DescribeRegions.

    Name Type Description
    Region String Region name, such as ap-guangzhou
    RegionName String Region description, such as Guangzhou
    RegionState String Region status. AVAILABLE indicates the region is available.


    Settings of a scheduled invoker

    Used by actions: CreateInvoker, DescribeInvokers, ModifyInvoker.

    Name Type Required Description
    Policy String Yes Execution policy:

  • ONCE: Execute once

  • RECURRENCE: Execute repeatedly
  • Recurrence String No Trigger the crontab expression. This field is required if Policy is RECURRENCE. The crontab expression is parsed in UTC+8.
    InvokeTime Timestamp ISO8601 No The next execution time of the invoker. This field is required if Policy is ONCE.


    Information on tags

    Used by actions: CreateCommand, DescribeCommands, RunCommand.

    Name Type Required Description
    Key String Yes Tag key.
    Value String Yes Tag value.


    Task result.

    Used by actions: DescribeInvocationTasks.

    Name Type Description
    ExitCode Integer ExitCode of the execution.
    Output String Base64-encoded command output. The maximum length is 24 KB.
    ExecStartTime Timestamp ISO8601 Time when the execution is started.
    ExecEndTime Timestamp ISO8601 Time when the execution is ended.
    Dropped Integer Dropped bytes of the command output.
    OutputUrl String COS URL of the logs.
    OutputUploadCOSErrorInfo String Error message for uploading logs to COS.