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GCC 后端移植机器说明文档(中文版)

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Generated from gcc-5.4.0/gcc/doc/md.texi



机器描述:Machine Description

指令规则:Insn Pattern

操作数约束:Operand Constraints

匹配约束:Matching Constraints

标准操作:Standard Operation

窥孔优化:Peephole Optimization

并行表达式:Parallel Experssion

识别模板:Recognition Template

机器模式:Machine Mode









1.1 Overview of How the Machine Description is Used How the machine description is used.

1.1 机器描述的使用概述(如何使用机器描述)

1.2 Everything about Instruction Patterns How to write instruction patterns.

1.2 指令规则详解(如何编写指令规则)

1.3 Example of define_insn An explained example of a define_insn pattern.

1.3 define_insn实例(如何使用define_insn

1.4 RTL Template The RTL template defines what insns match a pattern.

1.4 RTL模板(RTL模板:定义何种指令匹配何种规则)

1.5 Output Templates and Operand Substitution The output template says how to make assembler code from such an insn.

1.5 输出模板、操作数替换(输出模板:定义如何从指令生成汇编代码)
1.6 C Statements for Assembler Output For more generality, write C code to output the assembler code.

1.6 用于汇编程序输出的C代码(为了使GCC更加通用,请编写这部分的代码)
1.7 Predicates Controlling what kinds of operands can be used for an insn.

1.7 谓词控制(判断何种操作数可以被使用)

1.8 Operand Constraints Fine-tuning operand selection.

1.8 操作数约束(微调操作数的选择)

1.9 Standard Pattern Names For Generation Names mark patterns to use for code generation.

1.9 规则标准名(标识用于生成的规则)
1.10 When the Order of Patterns Matters When the order of patterns makes a difference.

1.10 注意规则的顺序(当规则的顺序不同时)
1.11 Interdependence of Patterns Having one pattern may make you need another.

1.11 规则的互相依赖(一个规则可能依赖于另一个规则)
1.12 Defining Jump Instruction Patterns Special considerations for patterns for jump insns.

1.12 定义跳转指令的规则(跳转类指令需要特殊考虑)
1.13 Defining Looping Instruction Patterns How to define patterns for special looping insns.

1.13 定义循环指令的规则(循环类指令需要特殊考虑)
1.14 Canonicalization of Instructions

1.14 指令规范化
1.15 Defining RTL Sequences for Code Generation Generating a sequence of several RTL insns for a standard operation.

1.15 定义用于代码生成的RTL序列(为标准操作生成一系列RTL指令)

1.16 Defining How to Split Instructions Splitting Instructions into Multiple Instructions.

1.16 定义指令分割规则(将指令分割为多重指令)
1.17 Including Patterns in Machine Descriptions.

1.17 在机器描述中include规则
1.18 Machine-Specific Peephole Optimizers Defining machine-specific peephole optimizations.

1.18 定义机器相关的窥孔优化器
1.19 Instruction Attributes Specifying the value of attributes for generated insns.

1.19 指令属性(为生成的指令设置属性值)
1.20 Conditional Execution Generating define_insn patterns for predication.

1.20 条件执行(生成用于预测的define_insn规则)
1.21 RTL Templates Transformations Generating define_insn and define_expand patterns from other patterns.

1.21 RTL模板(生成define_insn和define_expand规则)
1.22 Constant Definitions Defining symbolic constants that can be used in the md file.

1.22 常量定义(定义符号常量)
1.23 Iterators Using iterators to generate patterns from a template.

1.23 迭代器(使用迭代器从一个模板生成规则)




A machine description has two parts: a file of instruction patterns (‘.md’ file) and a C header file of macro definitions.



The ‘.md’ file for a target machine contains a pattern for each instruction that the target machine supports (or at least each instruction that is worth telling the compiler about).


 It may also contain comments. A semicolon causes the rest of the line to be a comment, unless the semicolon is inside a quoted string.

