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最编程 2024-04-04 11:12:44



1、users.dat 数据格式为: 2::M::56::16::70072,共有6040条数据
对应字段为:UserID BigInt, Gender String, Age Int, Occupation String, Zipcode String
2、movies.dat 数据格式为: 2::Jumanji (1995)::Adventure|Children’s|Fantasy,共有3883条数据
对应字段为:MovieID BigInt, Title String, Genres String
3、ratings.dat 数据格式为: 1::1193::5::978300760,共有1000209条数据
对应字段为:UserID BigInt, MovieID BigInt, Rating Double, Timestamped String
(4)求movieid = 2116这部电影各年龄段(因为年龄就只有7个,就按这个7个分就好了)的平均影评(年龄段,影评分)



ssh hadoopmaster
mr-jobhistory-daemon.sh start historyserver



hdfs dfs -put ./Downloads/users.dat ./hive/input
hdfs dfs -put ./Downloads/ratings.dat ./hive/input
hdfs dfs -put ./Downloads/movies.dat ./hive/input
  • 第一题:
    注意:hive不支持解析多字节的分隔符,也就是说hive只能解析’:’, 不支持解析’::’,所以用普通方式建表来使用是行不通的,要求对数据做一次简单清洗.
    input.regex = “(.):: (.):: (.*)”
    output.format.string = “%1 s %3$s”
  1. 创建数据库
drop database if exists test_movie;
create database if not exists test_movie;
use test_movie;
  1. 创建user表
drop table if exists users;
create table users(
userid bigint,
gender string,
age int,
occupation string,
zipcode string) 
row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe' 
with serdeproperties('input.regex'='(.*)::(.*)::(.*)::(.*)::(.*)','output.format.string'='%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s %5$s')
stored as textfile;
  1. 创建rating表
drop table if exists ratings;
create table ratings(
userid bigint,
movieid bigint,
rating double,
timestamped string) 
row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe' 
with serdeproperties('input.regex'='(.*)::(.*)::(.*)::(.*)','output.format.string'='%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s')
stored as textfile;
  1. 创建movie表
drop table if exists movies;
create table movies(
movieid bigint,
title string,
genres string)
row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe'
with serdeproperties('input.regex'='(.*)::(.*)::(.*)','output.format.string'='%1$s %2$s %3$s')
stored as textfile;

MovieID BigInt, Title String, Genres String


  1. 导入数据
load data inpath "hdfs://" into table users;
load data inpath "hdfs://" into table movies;
load data inpath "hdfs://" into table ratings;
  1. 验证
select * from users u;
select * from ratings r;
select * from movies m;
  • 第二题:
    1、需求字段:电影名 t_movie.moviename 评分次数 t_rating.rate count()
select  m.title as title, count(m.title) as total
from  movies as m join ratings as r on m.movieid=r.movieid 
group by m.title 
order by total desc
limit 10;
  • 第三题:
    女性 :
select 'F' as gender, m.title as title, avg(r.rating) as avgrate
from ratings r 
join users u on r.userid=u.userid 
join movies m on r.movieid=m.movieid 
where u.gender="F" 
group by m.title
order by avgrate desc 
limit 10;

男性 :

select 'M' as gender, m.title as title, avg(r.rating) as avgrate
from ratings r 
join users u on r.userid=u.userid 
join movies m on r.movieid=m.movieid 
where u.gender="M" 
group by m.title
order by avgrate desc 
limit 10;
  • 第四题
    (4)求movieid = 2116这部电影各年龄段(因为年龄就只有7个,就按这个7个分就好了)的平均影评(年龄段,影评分)
select u.age as age, avg(r.rating) as avgrate
from users as u join ratings as r on u.userid = r.userid
where r.movieid = 2116
group by u.age;
  • 第五题
With a_users as(
select u.userid as userid,count(r.userid) as total 
from ratings as r join users as u on u.userid=r.userid
where u.gender="F" 
group by u.userid 
order by total desc 
limit 1),
a_movies as(
Select a_users.userid,m.title,m.movieid,r.rating 
from movies as m join ratings as r on m.movieid=r.movieid,a_users
where r.userid=a_users.userid 
order by r.rating desc 
limit 10),
ave as(
Select movieid,avg(rating) as avgrate 
from ratings 
group by movieid)
Select a_movies.userid,a_movies.movieid,ave.avgrate 
from a_movies join ave on ave.movieid=a_movies.movieid;
  • 第六题:
with years as (
select  m.movieid as movieid, m.title as title, substr(m.title,-5,4) as year, avg(r.rating) as avgrate
from movies m join ratings r on m.movieid=r.movieid 
group by m.movieid, m.title),
goal_year as (
select year, count(year) as total 
from years 
where avgrate >= 4.0 
group by year
order by total desc 
limit 1)
select y.year as year,y.title as title, y.avgrate as rating 
from years as y,goal_year as g 
where y.year =  g.year 
order by rating desc 
limit 10;
  • 第七题
with a_movies as(
select substr(m.title,-5,4) as year,m.movieid as movieid,m.title as title,m.genres as genres
from movies as m
where instr(lcase(m.genres),'comedy') >0),
b_movies as (
select m.movieid as movieid,m.title as title
from a_movies as m
where m.year = 1997
select m.movieid as movieid, m.title as title,avg(r.rating) as avgrate
from b_movies as m join ratings as r on m.movieid = r.movieid
group by m.movieid,m.title
order by avgrate desc
limit 10;
  • 第八题
With types as(
select movieid,title,tv.tp type 
from movies 
lateral view explode(split(genres,"\\|")) tv as tp),
goals as(
select types.title as title,types.movieid as movieid,types.type as type,avg(ratings.rating) as avgrating 
from types join ratings on types.movieid=ratings.movieid 
group by types.title,types.movieid,types.type)
Select * 
from (
Select type,title,avgrating,row_number() over(partition by type order by avgrating desc) as number 
from goals
) as result
where result.number<=5;
  • 第九题
With types as(
select title,movieid,substr(title,-5,4) as year,tv.tp as type 
from movies lateral view explode(split(genres,"\\|")) tv as tp
a_ratings as(
select title,year,type,avg(rating) as avgrating 
from ratings as r join types as t on t.movieid=r.movieid 
group by t.movieid,t.title,t.year,t.type)
select * 
from (
select year,type,avgrating,row_number() over(partition by year order by avgrating desc) as number 
from a_ratings as r) 
as result 
where result.number=1;
  • 第十题
with local_movie as(
select u.zipcode as zipcode,m.title as title,avg(r.rating) as avgrating
from users as u 
join ratings as r on u.userid = r.userid 
join movies as m on r.movieid = m.movieid
group by m.title,u.zipcode)
insert overwrite directory "./hive/output/"
select * 
select *,row_number() over(partition by l.zipcode order by avgrating desc) as number 
from local_movie as l) 
as result 
where result.number=1;