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欧洲 CORS 网络 GPS 数据下载地址

最编程 2024-04-12 17:48:47


数据下载FTP: ftp://igs.bkg.bund.de/EUREF/obs/
by zzh_my@163.com
The EUREF Permanent GNSS Network (EPN)consists of


  1. a network of continuously operating GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems, such as GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou, ...) reference stations,
  2. data centres providing access to the station data,
  3. analysis centres that analyze the GNSS data,
  4. product centres or coordinators that generate the EPN products,
  5. and a Central Bureau that is responsible for the daily monitoring and management of the EPN.


                                                          EPN REGIONAL DATA CENTRE

Agency acronym             : BKGE

Institution                : Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie
                           : Federal Office for Cartography and Geodesy

Function within EUREF      : Local Data Centre for Europe

Mail Address               : Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie 
                           : Richard-Strauss-Allee 11
                           : D-60598 Frankfurt Main

Country                    : Germany

Primary Contact
Contact Name               : Markus Goltz 
Telephone                  : +49-69-6333-274
Fax                        : +49-69-6333-425
E-Mail                     : markus.goltz@bkg.bund.de

Secondary Contact
Contact Name               : Erwin Wiesensarter 
Telephone                  : +49-69-6333-259
Fax                        : +49-69-6333-425
E-Mail                     : erwin.wiesensarter@bkg.bund.de

Third Contact
Contact Name               : Wolfgang Soehne
Telephone                  : +49-69-6333-263
Fax                        : +49-69-6333-425
E-Mail                     : wolfgang.soehne@bkg.bund.de

Internet Address           : igs.bkg.bund.de ( 
Telnet Access              : -
FTP Access                 : user: anonymous  password: <your e-mail address>
                           : upload user: ask for name + passwd 
WWW Access                 : ftp://igs.bkg.bund.de
Access Restrictions        : s. Other Important Information
Computer/Operating System  : HP-ProLiant DL360 G3 2.8 GHz 
                           : redhat-Linux 2.6.32-642.11.1.el6
Amount of data on line     : since 1998 and partly since 1991
Access to off-line data    : Special arrangements
                             Extract requested site and epoch from file
                             IGS/obs/<year>/REPORTyy (see below) and mail
                             these records to markus.goltz@bkg.bund.de
Other Important Information: The ftp-daemon directs each user to his "home" directory, where upload is possible.
                           : Redirect is not necessary and not possible.
                           : All uploaded files are moved directly after completing the upload.

Report updated             : 2002.09.19 hbg / 2012.07.06 wi / 2015.06.11 so / 2017.01.31 gol 
                                                             DIRECTORY STRUCTURE
 Directory                        Filenames                                             Description

 EUREF ------                                      ------  EPN upload directories ------                                              ------

 RINEX2/RINEX3: home directory of user - immediately after upload the files are moved for file checks

 EUREF ------                         ------ Data of European stations which are not IGS sites ------                                 ------

 EUREF/BRDC/<year>/<day>          brdc<ddd>0.<yy>n.Z                                    GPS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx2)
                                  brdc<ddd>0.<yy>g.Z                                    GLO navigation/ephemeris data (Rx2)
                                    [ yy= year ddd= day of year ]

 EUREF/obs/<year>/<day>           ( file types see IGS below )                          permanent storage of GNSS data sets (Rx2, Rx3)
 EUREF/obs_v3/<year>/<day>        ( file types see IGS below )                          permanent storage of GNSS data sets (Rx3 short name)

 EUREF/obs/<year>                 contents_<year>.txt                                   list of online available data sets (Rx2, Rx3)
 EUREF/obs_v3/<year>              contents_v3_<year>.txt                                list of online available data sets (Rx3 short name)

 EUREF/nrt/<day>/<hour>           ( file types see IGS below )                          30 days of hourly files (Rx2, Rx3)
 EUREF/nrt_v3/<day>/<hour>        ( file types see IGS below )                          30 days of hourly files (Rx3 short name)

 EUREF/highrate/<day>/a...x       ( file types see IGS below )                          120 days of highrate files (Rx2, Rx3)
 EUREF/highrate_v3/<day>/a...x    ( file types see IGS below )                          120 days of highrate files (Rx3 short name)

 EUREF/products/<gpsweek>         <eac><gpsweek>7.snx                                   weekly solutions
                                  <eac><gpsweek><d>.snx                                 daily solutions
                                  <eac><gpsweek><d>r.snx                                rapid daily solutions
                                    Results of regional european network solutions
                                    [ eac= Analysis Centers (asi,bek,bkg,coe,ign,..)  d= day of week ]