机器描述文件还可以包括注释:由一个‘;’分号引导单行注释,如果分号在由 " 包围的字符串中则不视为注释。


See the next chapter for information on the C header file.



1.1 机器描述的使用概述(Overview of How the Machine Description is Used)


There are three main conversions that happen in the compiler:


1. The front end reads the source code and builds a parse tree.

1. 前端读取源代码,构建语法树。

2. The parse tree is used to generate an RTL insn list based on named instruction patterns.

2. 根据命名指令规则,从语法树生成RTL指令。

3. The insn list is matched against the RTL templates to produce assembler code.

3. 从(RTL)指令列表匹配RTL模板,生成汇编代码。


For the generate pass, only the names of the insns matter, from either a named define_insn or a define_expand. The compiler will choose the pattern with the right name and apply the operands according to the documentation later in this chapter, without regard for the RTL template or operand constraints. Note that the names the compiler looks for are hard-coded in the compiler—it will ignore unnamed patterns and patterns with names it doesn’t know about, but if you don’t provide a named pattern it needs, it will abort.



If a define_insn is used, the template given is inserted into the insn list. If a define_expand is used, one of three things happens, based on the condition logic. The condition logic may manually create new insns for the insn list, say via emit_insn(), and invoke DONE. For certain named patterns, it may invoke FAIL to tell the compiler to use an alternate way of performing that task. If it invokes neither DONE nor FAIL, the template given in the pattern is inserted, as if the define_expand were a define_insn.



1. 条件逻辑有可能手动地在指令列表中创建新指令(通过emit_insn()完成),然后调用DONE结束。

2. 对于特定的命名规则而言,条件逻辑可能调用FAIL通知编译器使用另一种方法来执行该任务。

3. 如果条件逻辑既不调用DONE也不调用FAIL,则将规则中指定的模板插入到指令列表,这种情况下define_expand 等效于define_insn。


Once the insn list is generated, various optimization passes convert, replace, and rearrange the insns in the insn list. This is where the define_split and define_peephole patterns get used, for example.



Finally, the insn list’s RTL is matched up with the RTL templates in the define_insn patterns, and those patterns are used to emit the final assembly code. For this purpose, each named define_insn acts like it’s unnamed, since the names are ignored.




1.2 指令规则详解(Everything about Instruction Patterns)


define_insn expression is used to define instruction patterns to which insns may be matched. A define_insn expression contains an incomplete RTL expression, with pieces to be filled in later, operand constraints that restrict how the pieces can be filled in, and an output template or C code to generate the assembler output.



define_insn is an RTL expression containing four or five operands:


1. An optional name. The presence of a name indicate that this instruction pattern can perform a certain standard job for the RTL-generation pass of the compiler. This pass knows certain names and will use the instruction patterns with those names, if the names are defined in the machine description.

1. 可选的名称。如果给出名称,则说明该规则支持对应的标准操作。如果某些名称是在机器描述中定义的,则此过程知道这些名称,并将使用它们对应的指令规则。

The absence of a name is indicated by writing an empty string where the name should go. Nameless instruction patterns are never used for generating RTL code, but they may permit several simpler insns to be combined later on.


Names that are not thus known and used in RTL-generation have no effect; they are equivalent to no name at all.


For the purpose of debugging the compiler, you may also specify a name beginning with the ‘*’ character. Such a name is used only for identifying the instruction in RTL dumps; it is equivalent to having a nameless pattern for all other purposes. Names beginning with the ‘*’ character are not required to be unique.



2. The RTL template: This is a vector of incomplete RTL expressions which describe the semantics of the instruction (see section RTL Template). It is incomplete because it may contain match_operandmatch_operator, and match_dup expressions that stand for operands of the instruction.If the vector has multiple elements, the RTL template is treated as a parallel expression.

2. RTL模板。一个向量,包含不完整RTL表达式。该参数描述了指令的语义【参见: RTL模板(RTL Template)】。该表达式是不完整的,因为它可能包含match_operand、match_operator和 match_dup表达式,表示指令的操作数。如果该向量有多个元素,RTL模板将被视为并行表达式


3. The condition: This is a string which contains a C expression. When the compiler attempts to match RTL against a pattern, the condition is evaluated. If the condition evaluates to true, the match is permitted. The condition may be an empty string, which is treated as always true.

