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谷歌地球引擎 -- Landsat 5 TM_TOA 数据集 DN 值缩放、校准传感器辐射度数据集

最编程 2024-04-04 13:18:12
CLOUD_COVER Double Percentage cloud cover (0-100), -1 = not calculated.
CLOUD_COVER_LAND Double Percentage cloud cover over land (0-100), -1 = not calculated.
COLLECTION_CATEGORY String Tier of scene. (T1 or T2)
COLLECTION_NUMBER Double Number of collection.
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_1 String Internal calibration bias method for band 1.
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_2 String Internal calibration bias method for band 2.
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_3 String Internal calibration bias method for band 3.
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_4 String Internal calibration bias method for band 4.
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_5 String Internal calibration bias method for band 5.
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_6 String Internal calibration bias method for band 6.
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_7 String Internal calibration bias method for band 7.
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_1 String Internal calibration gain method for band 1.
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_2 String Internal calibration gain method for band 2.
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_3 String Internal calibration gain method for band 3.
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_4 String Internal calibration gain method for band 4.
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_5 String Internal calibration gain method for band 5.
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_6 String Internal calibration gain method for band 6.
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_7 String Internal calibration gain method for band 7.
CPF_NAME String Calibration parameter file name.
DATA_CATEGORY String Current data category assigned to the data. Possible values: ("NOMINAL", "VALIDATION", "EXCHANGE", "TEST", "ENGINEERING")
DATA_TYPE String Data type identifier. (L1T or L1G)
DATA_TYPE_L0RP String Data type identifier string used to create the L0RP product.
DATE_ACQUIRED String Image acquisition date. "YYYY-MM-DD"
DATUM String Datum used in image creation.
EARTH_SUN_DISTANCE Double Earth sun distance in astronomical units (AU).
ELEVATION_SOURCE String Elevation model source used for standard terrain corrected (L1T) products.
ELLIPSOID String Ellipsoid used in image creation.
EPHEMERIS_TYPE String Ephemeris data type used to perform geometric correction. (Definitive or Predictive)
FILE_DATE Double File date in milliseconds since epoch.
GEOMETRIC_RMSE_MODEL Double Combined Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the geometric residuals (metres) in both across-track and along-track directions measured on the GCPs used in geometric precision correction. Not present in L1G products.
GEOMETRIC_RMSE_MODEL_X Double RMSE of the X direction geometric residuals (in metres) measured on the GCPs used in geometric precision correction. Not present in L1G products.
GEOMETRIC_RMSE_MODEL_Y Double RMSE of the Y direction geometric residuals (in metres) measured on the GCPs used in geometric precision correction. Not present in L1G products.
GEOMETRIC_RMSE_VERIFY Double RMSE of the geometric residuals (pixels) in both line and sample directions measured on the terrain-corrected product independently using GLS2000.
GEOMETRIC_RMSE_VERIFY_QUAD_LL Double RMSE of the geometric residuals (pixels) of the lower-left quadrant measured on the terrain-corrected product independently using GLS2000.
GEOMETRIC_RMSE_VERIFY_QUAD_LR Double RMSE of the geometric residuals (pixels) of the lower-right quadrant measured on the terrain-corrected product independently using GLS2000.
GEOMETRIC_RMSE_VERIFY_QUAD_UL Double RMSE of the geometric residuals (pixels) of the upper-left quadrant measured on the terrain-corrected product independently using GLS2000.
GEOMETRIC_RMSE_VERIFY_QUAD_UR Double RMSE of the geometric residuals (pixels) of the upper-right quadrant measured on the terrain-corrected product independently using GLS2000.
GRID_CELL_SIZE_REFLECTIVE Double Grid cell size used in creating the image for the reflective band.
GRID_CELL_SIZE_THERMAL Double Grid cell size used in creating the image for the thermal band.
GROUND_CONTROL_POINTS_MODEL Double The number of ground control points used. Not used in L1GT products. Values: 0 - 999 (0 is used for L1T products that have used Multi-scene refinement).
GROUND_CONTROL_POINTS_VERIFY Double The number of ground control points used in the verification of the terrain corrected product. Values: -1 to 1615 (-1 = not available)
GROUND_CONTROL_POINTS_VERSION Double The number of ground control points used in the verification of the terrain corrected product. Values: -1 to 1615 (-1 = not available)
IMAGE_QUALITY Double Image quality, 0 = worst, 9 = best, -1 = quality not calculated
K1_CONSTANT_BAND_6 Double Calibration constant K1 for Band 6 radiance to temperature conversion.
K2_CONSTANT_BAND_6 Double Calibration constant K2 for Band 6 radiance to temperature conversion.
LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID String The naming convention of each Landsat Collection 1 Level-1 image based on acquisition parameters and processing parameters. Format: LXSS_LLLL_PPPRRR_YYYYMMDD_yyyymmdd_CC_TX * L = Landsat * X = Sensor (O = Operational Land Imager, T = Thermal Infrared Sensor, C = Combined OLI/TIRS) * SS = Satellite (08 = Landsat 8) * LLLL = Processing Correction Level (L1TP = precision and terrain, L1GT = systematic terrain, L1GS = systematic) * PPP = WRS Path * RRR = WRS Row * YYYYMMDD = Acquisition Date expressed in Year, Month, Day * yyyymmdd = Processing Date expressed in Year, Month, Day * CC = Collection Number (01) * TX = Collection Category (RT = Real Time, T1 = Tier 1, T2 = Tier 2)
LANDSAT_SCENE_ID String The Pre-Collection naming convention of each image is based on acquisition parameters. This was the naming convention used prior to Collection 1. Format: LXSPPPRRRYYYYDDDGSIVV * L = Landsat * X = Sensor (O = Operational Land Imager, T = Thermal Infrared Sensor, C = Combined OLI/TIRS) * S = Satellite (08 = Landsat 8) * PPP = WRS Path * RRR = WRS Row * YYYY = Year of Acquisition * DDD = Julian Day of Acquisition * GSI = Ground Station Identifier * VV = Version
MAP_PROJECTION String Projection used to represent the 3-dimensional surface of the earth for the Level-1 product.
