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如何开启 VoLTE、ViLTE 和 VoWifi 功能

最编程 2024-03-18 10:36:02

如何配置VoLTE, ViLTE and VoWifi(IMS config for VoLTE, ViLTE and VoWifi)


1. 如何打开VoLTE,ViLTE,VoWifi Feature (How to enable VoLTE,ViLTE,VoWifi feature option)


   (1)VoLTE,ViLTE Feature


Selection  Feature option
打开VoLTE(Enable VoLTE)


	</tr><tr><td>打开ViLTE(Enable ViLTE)</td>
		<p>MTK_VILTE_SUPPORT = yes</p>
	</tr></tbody></table><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; 如果要支持ViLTE,必须也要支持VoLTE。</p>

  (2)VoWifi  Feature


Selection  Feature option
打开WFC (Enable WFC)





		<p>MTK_FLIGHT_MODE_POWER_OFF_MD=no(No need after Android-M1)</p>
		<p>关闭WFC (Disable WFC)</p>
	</tr></tbody></table><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;VoWifi有些module属于binary release,如果基线版本不支持VoWifi, 请使用<strong>[Patch Release]模板</strong>提交eservice给CPM申请open VoWifi release patch.(VoWifi feature has binary release module, if basic version does not support VoWifi, please submit eservice to CPM according to&nbsp;<strong>[patch release template]</strong>&nbsp;for VoWifi patch release.)</p>

      所有提到的WFC名称,等同于VoWifi。如果要支持VoWiFi,必须支持VoLTE。(VoWifi=WFC,if enableVoWifi feature, must enable VoLTE firstly.)

   (3) Dual VoLTE (93 platform)


     双VoLTE是否开启,是由AP project configuation控制的。(Single/Dual VoLTE is Switched by AP Project Configuration.)


L+W/Single VoLTE project  L+L/Dual VoLTE project



      operator定制project 如果要支持dual VoLTE,也是使用上述project config。(Operator Customization project also use above configuration to enable dual VoLTE.)


2.针对某家operator,如何配置支持VoLTE、ViLTE和VoWifi (config volte, ViLTE and VoWifi for operator)

      开启dynamic IMS switch 这个feature后(property persist.mtk_dynamic_ims_switch 值为1),需要根据运营商的mccmnc来配置config以支持VoLTE、ViLTE和VoWifi,MTK默认已经配置好了大部分的运营商, 厂商可以新增支持的运营商。(English: If support dynamic IMS switch feature(value of property persist.mtk_dynamic_ims_switch is 1) and some operator need support volte, ViLTE and VoWifi, must add mccmnc config. MTK has add configs for most of operators. Customer can add new config further.)



 device config key (default value)

 available config key (default value)


config_device_volte_available (false)

carrier_volte_available_bool (aosp is false, MtkCarrierConfigManager.java put as true)  

config_device_vt_available (false)

carrier_vt_available_bool (aosp is false, MtkCarrierConfigManager.java put as true)  

config_device_wfc_ims_available (false)

carrier_wfc_ims_available_bool (aosp is false, MtkCarrierConfigManager.java put as true)  

      如果需要新增支持这些feature的运营商,配置相应mccmnc的config文件并将相应的config key 设置成true即可。(Config related config files to support these features for new opeator.) 

      "carrier_xxx_available_bool" 三个key的AOSP默认值是false,但是MtkCarrierConfigManager.java将这三个key的默认值改成了true,所以如果客户版本有使用MtkCarrierConfigManager.java,就可以忽略available config key的配置,只用关注device config key。(Available config key "carrier_xxx_available_bool" aosp value is false, mtk overwrite these key value as true in MtkCarrierConfigManager.java. If use MtkCarrierConfigManager.java, you can ignore config available config key.)

      device config key和available config key区别:前者指定平台是否支持运营商的VoLTE/ViLTE/VoWifi;后者指定运营商的VoLTE/ViLTE/VoWifi是否可用。比如config_device_volte_available = true并且carrier_volte_available_bool = true,isVolteEnabledByPlatform()这个判断函数才可能返回true,如果返回false代表这两个config没有配对。(device config key is specifying whether operator VoLTE/ViLTE/VoWifi is available on device. available config key is specifying whether VoLTE/ViLTE/VoWifi should be available for carrier: independent of carrier provisioning. If false: hard disabled. For example, isVolteEnabledByPlatform() return false if config_device_volte_available or carrier_volte_available_bool hase false config value.)