3. 条件。包含C表达式的字符串。当编译器尝试通过规则匹配RTL前,会先判断条件的值。如果取值为true,才允许匹配。条件参数可为空串,此时视其为永真值(true)。

For a named pattern, the condition may not depend on the data in the insn being matched, but only the target-machine-type flags. The compiler needs to test these conditions during initialization in order to learn exactly which named instructions are available in a particular run.


For nameless patterns, the condition is applied only when matching an individual insn, and only after the insn has matched the pattern’s recognition template. The insn’s operands may be found in the vector operands.


For an insn where the condition has once matched, it cannot later be used to control register allocation by excluding certain register or value combinations.



4.The output template or output statement: This is either a string, or a fragment of C code which returns a string.

4. 输出模板(或输出代码)。一个字符串,或者一个C代码片段(返回字符串)。

When simple substitution isn’t general enough, you can specify a piece of C code to compute the output. See section C Statements for Assembler Output.

当简单地替换不再满足需求时,你需要指定一个C代码片段来完成输出。【参考:用于汇编程序输出的C代码(C Statements for Assembler Output)】


5. The insn attributes: This is an optional vector containing the values of attributes for insns matching this pattern (see section Instruction Attributes).

5. 指令属性。一个可选的向量,包含匹配该规则的目标指令的属性值。【参考:指令属性(Instruction Attributes)】



1.3 define_insn实例(Example of define_insn)


Here is an example of an instruction pattern, taken from the machine description for the 68000/68020.


(define_insn "tstsi"
  [(set (cc0)
        (match_operand:SI 0 "general_operand" "rm"))]
  if (TARGET_68020 || ! ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0]))
    return \"tstl %0\";
  return \"cmpl #0,%0\";

This can also be written using braced strings:


(define_insn "tstsi"
  [(set (cc0)
        (match_operand:SI 0 "general_operand" "rm"))]
  if (TARGET_68020 || ! ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0]))
    return "tstl %0";
  return "cmpl #0,%0";



This describes an instruction which sets the condition codes based on the value of a general operand. It has no condition, so any insn with an RTL description of the form shown may be matched to this pattern. The name ‘tstsi’ means “test a SImode value” and tells the RTL generation pass that, when it is necessary to test such a value, an insn to do so can be constructed using this pattern.



The output control string is a piece of C code which chooses which output template to return based on the kind of operand and the specific type of CPU for which code is being generated.

‘"rm"’ is an operand constraint. Its meaning is explained below.


"rm"’ 是一个操作数约束,它的含义将在下文解释。


1.4 RTL模板(RTL Template)

The RTL template is used to define which insns match the particular pattern and how to find their operands. For named patterns, the RTL template also says how to construct an insn from specified operands.



Construction involves substituting specified operands into a copy of the template. Matching involves determining the values that serve as the operands in the insn being matched. Both of these activities are controlled by special expression types that direct matching and substitution of the operands.



(match_operand:m n predicate constraint)

This expression is a placeholder for operand number n of the insn. When constructing an insn, operand number n will be substituted at this point. When matching an insn, whatever appears at this position in the insn will be taken as operand number n; but it must satisfy predicate or this instruction pattern will not match at all.



Operand numbers must be chosen consecutively counting from zero in each instruction pattern. There may be only one match_operand expression in the pattern for each operand number. Usually operands are numbered in the order of appearance in match_operand expressions. In the case of a define_expand, any operand numbers used only in match_dup expressions have higher values than all other operand numbers.

