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tencent cloud

最编程 2024-03-16 17:14:18


Attachment structure, including attachment name and Base64-encoded attachment content

Used by actions: BatchSendEmail, SendEmail.

Name Type Required Description
FileName String Yes Attachment name, which cannot exceed 255 characters. Some attachment types are not supported. For details, see Attachment Types.
Content String Yes Base64-encoded attachment content. You can send attachments of up to 4 MB in the total size. Note: The TencentCloud API supports a request packet of up to 8 MB in size, and the size of the attachment content will increase by 1.5 times after Base64 encoding. Therefore, you need to keep the total size of all attachments below 4 MB. If the entire request exceeds 8 MB, the API will return an error.


Email address blocklist structure, including the blocklisted address and the time when it is blocklisted.

Used by actions: ListBlackEmailAddress.

Name Type Description
BounceTime Timestamp Time when the email address is blocklisted.
EmailAddress String Blocklisted email address.


Parameter required to create a recurring sending task

Used by actions: BatchSendEmail, ListSendTasks.

Name Type Required Description
BeginTime String Yes Start time of the task
IntervalTime Integer Yes Task recurrence in hours
TermCycle Integer No Specifies whether to end the cycle. This parameter is used to update the task. Valid values: 0: No; 1: Yes.


Describes the domain name, record type, expected value, and currently configured value of DNS records.

Used by actions: CreateEmailIdentity, GetEmailIdentity, UpdateEmailIdentity.

Name Type Description
Type String Record types: CNAME, A, TXT, and MX.
SendDomain String Domain name.
ExpectedValue String Expected value.
CurrentValue String Currently configured value.
Status Boolean Approved or not. The default value is false.


Sender domain verification list structure

Used by actions: ListEmailIdentities.

Name Type Description
IdentityName String Sender domain.
IdentityType String Verification type. The value is fixed to DOMAIN.
SendingEnabled Boolean Verification passed or not.
CurrentReputationLevel Integer Current reputation level
DailyQuota Integer Maximum number of messages sent per day


Describes sender information.

Used by actions: ListEmailAddress.

Name Type Description
EmailAddress String Sender address.
EmailSenderName String Sender name.
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CreatedTimestamp Integer Creation time.
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Recipient group data type

Used by actions: ListReceivers.

Name Type Description
ReceiverId Integer Recipient group ID
ReceiversName String Recipient group name
Count Integer Total number of recipient email addresses
Desc String Recipient group description
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be found.
ReceiversStatus Integer Group status (1: to be uploaded; 2 uploading; 3 uploaded)
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be found.
CreateTime String Creation time, such as 2021-09-28 16:40:35


Describes the email sending status

Used by actions: GetSendEmailStatus.

Name Type Description
MessageId String The MessageId field returned by the SendEmail API
ToEmailAddress String Recipient email address
FromEmailAddress String Sender email address
SendStatus Integer Tencent Cloud processing status
0: Successful.
1001: Internal system exception.
1002: Internal system exception.
1003: Internal system exception.
1003: Internal system exception.
1004: Email sending timed out.
1005: Internal system exception.
1006: You have sent too many emails to the same address in a short period.
1007: The email address is in the blocklist.
1008: The sender domain is rejected by the recipient.
1009: Internal system exception.
1010: The daily email sending limit is exceeded.
1011: You have no permission to send custom content. Use a template.
1013: The sender domain is unsubscribed from by the recipient.
2001: No results were found.
3007: The template ID is invalid or the template is unavailable.
3008: The sender domain is temporarily blocked by the recipient domain.
3009: You have no permission to use this template.
3010: The format of the TemplateData field is incorrect.
3014: The email cannot be sent because the sender domain is not verified.
3020: The recipient email address is in the blocklist.
3024: Failed to precheck the email address format.
3030: Email sending is restricted temporarily due to a high bounce rate.
3033: The account has insufficient balance or overdue payment.
DeliverStatus Integer Recipient processing status
0: Tencent Cloud has accepted the request and added it to the send queue.
1: The email is delivered successfully. DeliverTime indicates the time when the email is delivered successfully.
2: The email is discarded. DeliverMessage indicates the reason for discarding.
3: The recipient's ESP rejects the email, probably because the email address does not exist or due to other reasons.
8: The email is delayed by the ESP. DeliverMessage indicates the reason for delay.
DeliverMessage String Description of the recipient processing status
RequestTime Integer Timestamp when the request arrives at Tencent Cloud
DeliverTime Integer Timestamp when Tencent Cloud delivers the email
UserOpened Boolean Whether the recipient has opened the email
UserClicked Boolean Whether the recipient has clicked the links in the email
UserUnsubscribed Boolean Whether the recipient has unsubscribed from the email sent by the sender
UserComplainted Boolean Whether the recipient has reported the sender


