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[Typescript] Branded type

最编程 2024-03-16 18:10:52

For example, we have a type repersent currency: USD, value should be something like '$123', a string type with `$` and number.


So let's say we make a USD type as string

type USD = string

PORS: it is semantice

CONDs: I can give any value doesn't match the requiremenets of USD

for example: '#123'


To solve this problem we can use Branded type.


Define a Branded type

declare const brand: unique symbol;
type Brand<K, T> = T & {[brand]: K}

Now a branded USD type should be

type USD = Brand<'USD', string>
string & {
  brand: 'USD'

Now if we assign correct value to a branded USD type, we found it has error:

// @ts-expect-error
const price: USD = '$123' // '$123' is not assignable to USD


Use Branded type with Type guards and Type assertions

declare const brand: unique symbol;
type Brand<K, T> = T & {[brand]: K}

type USD = Brand<'USD', string>
function isUSD(str: string | USD): str is USD {
  return typeof str === 'string' && str.toString().startsWith('$') && !Number.isNaN(+str.substring(1))
function assertUSD(str: string | USD): asserts str is USD {
  const b = typeof str === 'string' && str.toString().startsWith('$') && !Number.isNaN(+str.substring(1))
  if(!b) {
    throw new Error('Not a USD currency')

Usage with type guards:

const priceUSD = '$123'
const priceEUR = '€123'

function getUSDPayment(usd: USD) {

// OK
if (isUSD(priceUSD)) {

// NOT
if (isUSD(priceEUR)) {

Usage with type assertion:

const priceUSD = '$123'
const priceEUR = '€123'

function payByUSD(usd: string) {

function getUSDPayment(usd: USD) {

payByUSD(priceEUR) // throw error



Surviving the TypeScript Ecosystem — Part 6: Branding and Type-Tagging

Branded Types give you stronger input validation