在每个指令规则中,操作数必须从零开始连续计数。对于每个操作数,规则中只能有一个match_operand 表达式。通常来说,在match_operand表达式中,操作数按出现顺序编号。在使用define_expand的情况下,任何仅用在match_dup表达式中的操作数必须比其他所有操作数具有更大的值。


predicate is a string that is the name of a function that accepts two arguments, an expression and a machine mode. See section Predicates. During matching, the function will be called with the putative operand as the expression and m as the mode argument (if m is not specified, VOIDmode will be used, which normally causes predicate to accept any mode). If it returns zero, this instruction pattern fails to match. predicate may be an empty string; then it means no test is to be done on the operand, so anything which occurs in this position is valid.



Most of the time, predicate will reject modes other than m—but not always. For example, the predicate address_operand uses m as the mode of memory ref that the address should be valid for. Many predicates accept const_int nodes even though their mode is VOIDmode.



constraint controls reloading and the choice of the best register class to use for a value, as explained later (see section Operand Constraints). If the constraint would be an empty string, it can be omitted.

constraint控制Reload,并选择最适合当前值的寄存器类型【参考:操作数约束(Operand Constraints)】。约束可以是空串,可省略。


People are often unclear on the difference between the constraint and the predicate. The predicate helps decide whether a given insn matches the pattern. The constraint plays no role in this decision; instead, it controls various decisions in the case of an insn which does match.



(match_scratch:m n constraint)

This expression is also a placeholder for operand number n and indicates that operand must be a scratch or reg expression.



When matching patterns, this is equivalent to


(match_operand:m n "scratch_operand" constraint)


but, when generating RTL, it produces a (scratch:m) expression.




If the last few expressions in a parallel are clobber expressions whose operands are either a hard register or match_scratch, the combiner can add or delete them when necessary. @xref{Side Effects}.

如果parallel中最后几个表达式是clobber表达式,其操作数要么是硬件寄存器,要么是match_scratch指定的寄存器。“组合器”可以在必要时添加或删除它们。【注意:Side Effects】


(match_dup n)

This expression is also a placeholder for operand number n. It is used when the operand needs to appear more than once in the insn.



In construction, match_dup acts just like match_operand: the operand is substituted into the insn being constructed. But in matching, match_dup behaves differently. It assumes that operand number n has already been determined by a match_operand appearing earlier in the recognition template, and it matches only an identical-looking expression.



Note that match_dup should not be used to tell the compiler that a particular register is being used for two operands (example: add that adds one register to another; the second register is both an input operand and the output operand). Use a matching constraint (see section Simple Constraints) for those. match_dup is for the cases where one operand is used in two places in the template, such as an instruction that computes both a quotient and a remainder, where the opcode takes two input operands but the RTL template has to refer to each of those twice; once for the quotient pattern and once for the remainder pattern.

注意,当两个操作数同时应用于某个特定寄存器时,不能使用match-dup来指明。(例如:add指令将一个寄存器的值加到另一个寄存器;其中第二个寄存器既是输入,又是输出),而应该使用匹配约束【参见:简单约束(Simple Constraints)】match_dup的真正目的是指明模板中的两个位置使用一个操作数的情况,例如一条同时计算商和余数的指令,其操作码接受两个输入,但是RTL模板不得不引用这两个操作数,一个用于求商规则,另一个用于求余规则。


(match_operator:m n predicate [operands…])

This pattern is a kind of placeholder for a variable RTL expression code.


When constructing an insn, it stands for an RTL expression whose expression code is taken from that of operand n, and whose operands are constructed from the patterns operands.


When matching an expression, it matches an expression if the function predicate returns nonzero on that expression and the patterns operands match the operands of the expression.



Suppose that the function commutative_operator is defined as follows, to match any expression whose operator is one of the commutative arithmetic operators of RTL and whose mode is mode:


 2 int
 3 commutative_integer_operator (x, mode)
 4      rtx x;
 5      machine_mode mode;
 6 {
 7   enum rtx_code code = GET_CODE (x);
 8   if (GET_MODE (x) != mode)
 9     return 0;
10   return (GET_RTX_CLASS (code) == RTX_COMM_ARITH
11           || code == EQ || code == NE);
12 }

Then the following pattern will match any RTL expression consisting of a commutative operator applied to two general operands:


(match_operator:SI 3 "commutative_operator"
  [(match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "g")
   (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "g")])

Here the vector [operands…] contains two patterns because the expressions to be matched all contain two operands.

