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Interproscan linux 版本的详细安装教程和运行错误解决方案 - IV.

最编程 2024-04-02 16:53:11

1 软件缺失

Deactivated analyses:
        SignalP_GRAM_POSITIVE (X.X) : Analysis SignalP_GRAM_POSITIVE-X.X is deactivated, because the following parameters are not set in the interproscan.properties file: binary.signalp.4.0.path
                  SignalP_EUK (X.X) : Analysis SignalP_EUK-X.X is deactivated, because the following parameters are not set in the interproscan.properties file: binary.signalp.4.0.path
                      Phobius (X.XX) : Analysis Phobius-X.XX is deactivated, because the following parameters are not set in the interproscan.properties file: binary.phobius.pl.path.1.01
                        TMHMM (X.Xc) : Analysis TMHMM-X.Xc is deactivated, because the following parameters are not set in the interproscan.properties file: binary.tmhmm.path, tmhmm.model.path
        SignalP_GRAM_NEGATIVE (X.X) : Analysis SignalP_GRAM_NEGATIVE-X.X is deactivated, because the following parameters are not set in the interproscan.properties file: binary.signalp.4.0.path

运行完后,在一系列参数说明的结尾,会提示有某些软件无法获得,这些软件需要自行前往官网注册并下载,并将下载软件添加到 interproscan 相应目录下

  • signalp-4.1
    SignalP-4.1 download
  • tmhmm-2.0c
  • phobius1.01
    phobius1.01 download

2 报错提醒

  1. signalp-4.1报错
    SignalP Error message: Can't locate FASTA.pm in @INC
  • 软件路径需要更改
  • 修改文件signalp
 $ENV{SIGNALP} = '/usr/opt/www/pub/CBS/services/SignalP-4.1/signalp-4.1';
 $ENV{SIGNALP} = '/home/usr/bacteria/app/interproscan2/interproscan-5.55-88.0/bin/signalp/4.1/';
  1. hmm model报错
    pather.hmm bad file format…………
  • 可能是软件解压过程hmm model 不完全的问题导致的
  • 需要回到最初解压软件压缩包的步骤;修改 interproscan-5.55-88.0-64-bit.tar.gz权限
chmod 777 interproscan-5.55-88.0-64-bit.tar.gz
  1. phobius1.01
    报错Could not read provided fasta sequence at bin/phobius/1.01/phobius.pl line 408

    Could not read provided fasta sequence at bin/phobius/1.01/phobius.pl line 408

    phobius 版本与Linux 操作系统版本(64位)不对应,一般而言 phobius 默认的是32 位的


    file bin/phobius/1.01/decodeanhmm |grep 32-bit

    如果是32 bit,则需要将decodeanhmm 删除,并将decodehmm.64bit 文件改名为decodeanhmm