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RDS SQL Server 创建数据库图表

最编程 2024-03-22 21:50:56
IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.sp_upgraddiagrams') IS NULL and IS_MEMBER('db_owner') = 1 BEGIN EXEC sp_executesql N' CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_upgraddiagrams AS BEGIN IF OBJECT_ID(N''dbo.sysdiagrams'') IS NOT NULL return 0; CREATE TABLE dbo.sysdiagrams ( name sysname NOT NULL, principal_id int NOT NULL, -- we may change it to varbinary(85) diagram_id int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY, version int, definition varbinary(max) CONSTRAINT UK_principal_name UNIQUE ( principal_id, name ) ); /* Add this if we need to have some form of extended properties for diagrams */ /* IF OBJECT_ID(N''dbo.sysdiagram_properties'') IS NULL BEGIN CREATE TABLE dbo.sysdiagram_properties ( diagram_id int, name sysname, value varbinary(max) NOT NULL ) END */ IF OBJECT_ID(N''dbo.dtproperties'') IS NOT NULL begin insert into dbo.sysdiagrams ( [name], [principal_id], [version], [definition] ) select convert(sysname, dgnm.[uvalue]), DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID(N''dbo''), -- will change to the sid of sa 0, -- zero for old format, dgdef.[version], dgdef.[lvalue] from dbo.[dtproperties] dgnm inner join dbo.[dtproperties] dggd on dggd.[property] = ''DtgSchemaGUID'' and dggd.[objectid] = dgnm.[objectid] inner join dbo.[dtproperties] dgdef on dgdef.[property] = ''DtgSchemaDATA'' and dgdef.[objectid] = dgnm.[objectid] where dgnm.[property] = ''DtgSchemaNAME'' and dggd.[uvalue] like N''_EA3E6268-D998-11CE-9454-00AA00A3F36E_'' return 2; end return 1; END ' END -- This sproc could be executed by any other users than dbo IF IS_MEMBER('db_owner') = 1 EXEC dbo.sp_upgraddiagrams; IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.sp_helpdiagrams') IS NULL and IS_MEMBER('db_owner') = 1 BEGIN EXEC sp_executesql N' CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_helpdiagrams ( @diagramname sysname = NULL, @owner_id int = NULL ) WITH EXECUTE AS N''dbo'' AS BEGIN DECLARE @user sysname DECLARE @dboLogin bit EXECUTE AS CALLER; SET @user = USER_NAME(); SET @dboLogin = CONVERT(bit,IS_MEMBER(''db_owner'')); REVERT; SELECT [Database] = DB_NAME(), [Name] = name, [ID] = diagram_id, [Owner] = USER_NAME(principal_id), [OwnerID] = principal_id FROM sysdiagrams WHERE (@dboLogin = 1 OR USER_NAME(principal_id) = @user) AND (@diagramname IS NULL OR name = @diagramname) AND (@owner_id IS NULL OR principal_id = @owner_id) ORDER BY 4, 5, 1 END ' GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_helpdiagrams TO public DENY EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_helpdiagrams TO guest END IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.sp_helpdiagramdefinition') IS NULL and IS_MEMBER('db_owner') = 1 BEGIN EXEC sp_executesql N' CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_helpdiagramdefinition ( @diagramname sysname, @owner_id int = null ) WITH EXECUTE AS N''dbo'' AS BEGIN set nocount on declare @theId int declare @IsDbo int declare @DiagId int declare @UIDFound int if(@diagramname is null) begin RAISERROR (N''E_INVALIDARG'', 16, 1); return -1 end execute as caller; select @theId = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID(); select @IsDbo = IS_MEMBER(N''db_owner''); if(@owner_id is null) select @owner_id = @theId; revert; select @DiagId = diagram_id, @UIDFound = principal_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @owner_id and name = @diagramname; if(@DiagId IS NULL or (@IsDbo = 0 and @UIDFound <> @theId )) begin RAISERROR (''Diagram does not exist or you do not have permission.'', 16, 1); return -3 end select version, definition FROM dbo.sysdiagrams where diagram_id = @DiagId ; return 0 END ' GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_helpdiagramdefinition TO public DENY EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_helpdiagramdefinition TO guest END IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.sp_creatediagram') IS NULL and IS_MEMBER('db_owner') = 1 BEGIN EXEC sp_executesql N' CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_creatediagram ( @diagramname sysname, @owner_id int = null, @version int, @definition varbinary(max) ) WITH EXECUTE AS ''dbo'' AS BEGIN set nocount on declare @theId int declare @retval int declare @IsDbo int declare @userName sysname if(@version is null or @diagramname is null) begin RAISERROR (N''E_INVALIDARG'', 16, 1); return -1 end execute as caller; select @theId = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID(); select @IsDbo = IS_MEMBER(N''db_owner''); revert; if @owner_id is null begin select @owner_id = @theId; end else begin if @theId <> @owner_id begin if @IsDbo = 0 begin RAISERROR (N''E_INVALIDARG'', 16, 1); return -1 end select @theId = @owner_id end end -- next 2 line only for test, will be removed after define name unique if EXISTS(select diagram_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @theId and name = @diagramname) begin RAISERROR (''The name is already used.'', 16, 1); return -2 end insert into dbo.sysdiagrams(name, principal_id , version, definition) VALUES(@diagramname, @theId, @version, @definition) ; select @retval = @@IDENTITY return @retval END ' GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_creatediagram TO public DENY EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_creatediagram TO guest END IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.sp_renamediagram') IS NULL and IS_MEMBER('db_owner') = 1 BEGIN EXEC sp_executesql N' CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_renamediagram ( @diagramname sysname, @owner_id int = null, @new_diagramname sysname ) WITH EXECUTE AS ''dbo'' AS BEGIN set nocount on declare @theId int declare @IsDbo int declare @UIDFound int declare @DiagId int declare @DiagIdTarg int declare @u_name sysname if((@diagramname is null) or (@new_diagramname is null)) begin RAISERROR (''Invalid value'', 16, 1); return -1 end EXECUTE AS CALLER; select @theId = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID(); select @IsDbo = IS_MEMBER(N''db_owner''); if(@owner_id is null) select @owner_id = @theId; REVERT; select @u_name = USER_NAME(@owner_id) select @DiagId = diagram_id, @UIDFound = principal_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @owner_id and name = @diagramname if(@DiagId IS NULL or (@IsDbo = 0 and @UIDFound <> @theId)) begin RAISERROR (''Diagram does not exist or you do not have permission.'', 16, 1) return -3 end -- if((@u_name is not null) and (@new_diagramname = @diagramname)) -- nothing will change -- return 0; if(@u_name is null) select @DiagIdTarg = diagram_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @theId and name = @new_diagramname else select @DiagIdTarg = diagram_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @owner_id and name = @new_diagramname if((@DiagIdTarg is not null) and @DiagId <> @DiagIdTarg) begin RAISERROR (''The name is already used.'', 16, 1); return -2 end if(@u_name is null) update dbo.sysdiagrams set [name] = @new_diagramname, principal_id = @theId where diagram_id = @DiagId else update dbo.sysdiagrams set [name] = @new_diagramname where diagram_id = @DiagId return 0 END ' GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_renamediagram TO public DENY EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_renamediagram TO guest END IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.sp_alterdiagram') IS NULL and IS_MEMBER('db_owner') = 1 BEGIN EXEC sp_executesql N' CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_alterdiagram ( @diagramname sysname, @owner_id int = null, @version int, @definition varbinary(max) ) WITH EXECUTE AS ''dbo'' AS BEGIN set nocount on declare @theId int declare @retval int declare @IsDbo int declare @UIDFound int declare @DiagId int declare @ShouldChangeUID int if(@diagramname is null) begin