这里向量 [operands…] 包含了两个规则,因为待匹配的所有表达式都包含两个操作数。


When this pattern does match, the two operands of the commutative operator are recorded as operands 1 and 2 of the insn. (This is done by the two instances of match_operand.) Operand 3 of the insn will be the entire commutative expression: use GET_CODE (operands[3]) to see which commutative operator was used.

当该规则匹配时,commutative运算符的两个操作数分别被记为指令的操作数1和2。(这是由match_operand的两个实例完成的)。指令的操作数3就是个commutative表达式:使用GET_CODE (operands[3])来查询该表达式是哪一commutative运算符。


The machine mode m of match_operator works like that of match_operand: it is passed as the second argument to the predicate function, and that function is solely responsible for deciding whether the expression to be matched “has” that mode.



When constructing an insn, argument 3 of the gen-function will specify the operation (i.e. the expression code) for the expression to be made. It should be an RTL expression, whose expression code is copied into a new expression whose operands are arguments 1 and 2 of the gen-function. The subexpressions of argument 3 are not used; only its expression code matters.



When match_operator is used in a pattern for matching an insn, it usually best if the operand number of the match_operator is higher than that of the actual operands of the insn. This improves register allocation because the register allocator often looks at operands 1 and 2 of insns to see if it can do register tying.



There is no way to specify constraints in match_operator. The operand of the insn which corresponds to the match_operator never has any constraints because it is never reloaded as a whole. However, if parts of its operands are matched by match_operand patterns, those parts may have constraints of their own.



(match_op_dup:m n[operands…])

Like match_dup, except that it applies to operators instead of operands. When constructing an insn, operand number n will be substituted at this point. But in matching, match_op_dup behaves differently. It assumes that operand number n has already been determined by a match_operator appearing earlier in the recognition template, and it matches only an identical-looking expression.



(match_parallel n predicate [subpat…])

This pattern is a placeholder for an insn that consists of a parallel expression with a variable number of elements. This expression should only appear at the top level of an insn pattern.


When constructing an insn, operand number n will be substituted at this point. When matching an insn, it matches if the body of the insn is a parallel expression with at least as many elements as the vector of subpat expressions in the match_parallel, if each subpat matches the corresponding element of the paralleland the function predicate returns nonzero on the parallel that is the body of the insn. It is the responsibility of the predicate to validate elements of the parallel beyond those listed in the match_parallel.

当构造指令时,操作数n在相应位置被替换;当匹配指令时,若满足如下条件中的一个,则匹配成功:1. 指令的主体是一个并行表达式,并且其元素数量至少应与match_parallel中的subpat表达式向量数量相同;2. 每个subpat与并行表达式对应的元素匹配,并且函数predicate返回非0。predicate的任务是验证并行表达式的元素(除在match_parallel中列出的元素外)。


A typical use of match_parallel is to match load and store multiple expressions, which can contain a variable number of elements in a parallel. For example,


(define_insn ""
  [(match_parallel 0 "load_multiple_operation"
     [(set (match_operand:SI 1 "gpc_reg_operand" "=r")
           (match_operand:SI 2 "memory_operand" "m"))
      (use (reg:SI 179))
      (clobber (reg:SI 179))])]
  "loadm 0,0,%1,%2")


This example comes from ‘a29k.md’. The function load_multiple_operation is defined in ‘a29k.c’ and checks that subsequent elements in the parallel are the same as the set in the pattern, except that they are referencing subsequent registers and memory locations.



An insn that matches this pattern might look like:


 [(set (reg:SI 20) (mem:SI (reg:SI 100)))
  (use (reg:SI 179))
  (clobber (reg:SI 179))
  (set (reg:SI 21)
       (mem:SI (plus:SI (reg:SI 100)
                        (const_int 4))))
  (set (reg:SI 22)
       (mem:SI (plus:SI (reg:SI 100)
                        (const_int 8))))])


(match_par_dup n [subpat…])

Like match_op_dup, but for match_parallel instead of match_operator.