      比如需要为40492新增支持VoLTE,ViLTE and VoWifi,就需要配置以下file(For Example: operator's mccmnc is 40492, if support all these features, config as follow):
      (1) device/mediatek/common/overlay/telephony/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values-mcc404-mnc92/config.xml
          <bool translatable="false" name="config_device_volte_available">true</bool> 
          <bool translatable="false" name="config_device_vt_available">true</bool> 
          <bool translatable="false" name="config_device_wfc_ims_available">true</bool>
          <boolean name="carrier_volte_available_bool" value="true" />
          <boolean name="carrier_vt_available_bool" value="true" />
          <boolean name="carrier_wfc_ims_available_bool" value="true" />


       【VoWifi白名单】针对90/91/92平台,VoWifi还有一处额外的“VoWifi白名单”配置文件需要注意(For 90/91/92 platform, there is another config need pay attention for VoWifi, the file is):
这个file里面配置了支持VoWifi的运营商,可以搜索MTK main log,会找到类似如下打印(This file decide if operator support Wifi calling, if you find below information in main log):
       04-11 12:25:42.845471 1684 1684 D WifiOffloadService: notifyMalWfcSupported: simId: 0, supported= 0, isEnabled= 1
       "supported= 0"代表这家运营商并没有列入白名单,需要在arrays.xml里面增加运营商的mccmnc。("supported= 0" means this operator is not listed in the arrays.xml, then you need add coresponde mccmnc to this file.)

       PS:如果MTK main log中能搜到关键字“WifiOffloadService”,一定就是90/91/92平台之一。(if  search out “WifiOffloadService” in MTK main log, it must be one of 90/91/92 platform.)
       04-11 12:25:42.845471 1684 1684 D WifiOffloadService: notifyMalWfcSupported......

3. 如何通过log确认device config有没有配置(how to check if config_device_xxx_available value for some operator?)
       在AP main log中搜索"ImsConfigManager",可以看到65507这家operator的支持VoLTE和VoWifi(WFC is VoWifi),不支持ViLTE (search "ImsConfigManager" in AP main log, as below log, 65507 config as config_device_volte_available on, config_device_vt_available off, config_device_wfc_ims_available on.)
      06-01 06:19:07.584491 1502 1502 D ImsConfigManager: DYNAMIC_IMS_SWITCH_TRIGGER phoneId:0, simState:LOADED
      06-01 06:19:07.584765 1502 1502 D ImsConfigManager: get MtkImsConfigImpl of phone 0
      06-01 06:19:07.603638 1502 1502 D ImsConfigManager: SIM loaded on phone 0 with mcc: 655 mnc: 7
      06-01 06:19:07.610780 1502 1502 D ImsConfigManager: check iccid:8986xxxxxx3112345678
      06-01 06:19:07.645687 1502 1502 D ImsConfigManager: Set res capability: volte = 1, vilte = 0, wfc = 1
      06-01 06:19:07.717272 1502 1502 D ImsConfigManager: DYNAMIC_IMS_SWITCH_COMPLETE phoneId:0, simState:LOADED
      以上log只有在开机或是热插拔卡等SIM卡信息都读上来之后才会打印。(these log only print when receive SIM state change with SIM loaded state.)

      PS: VoWifi = WFC


4. 如何通过log确认available config有没有配置(how to check if carrier_xxx_available_bool value for some operator?)

     如果贵司版本有使用MtkCarrierConfigManager.java,就可以忽略这部分available config key的配置。(If your project use MtkCarrierConfigManager.java, please ignore config available config key.)

       在AP radio log中搜索"isCarrierConfigSupport",可以看到carrier_xxx_available_bool的支持状态 (search "ImsConfigManager" in AP radio log, it will indicate VoLTE, ViLTE(vt) and VoWifi(wfc) config status)

      //VoLTE config as true

      06-05 16:03:34.868076 1780 1920 D MtkImsManager: Volte, isResourceSupport:true, isCarrierConfigSupport:true, isGbaValidSupport:true, isFeatureEnableByPlatformExt:true

      //ViLTE config as true
      06-05 16:03:34.892714 1806 1806 D MtkImsManager: Vt, isResourceSupport:true, isCarrierConfigSupport:true, isGbaValidSupport:true, isFeatureEnableByPlatformExt:true

      //VoWifi config as false
      06-05 16:03:34.896064 1780 1920 D MtkImsManager: Wfc, isResourceSupport:false, isCarrierConfigSupport:false, isGbaValidSupport:true, isFeatureEnableByPlatformExt:true


5. 确认开关状态(How to confirm setting enabled or not?)

    VoLTE开关默认是打开的。(VoLTE setting default value is true.)
    ViLTE开关默认是打开的。(ViLTE setting default value is true.)
    VoWIFI开关默认是关闭的,通过carrier config carrier_default_wfc_ims_enabled_bool可以定制某些operator默认打开。(VoWifi setting default value is false,if you wang config default value as on for some operator, you can through carrier config carrier_default_wfc_ims_enabled_bool):
    For example:
    <boolean name="carrier_default_wfc_ims_enabled_bool" value="true" />


     ImsManager 和MtkImsManager也会在radio log打印相关log来印证AP层配置和设置的状态。如果config配置正确,仍然没有注册,还需要确认对应设置里面的开关有没有打开。(user load需要打开telephony log 才能看到相关的log。)

    //isResourceSupport:true 代表config_device_volte_available已经配置成true,enabled = true代表VoLTE开关是打开的。如果要注册VoLTE,available + enabled都应该是true。
    06-07 13:31:05.055478 1147 1147 D MtkImsManager: Volte, isResourceSupport:true, isCarrierConfigSupport:true, isGbaValidSupport:true, isFeatureEnableByPlatformExt:true
    06-07 13:31:05.061109 1147 1147 D ImsManager: updateVolteFeatureValue: available = true, enabled = true, nonTTY = true