MAP_PROJECTION_L0RA String L0RA map projection selectively applied to HDTs based on geographic location. Used for processed archive data.
ORIENTATION String Orientation used in creating the image. Values: NOMINAL = Nominal Path, NORTH_UP = North Up, TRUE_NORTH = True North, USER = User
PROCESSING_SOFTWARE_VERSION String Name and version of the processing software used to generate the L1 product.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_1 Double Additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated DN to radiance for Band 1.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_2 Double Additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated DN to radiance for Band 2.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_3 Double Additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated DN to radiance for Band 3.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_4 Double Additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated DN to radiance for Band 4.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_5 Double Additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated DN to radiance for Band 5.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_6 Double Additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated DN to radiance for Band 6.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_7 Double Additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated DN to radiance for Band 7.
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_1 Double Multiplicative rescaling factor used to convert calibrated Band 1 DN to radiance.
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_2 Double Multiplicative rescaling factor used to convert calibrated Band 2 DN to radiance.
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_3 Double Multiplicative rescaling factor used to convert calibrated Band 3 DN to radiance.
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_4 Double Multiplicative rescaling factor used to convert calibrated Band 4 DN to radiance.
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_5 Double Multiplicative rescaling factor used to convert calibrated Band 5 DN to radiance.
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_6 Double Multiplicative rescaling factor used to convert calibrated Band 6 DN to radiance.
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_7 Double Multiplicative rescaling factor used to convert calibrated Band 7 DN to radiance.
REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_1 Double Additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated Band 1 DN to reflectance.
REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_2 Double Additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated Band 2 DN to reflectance.
REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_3 Double Additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated Band 3 DN to reflectance.
REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_4 Double Additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated Band 4 DN to reflectance.
REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_5 Double Additive rescaling factor used to convert calibrated Band 5 DN to reflectance.
REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_7 Double Multiplicative factor used to convert calibrated Band 7 DN to reflectance.
REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_1 Double Multiplicative factor used to convert calibrated Band 1 DN to reflectance.
REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_2 Double Multiplicative factor used to convert calibrated Band 2 DN to reflectance.
REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_3 Double Multiplicative factor used to convert calibrated Band 3 DN to reflectance.
REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_4 Double Multiplicative factor used to convert calibrated Band 4 DN to reflectance.
REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_5 Double Multiplicative factor used to convert calibrated Band 5 DN to reflectance.
REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_7 Double Multiplicative factor used to convert calibrated Band 7 DN to reflectance.
REFLECTIVE_LINES Double Number of product lines for the reflective bands.
REFLECTIVE_SAMPLES Double Number of product samples for the reflective bands.
REQUEST_ID String Request id, nnnyymmdd0000_0000 * nnn = node number * yy = year * mm = month * dd = day
RESAMPLING_OPTION String Resampling option used in creating the image.
SATURATION_BAND_1 String Flag indicating saturated pixels for band 1 ('Y'/'N')
SATURATION_BAND_2 String Flag indicating saturated pixels for band 2 ('Y'/'N')
SATURATION_BAND_3 String Flag indicating saturated pixels for band 3 ('Y'/'N')
SATURATION_BAND_4 String Flag indicating saturated pixels for band 4 ('Y'/'N')
SATURATION_BAND_5 String Flag indicating saturated pixels for band 5 ('Y'/'N')
SATURATION_BAND_6 String Flag indicating saturated pixels for band 6 ('Y'/'N')
SATURATION_BAND_7 String Flag indicating saturated pixels for band 7 ('Y'/'N')
SCENE_CENTER_TIME String Scene center time of acquired image. HH:MM:SS.SSSSSSSZ * HH = Hour (00-23) * MM = Minutes * SS.SSSSSSS = Fractional seconds * Z = "Zulu" time (same as GMT)
SENSOR_ID String Sensor used to capture data.
SENSOR_MODE String Operational mode. Scan Angle Monitor (SAM) or BUMPER.
SPACECRAFT_ID String Spacecraft identification.
STATION_ID String Ground Station/Organisation that received the data.
SUN_AZIMUTH Double Sun azimuth angle in degrees for the image center location at the image centre acquisition time.
SUN_ELEVATION Double Sun elevation angle in degrees for the image center location at the image centre acquisition time.
THERMAL_LINES Double Number of product lines for the thermal band.
THERMAL_SAMPLES Double Number of product samples for the thermal band.
UTM_ZONE Double UTM zone number used in product map projection.
WRS_PATH Double The WRS orbital path number (001 - 251).
WRS_ROW Double Landsat satellite WRS row (001-248).