1.5 输出模板、操作数替换(Output Templates and Operand Substitution)


The output template is a string which specifies how to output the assembler code for an instruction pattern. Most of the template is a fixed string which is output literally. The character ‘%’ is used to specify where to substitute an operand; it can also be used to identify places where different variants of the assembler require different syntax.



In the simplest case, a ‘%’ followed by a digit n says to output operand n at that point in the string.



‘%’ followed by a letter and a digit says to output an operand in an alternate fashion. Four letters have standard, built-in meanings described below. The machine description macro PRINT_OPERAND can define additional letters with nonstandard meanings.


‘%cdigit’ can be used to substitute an operand that is a constant value without the syntax that normally indicates an immediate operand.

%cdigit’ 可以用来替换一个常量值操作数,而不需要用来指定立即数的语法。

‘%ndigit’ is like ‘%cdigit’ except that the value of the constant is negated before printing.

%ndigit’ 类以于‘%cdigit’ ,只是在打印之前常量的值被取反。

‘%adigit’ can be used to substitute an operand as if it were a memory reference, with the actual operand treated as the address. This may be useful when outputting a “load address” instruction, because often the assembler syntax for such an instruction requires you to write the operand as if it were a memory reference.

%adigit’ 用于将操作数当作内存引用替换为实际的地址操作数。这在输出“Load address”指令时很有用,因为此类指令的汇编语法通常要求将操作数当作内存引用来编写。

‘%ldigit’ is used to substitute a label_ref into a jump instruction.

%ldigit’ 用于替换label_ref为跳转指令。

‘%=’ outputs a number which is unique to each instruction in the entire compilation. This is useful for making local labels to be referred to more than once in a single template that generates multiple assembler instructions.


‘%’ followed by a punctuation character specifies a substitution that does not use an operand. Only one case is standard: ‘%%’ outputs a ‘%’ into the assembler code. Other nonstandard cases can be defined in the PRINT_OPERAND macro. You must also define which punctuation characters are valid with the PRINT_OPERAND_PUNCT_VALID_P macro.

%’ 紧跟一个标点字符,指定不进行操作数替换(译者注:转义)。标准只规定一种情况:“%”将在汇编代码中输出“%”。其他非标准情况可以在PRINT_OPERAND宏中定义。同时必须定义哪些标点字符对PRINT_OPERAND_PUNCT_VALID_P宏有效。


The template may generate multiple assembler instructions. Write the text for the instructions, with ‘\;’ between them.


When the RTL contains two operands which are required by constraint to match each other, the output template must refer only to the lower-numbered operand. Matching operands are not always identical, and the rest of the compiler arranges to put the proper RTL expression for printing into the lower-numbered operand.


One use of nonstandard letters or punctuation following ‘%’ is to distinguish between different assembler languages for the same machine; for example, Motorola syntax versus MIT syntax for the 68000. Motorola syntax requires periods in most opcode names, while MIT syntax does not. For example, the opcode ‘movel’ in MIT syntax is ‘move.l’ in Motorola syntax. The same file of patterns is used for both kinds of output syntax, but the character sequence ‘%.’ is used in each place where Motorola syntax wants a period. The PRINT_OPERAND macro for Motorola syntax defines the sequence to output a period; the macro for MIT syntax defines it to do nothing.

