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docker 安装 gitlab-ee 并将其破解

最编程 2024-03-17 17:38:12
require "openssl" require "gitlab/license" key_pair = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(2048) File.open("license_key", "w") { |f| f.write(key_pair.to_pem) } public_key = key_pair.public_key File.open("license_key.pub", "w") { |f| f.write(public_key.to_pem) } private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new File.read("license_key") Gitlab::License.encryption_key = private_key license = Gitlab::License.new license.licensee = { "Name" => "none", "Company" => "none", "Email" => "example@test.com", } license.starts_at = Date.new(2020, 1, 1) # 开始时间 license.expires_at = Date.new(2050, 1, 1) # 结束时间 license.notify_admins_at = Date.new(2049, 12, 1) license.notify_users_at = Date.new(2049, 12, 1) license.block_changes_at = Date.new(2050, 1, 1) license.restrictions = { active_user_count: 10000, } puts "License:" puts license data = license.export puts "Exported license:" puts data File.open("GitLabBV.gitlab-license", "w") { |f| f.write(data) } public_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new File.read("license_key.pub") Gitlab::License.encryption_key = public_key data = File.read("GitLabBV.gitlab-license") $license = Gitlab::License.import(data) puts "Imported license:" puts $license unless $license raise "The license is invalid." end if $license.restricted?(:active_user_count) active_user_count = 10000 if active_user_count > $license.restrictions[:active_user_count] raise "The active user count exceeds the allowed amount!" end end if $license.notify_admins? puts "The license is due to expire on #{$license.expires_at}." end if $license.notify_users? puts "The license is due to expire on #{$license.expires_at}." end module Gitlab class GitAccess def check(cmd, changes = nil) if $license.block_changes? return build_status_object(false, "License expired") end end end end puts "This instance of GitLab Enterprise Edition is licensed to:" $license.licensee.each do |key, value| puts "#{key}: #{value}" end if $license.expired? puts "The license expired on #{$license.expires_at}" elsif $license.will_expire? puts "The license will expire on #{$license.expires_at}" else puts "The license will never expire." end