    //isResourceSupport:false 代表config_device_vt_available 没有配置成true,enabled = true代表ViLTE开关是打开的。如果要注册ViLTE,available + enabled都应该是true。
    06-07 13:31:05.022622 1147 1147 D MtkImsManager: Vt, isResourceSupport:false, isCarrierConfigSupport:true, isGbaValidSupport:true, isFeatureEnableByPlatformExt:true
    06-07 13:31:05.033264 1147 1147 D MtkImsManager: updateVideoCallFeatureValue: available = false, enabled = true, nonTTY = true, data enabled = true

    //isResourceSupport:true代表config_device_wfc_ims_available已经配置为true,enabled = false代表WFC开关是关闭的。如果要注册VoWifi,available + enabled都应该是true。
    06-07 13:31:04.966629 1147 1147 D MtkImsManager: Wfc, isResourceSupport:true, isCarrierConfigSupport:true, isGbaValidSupport:true, isFeatureEnableByPlatformExt:true
    06-07 13:31:04.979197 1147 1147 D ImsManager: updateWfcFeatureAndProvisionedValues: available = true, enabled = false, mode = 2, roaming = false

    //isResourceSupport:false代表config_device_wfc_ims_available没有配置为true,enabled = false代表WFC开关是关闭的。如果要注册VoWifi,available + enabled都应该是true。
    06-07 13:31:05.076595 1147 1147 D MtkImsManager: Wfc, isResourceSupport:false, isCarrierConfigSupport:true, isGbaValidSupport:true, isFeatureEnableByPlatformExt:true
    06-07 13:31:05.086758 1147 1147 D ImsManager: updateWfcFeatureAndProvisionedValues: available = false, enabled = false, mode = 2, roaming = false


6. How to check if AP set enable ims to modem?
   (1)对于93平台,在MTK radio log中搜索"AT+EIMSCFG", 这个AT后面跟着6个value值(search "AT+EIMSCFG" in radio log for 93 modem,it is followed by 6 values):
    volteEnable, vilteEnable, vowifiEnable, viwifiEnable, smsEnable, imsEnable
    such as
           06-01 06:18:43.997299 943 1000 I AT : [0] AT> AT+EIMSCFG=1,0,1,0,1,1 (RIL_CMD_READER_3, tid:512083367152)
    indicate:volte on, vilte off, vowifi on, viwifi off, sms on, ims enabled
    Details:AT+EIMSCFG=1(volte on),0(vilte off),1(vowifi on),0(viwifi off),1(sms on),1(ims enabled)

   (2)对于 90/91/92平台,在MTK radio log中搜索 "AT+EIMS"(search "AT+EIMS" in radio log for 90/91/92 modem);
     AT+EIMSVOICE:Voice capability enable or not
     AT+EIMSCCP:Video capability enable or not
     AT+EIMSWFC:VoWifi enable or not 
     AT+EIMSSMS:SMS over IMS capability
     AT+EIMSVOLTE: VoLTE enable or not
     AT+EIMS:enable/disable IMS functionality
    (2.1) If you can't see video call button, you can check if AT+EIMSCCP=1 sent in radio log first.
    (2.2) If Switch on VoWifi setting, you can see in radio log:
           04-11 12:13:54.989483 982 986 D RIL-OEM : data = AT+EIMSWFC=0, length = 12 //Vowifi off
           04-11 12:14:25.033981 982 986 D RIL-OEM : data = AT+EIMSWFC=1, length = 12 //Vowifi on
     (2.3) WifiOffloadService will transfer all related setting to RDS, these AT is contolled by RDS.
           04-11 12:25:40.896286 1684 1684 D WifiOffloadService: notifyMalUserProfile(0): mIsVolteEnabled: true, mIsVilteEnabled: false mIsWfcEnabled: true mFqdn:            mIsWifiEnabled: false mHasWiFiDisabledPending: false mWfcMode: 2 mDataRoamingEnabled: 1 mIsAllowTurnOffIms: false

7. 如果需要看到全部IMS Framework log,需要开启telephony log (open telephony log to obain full IMS Framework log).

    [Important] 提交IMS 相关eService,请务必打开telephony log

    具体enable telephony log开关方法(open telephony log steps):
      1.在拨号盘输入*#*#3646633#*#* (Dialer input *#*#3646633#*#*);
      2.切换到“Log and Debugging”选单,找到“Telephony Log Setting”这项点击进入(“Log and Debugging”-> “Telephony Log Setting”);
      3.点击enable,会有“set succeeded. Please reboot phone”提示弹出(press enable,will notify “set succeeded, Please reboot phone")
      4.重启手机(reboot phone)

      重启以后log设定会一直有效,除非下次更改设定或恢复出厂设置。(After reboot, This persist config will be enabled unless you reset this setting or do factory reset.)