“%”紧跟非标准字母或标点字符格式的一种用法是区分同一机器的不同汇编语言;例如,Motorola语法与MIT 68000语法。在大多数操作码名称中,Motorola语法需要句点,而MIT语法则不需要句点。例如:操作码‘movel’在MIT语法中写作‘movel’,在Motorola语法中写作‘move.l’。两种语法都使用相同的规则文件,但在Motorola语法中,每个句点的地方都换成 ‘%.’ 。Motorola语法定义PRINT_OPERAND宏,使序列输出句点;而MIT语法的宏定义则指明‘%.’不执行任何操作。

As a special case, a template consisting of the single character # instructs the compiler to first split the insn, and then output the resulting instructions separately. This helps eliminate redundancy in the output templates. If you have a define_insn that needs to emit multiple assembler instructions, and there is a matching define_split already defined, then you can simply use # as the output template instead of writing an output template that emits the multiple assembler instructions.


If the macro ASSEMBLER_DIALECT is defined, you can use construct of the form ‘{option0|option1|option2}’ in the templates. These describe multiple variants of assembler language syntax. @xref{Instruction Output}.

 如果已经定义了宏ASSEMBLER_DIALECT,则你可以在模板中使用 ‘{option0|option1|option2}’ 形式的指令构造。它们描述了汇编语法的多种变体【参考:指令输出(Instruction Output)】


1.6 (用于汇编程序输出的C代码)C Statements for Assembler Output

Often a single fixed template string cannot produce correct and efficient assembler code for all the cases that are recognized by a single instruction pattern. For example, the opcodes may depend on the kinds of operands; or some unfortunate combinations of operands may require extra machine instructions.


If the output control string starts with a ‘@’, then it is actually a series of templates, each on a separate line. (Blank lines and leading spaces and tabs are ignored.) The templates correspond to the pattern’s constraint alternatives (see section Multiple Alternative Constraints). For example, if a target machine has a two-address add instruction ‘addr’ to add into a register and another ‘addm’ to add a register to memory, you might write this pattern:

如果输出控制字符串以‘@’开始,则它实际上是一系列的模板。且每行一个模板(忽略空行和前导空格/制表符)。每个模板对应该规则的备选约束【参考:多重备选约束(Multiple Alternative Constraints)】。例如,如果目标架构有两个地址加法指令:“addr”将结果放到寄存器中;“addm”将寄存器得出的结果放到内存中,则可以按下面的例子编写输出控制字符串。

(define_insn "addsi3"
  [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "general_operand" "=r,m")
        (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "0,0")
                 (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "g,r")))]
   addr %2,%0
   addm %2,%0")



If the output control string starts with a ‘*’, then it is not an output template but rather a piece of C program that should compute a template. It should execute a return statement to return the template-string you want. Most such templates use C string literals, which require doublequote characters to delimit them. To include these doublequote characters in the string, prefix each one with ‘\’.


If the output control string is written as a brace block instead of a double-quoted string, it is automatically assumed to be C code. In that case, it is not necessary to put in a leading asterisk, or to escape the doublequotes surrounding C string literals.



The operands may be found in the array operands, whose C data type is rtx [].

操作数可以在数组operands中找到,其C数据类型为rtx []。


It is very common to select different ways of generating assembler code based on whether an immediate operand is within a certain range. Be careful when doing this, because the result of INTVAL is an integer on the host machine. If the host machine has more bits in an int than the target machine has in the mode in which the constant will be used, then some of the bits you get from INTVAL will be superfluous. For proper results, you must carefully disregard the values of those bits.



It is possible to output an assembler instruction and then go on to output or compute more of them, using the subroutine output_asm_insn. This receives two arguments: a template-string and a vector of operands. The vector may be operands, or it may be another array of rtx that you declare locally and initialize yourself.



When an insn pattern has multiple alternatives in its constraints, often the appearance of the assembler code is determined mostly by which alternative was matched. When this is so, the C code can test the variable which_alternative, which is the ordinal number of the alternative that was actually satisfied (0 for the first, 1 for the second alternative, etc.).


For example, suppose there are two opcodes for storing zero, ‘clrreg’ for registers and ‘clrmem’ for memory locations. Here is how a pattern could use which_alternative to choose between them:

例如:假设有两个用来存储0的操作数: ‘clrreg’存储到寄存器, ‘clrmem’ 存储到内存位置。接下来演示指令规则如何通过which_alternative来从中二选