RAISERROR (''Invalid ARG'', 16, 1) return -1 end execute as caller; select @theId = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID(); select @IsDbo = IS_MEMBER(N''db_owner''); if(@owner_id is null) select @owner_id = @theId; revert; select @ShouldChangeUID = 0 select @DiagId = diagram_id, @UIDFound = principal_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @owner_id and name = @diagramname if(@DiagId IS NULL or (@IsDbo = 0 and @theId <> @UIDFound)) begin RAISERROR (''Diagram does not exist or you do not have permission.'', 16, 1); return -3 end if(@IsDbo <> 0) begin if(@UIDFound is null or USER_NAME(@UIDFound) is null) -- invalid principal_id begin select @ShouldChangeUID = 1 ; end end -- update dds data update dbo.sysdiagrams set definition = @definition where diagram_id = @DiagId ; -- change owner if(@ShouldChangeUID = 1) update dbo.sysdiagrams set principal_id = @theId where diagram_id = @DiagId ; -- update dds version if(@version is not null) update dbo.sysdiagrams set version = @version where diagram_id = @DiagId ; return 0 END ' GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_alterdiagram TO public DENY EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_alterdiagram TO guest END IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.sp_dropdiagram') IS NULL and IS_MEMBER('db_owner') = 1 BEGIN EXEC sp_executesql N' CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_dropdiagram ( @diagramname sysname, @owner_id int = null ) WITH EXECUTE AS ''dbo'' AS BEGIN set nocount on declare @theId int declare @IsDbo int declare @UIDFound int declare @DiagId int if(@diagramname is null) begin RAISERROR (''Invalid value'', 16, 1); return -1 end EXECUTE AS CALLER; select @theId = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID(); select @IsDbo = IS_MEMBER(N''db_owner''); if(@owner_id is null) select @owner_id = @theId; REVERT; select @DiagId = diagram_id, @UIDFound = principal_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @owner_id and name = @diagramname if(@DiagId IS NULL or (@IsDbo = 0 and @UIDFound <> @theId)) begin RAISERROR (''Diagram does not exist or you do not have permission.'', 16, 1) return -3 end delete from dbo.sysdiagrams where diagram_id = @DiagId; return 0; END ' GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_dropdiagram TO public DENY EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_dropdiagram TO guest END IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.fn_diagramobjects') IS NULL and IS_MEMBER('db_owner') = 1 BEGIN EXEC sp_executesql N' CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_diagramobjects() RETURNS int WITH EXECUTE AS N''dbo'' AS BEGIN declare @id_upgraddiagrams int declare @id_sysdiagrams int declare @id_helpdiagrams int declare @id_helpdiagramdefinition int declare @id_creatediagram int declare @id_renamediagram int declare @id_alterdiagram int declare @id_dropdiagram int declare @InstalledObjects int select @InstalledObjects = 0 select @id_upgraddiagrams = object_id(N''dbo.sp_upgraddiagrams''), @id_sysdiagrams = object_id(N''dbo.sysdiagrams''), @id_helpdiagrams = object_id(N''dbo.sp_helpdiagrams''), @id_helpdiagramdefinition = object_id(N''dbo.sp_helpdiagramdefinition''), @id_creatediagram = object_id(N''dbo.sp_creatediagram''), @id_renamediagram = object_id(N''dbo.sp_renamediagram''), @id_alterdiagram = object_id(N''dbo.sp_alterdiagram''), @id_dropdiagram = object_id(N''dbo.sp_dropdiagram'') if @id_upgraddiagrams is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 1 if @id_sysdiagrams is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 2 if @id_helpdiagrams is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 4 if @id_helpdiagramdefinition is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 8 if @id_creatediagram is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 16 if @id_renamediagram is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 32 if @id_alterdiagram