Email sending task data

Used by actions: ListSendTasks.

Name Type Description
TaskId Integer Task ID
FromEmailAddress String Sender address
ReceiverId Integer Recipient group ID
TaskStatus Integer Task status. 1: to start; 5: sending; 6: sending suspended today; 7: sending error; 10: sent
TaskType Integer Task type. 1: immediate; 2: scheduled; 3: recurring
RequestCount Integer Number of emails requested to be sent
SendCount Integer Number of emails sent
CacheCount Integer Number of emails cached
CreateTime String Task creation time
UpdateTime String Task update time
Subject String Email subject
Template Template Template and template data
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be found.
CycleParam CycleEmailParam Parameters of a recurring task
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be found.
TimedParam TimedEmailParam Parameters of a scheduled task
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be found.
ErrMsg String Task exception information
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be found.
ReceiversName String Recipient group name


Email content, which can be plain text (TEXT), pure code (HTML), or a combination of TEXT and HTML (recommended).

Used by actions: BatchSendEmail, SendEmail.

Name Type Required Description
Html String No HTML code after base64 encoding. To ensure correct display, this parameter should include all code information and cannot contain external CSS.
Text String No Plain text content after base64 encoding. If HTML is not involved, the plain text will be displayed in the email. Otherwise, this parameter represents the plain text style of the email.


Template information, including template ID, template variable parameters, etc.

Used by actions: BatchSendEmail, ListSendTasks, SendEmail.

Name Type Required Description
TemplateID Integer Yes Template ID. If you don’t have any template, please create one.
TemplateData String Yes Variable parameters in the template. Please use json.dump to format the JSON object into a string type. The object is a set of key-value pairs. Each key denotes a variable, which is represented by {{key}}. The key will be replaced with the corresponding value (represented by {{value}}) when sending the email.
Note: The parameter value cannot be data of a complex type such as HTML.
Example: {"name":"xxx","age":"xx"}


Template content, which must include at least one of TEXT and HTML. A combination of TEXT and HTML is recommended.

Used by actions: CreateEmailTemplate, GetEmailTemplate, UpdateEmailTemplate.

Name Type Required Description
Html String No HTML code after base64 encoding.
Text String No Text content after base64 encoding.


Template list structure.

Used by actions: ListEmailTemplates.

Name Type Description
CreatedTimestamp Integer Creation time.
TemplateName String Template name.
TemplateStatus Integer Template status. 1: under review; 0: approved; 2: rejected; other values: unavailable.
TemplateID Integer Template ID.
ReviewReason String Review reply


Time parameter required to create a scheduled sending task, such as the start time

Used by actions: BatchSendEmail, ListSendTasks.

Name Type Required Description
BeginTime String Yes Start time of a scheduled sending task


Statistics structure.

Used by actions: GetStatisticsReport.

Name Type Description
SendDate Date Date
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RequestCount Integer Number of email requests.
AcceptedCount Integer Number of email requests accepted by Tencent Cloud.
DeliveredCount Integer Number of delivered emails.
OpenedCount Integer Number of users (deduplicated) who opened emails.
ClickedCount Integer Number of recipients who clicked on links in emails.
BounceCount Integer Number of bounced emails.
UnsubscribeCount Integer Number of users who canceled subscriptions.
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.