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声音响度、声压级加权(A B C)的实现

最编程 2024-03-21 19:54:21

 声压 sound pressure


我们知道大气压强单位 1Pa = 1 pascal = 1N/m


由于人对不同的声音频段 听感大小不一致,所以要对声音进行计权处理

如下实现 A  B   C 计权的实现,计权的实现参考标准,用于逼近实际的等响度曲线


ISO 226-2003标准

A、B、C三种计权网络特性,分别对应于倒置的40、70、100Phon等响曲线(1000Hz归一化到0dB),其作用是分别反应人耳对低、中、高声压级的响度感觉。A计权被证实是人耳对声压级主观反应的极好校正。对由A计权测量的声级称为A声级,记作LPA 或dB(A)。近来B计权、C计权已很少采用。

  • A计权:40Phon等响曲线的翻转,模拟55dB以下低强度噪声特性。

  • B计权:70Phon等响曲线的翻转,模拟55~85dB中等强度噪声特性。

  • C计权:100Phon等响曲线的翻转,模拟高强度噪声特性。

  • D计权:专用于飞机噪声的测量。

audio_targets = '.wav'
spl_folder = '/c_audio'
from  librosa import load
from  os import  listdir,path
from scipy.signal import lfilter,bilinear
from numpy import pi, convolve,log10,sqrt,sum,power
from csv import writer

def a_weighting_coeffs_design(sample_rate):
    """Returns b and a coeff of a A-weighting filter.
    sample_rate : scalar
        Sample rate of the signals that well be filtered.
    b, a : ndarray
        Filter coefficients for a digital weighting filter.
    >>> b, a = a_weighting_coeff_design(sample_rate)
    To Filter a signal use scipy lfilter:
    >>> from scipy.signal import lfilter
    >>> y = lfilter(b, a, x)
    See Also
    b_weighting_coeffs_design : B-Weighting coefficients.
    c_weighting_coeffs_design : C-Weighting coefficients.
    weight_signal : Apply a weighting filter to a signal.
    scipy.lfilter : Filtering signal with `b` and `a` coefficients.

    f1 = 20.598997
    f2 = 107.65265
    f3 = 737.86223
    f4 = 12194.217
    A1000 = 1.9997
    numerators = [(2 * pi * f4)**2 * (10**(A1000 / 20.0)), 0., 0., 0., 0.]
    denominators = convolve([1., +4 * pi * f4, (2 * pi * f4)**2],
                            [1., +4 * pi * f1, (2 * pi * f1)**2])
    denominators = convolve(convolve(denominators, [1., 2 * pi * f3]),
                            [1., 2 * pi * f2])
    return bilinear(numerators, denominators, sample_rate)

def b_weighting_coeffs_design(sample_rate):
    """Returns `b` and `a` coeff of a B-weighting filter.
    B-Weighting is no longer described in DIN61672.
    sample_rate : scalar
        Sample rate of the signals that well be filtered.
    b, a : ndarray
        Filter coefficients for a digital weighting filter.
    >>> b, a = b_weighting_coeff_design(sample_rate)
    To Filter a signal use :function: scipy.lfilter:
    >>> from scipy.signal import lfilter
    >>> y = lfilter(b, a, x)
    See Also
    a_weighting_coeffs_design : A-Weighting coefficients.
    c_weighting_coeffs_design : C-Weighting coefficients.
    weight_signal : Apply a weighting filter to a signal.

    f1 = 20.598997
    f2 = 158.5
    f4 = 12194.217
    B1000 = 0.17
    numerators = [(2 * pi * f4)**2 * (10**(B1000 / 20)), 0, 0, 0]
    denominators = convolve([1, +4 * pi * f4, (2 * pi * f4)**2],
                            [1, +4 * pi * f1, (2 * pi * f1)**2])
    denominators = convolve(denominators, [1, 2 * pi * f2])
    return bilinear(numerators, denominators, sample_rate)

def c_weighting_coeffs_design(sample_rate):
    """Returns b and a coeff of a C-weighting filter.
    sample_rate : scalar
        Sample rate of the signals that well be filtered.
    b, a : ndarray
        Filter coefficients for a digital weighting filter.
    b, a = c_weighting_coeffs_design(sample_rate)
    To Filter a signal use scipy lfilter:
    from scipy.signal import lfilter
    y = lfilter(b, a, x)
    See Also
    a_weighting_coeffs_design : A-Weighting coefficients.
    b_weighting_coeffs_design : B-Weighting coefficients.
    weight_signal : Apply a weighting filter to a signal.

    f1 = 20.598997
    f4 = 12194.217
    C1000 = 0.0619
    numerators = [(2 * pi * f4)**2 * (10**(C1000 / 20)), 0, 0]
    denominators = convolve([1, +4 * pi * f4, (2 * pi * f4)**2],
                            [1, +4 * pi * f1, (2 * pi * f1)**2])
    return bilinear(numerators, denominators, sample_rate)
def SPLCal(x):
    Leng = len(x)
    pa = sqrt(sum(power(x, 2))/Leng)
    p0 = 2e-5
    spl = 20 * log10(pa / p0)
    return spl    

def preprocess_spl(name,spl):
    """Main logic for SPL weighting"""
    n = 1
    ##at = find_recordings(target_folder, audio_targets)
    at =listdir(target_folder)
    for f in at:
        filename = path.join(target_folder, f)
        x, Fs = load(filename)
        b, a = c_weighting_coeffs_design(Fs)
        y = lfilter(b, a, x)
        out = SPLCal(y)
        print(filename[6:-4]+"     spl:"+str(out))
        '''print("--- Preprocessing SPLs: " + str(round(n / len(at) * 100, 2)) +
              "% done. ---\t\t",
        n += 1    
if __name__ == '__main__':
    name =[]
    spl= []
    header =['name', 'spl(dbc)']
    with open('save.csv', 'w') as file:
        # 2. Create a CSV writer
        mywrite = writer(file)
        # 3. Write data to the file
        tmp = zip(name,spl)