is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 64 if @id_dropdiagram is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 128 return @InstalledObjects END ' GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.fn_diagramobjects TO public DENY EXECUTE ON dbo.fn_diagramobjects TO guest END if IS_MEMBER('db_owner') = 1 BEGIN declare @val int select @val = 1 if NOT EXISTS( select major_id from sys.extended_properties where major_id = object_id(N'dbo.sysdiagrams') and class = 1 and minor_id = 0 and name = N'microsoft_database_tools_support') begin exec sp_addextendedproperty N'microsoft_database_tools_support', @val, 'SCHEMA', N'dbo', 'TABLE', N'sysdiagrams', NULL, NULL end if NOT EXISTS( select major_id from sys.extended_properties where major_id = object_id(N'dbo.sp_upgraddiagrams') and class = 1 and minor_id = 0 and name = N'microsoft_database_tools_support') begin exec sp_addextendedproperty N'microsoft_database_tools_support', @val, 'SCHEMA', N'dbo', 'PROCEDURE', N'sp_upgraddiagrams', NULL, NULL end if NOT EXISTS( select major_id from sys.extended_properties where major_id = object_id(N'dbo.sp_helpdiagrams') and class = 1 and minor_id = 0 and name = N'microsoft_database_tools_support') begin exec sp_addextendedproperty N'microsoft_database_tools_support', @val, 'SCHEMA', N'dbo', 'PROCEDURE', N'sp_helpdiagrams', NULL, NULL end if NOT EXISTS( select major_id from sys.extended_properties where major_id = object_id(N'dbo.sp_helpdiagramdefinition') and class = 1 and minor_id = 0 and name = N'microsoft_database_tools_support') begin exec sp_addextendedproperty N'microsoft_database_tools_support', @val, 'SCHEMA', N'dbo', 'PROCEDURE', N'sp_helpdiagramdefinition', NULL, NULL end if NOT EXISTS( select major_id from sys.extended_properties where major_id = object_id(N'dbo.sp_creatediagram') and class = 1 and minor_id = 0 and name = N'microsoft_database_tools_support') begin exec sp_addextendedproperty N'microsoft_database_tools_support', @val, 'SCHEMA', N'dbo', 'PROCEDURE', N'sp_creatediagram', NULL, NULL end if NOT EXISTS( select major_id from sys.extended_properties where major_id = object_id(N'dbo.sp_renamediagram') and class = 1 and minor_id = 0 and name = N'microsoft_database_tools_support') begin exec sp_addextendedproperty N'microsoft_database_tools_support', @val, 'SCHEMA', N'dbo', 'PROCEDURE', N'sp_renamediagram', NULL, NULL end if NOT EXISTS( select major_id from sys.extended_properties where major_id = object_id(N'dbo.sp_alterdiagram') and class = 1 and minor_id = 0 and name = N'microsoft_database_tools_support') begin exec sp_addextendedproperty N'microsoft_database_tools_support', @val, 'SCHEMA', N'dbo', 'PROCEDURE', N'sp_alterdiagram', NULL, NULL end if NOT EXISTS( select major_id from sys.extended_properties where major_id = object_id(N'dbo.sp_dropdiagram') and class = 1 and minor_id = 0 and name = N'microsoft_database_tools_support') begin exec sp_addextendedproperty N'microsoft_database_tools_support', @val, 'SCHEMA', N'dbo', 'PROCEDURE', N'sp_dropdiagram', NULL, NULL end if NOT EXISTS( select major_id from sys.extended_properties where major_id = object_id(N'dbo.fn_diagramobjects') and class = 1 and minor_id = 0 and name = N'microsoft_database_tools_support') begin exec sp_addextendedproperty N'microsoft_database_tools_support', @val, 'SCHEMA', N'dbo', 'FUNCTION', N'fn_diagramobjects', NULL, NULL end END /* Clean up */ /* DROP FUNCTION dbo.fn_diagramobjects DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_dropdiagram DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_alterdiagram DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_renamediagram DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_creatediagram DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_helpdiagramdefinition DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_helpdiagrams DROP TABLE dbo.sysdiagrams DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_upgraddiagrams */