 EUREF/products/<gpsweek>/nrt<d>  <eac><gpsweek><d>_<hh>.snx                            permanent storage of hourly solutions
                                    [hh = hour of day]

 EUREF/station                     <site>_<yyyy><mm><dd>.log                            site_log files
                                     [ mm= month  dd= day of month ]
 EUREF/station/rnxskl              <site>.skl                                           skeleton files of site_log files

 IGS ------                                          ------ Data of IGS stations ------                                               ------
 IGS/BRDC/<year>/<day>            brdc<ddd>0.<yy>n.Z                                    GPS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx2)
                                  brdc<ddd>0.<yy>g.Z                                    GLO navigation/ephemeris data (Rx2)

 IGS/obs/<year>/<day>             <site><ddd>0.<yy<d.Z                                  verified GNSS observed data in 
                                                                                          compressed Compact_RINEX format (Rx2)
                                  <site><ddd>0.<yy>m.Z                                  METEO data (Rx2)
                                  <site><ddd>0.<yy>n.Z                                  GPS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx2)
                                  <site><ddd>0.<yy>g.Z                                  GLO navigation/ephemeris data (Rx2)
                                    [ yy= year  ddd= day of year ]

                                  <site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_<FFF>_MO.crx.gz verified GNSS observed data in
                                                                                          compressed Compact_RINEX format (Rx3)
                                  <site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_<FFF>_MM.rnx.gz METEO data (Rx3)
                                  <site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_GN.rnx.gz       GPS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
                                  <site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_RN.rnx.gz       GLO navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
                                  <site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_EN.rnx.gz       GAL navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
                                  <site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_JN.rnx.gz       QZS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
                                  <site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_CN.rnx.gz       BDS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
                                  <site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_SN.rnx.gz       SBS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
                                  <site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_MN.rnx.gz       mixed navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
                                    [ CCC= country code  S= data source
                                      YYYY= year  DDD= day of year  HH= hour of day  MM= minute -nominal naming-
                                      FFF= observation frequency ]

 IGS/obs_v3/<year>/<day>          <site><ddd>0.<yy>d.Z                                  verified GNSS observed data in
                                                                                          compressed Compact_RINEX format (Rx3 short name)
                                  <site><ddd>0.<yy>m.Z                                  METEO data (Rx3 short name)
                                  <site><ddd>0.<yy>n.Z                                  GPS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
                                  <site><ddd>0.<yy>g.Z                                  GLO navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
                                  <site><ddd>0.<yy>l.Z                                  GAL navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
                                  <site><ddd>0.<yy>q.Z                                  QZS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
                                  <site><ddd>0.<yy>f.Z                                  BDS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
                                  <site><ddd>0.<yy>h.Z                                  SBS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
                                  <site><ddd>0.<yy>p.Z                                  mixed navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)

 IGS/obs/<year>                   contents_<year>.txt                                   list of online available data sets (Rx2, Rx3)
 IGS/obs/<year>                   REPORT<year>-CD                                       list of available CD-ROM data sets
 IGS/obs_v3/<year>                contents_v3_<year>.txt                                list of online available data sets (Rx3 short name)

 IGS/nrt/<day>/<hour>             <site><ddd><s>.<yy><t>.Z                              30 days of hourly files (Rx2)
                                  <site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_<FFF>_MO.crx.gz verified GNSS observed data in
                                                                                          compressed Compact_RINEX format (Rx3)
                                  <site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_<T>N.rnx.gz     GNSS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
 IGS/nrt_v3/<day>/<hour>          <site><ddd><s>.<yy>t.Z                                30 days of hourly files (Rx3 short name)
                                     [ s= session  t= RINEX2 type  T= RINEX3 satellite sysTem ]

 IGS/highrate/<year>/<day>/a...x  <site><ddd><s><mm>.<yy>d.Z                            120 days of highrate observation data files (Rx2)
                                  <site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_<FFF>_MO.crx.gz verified GNSS observed data in compressed
                                                                                          Compact_RINEX format (Rx3)
 IGS/highrate_permanent/<year>/<day>/a...x                                              permanent storage of highrate observation data files
 IGS/highrate_v3/<day>/a...x      <site><ddd><s><mm>.<yy>d.Z                            120 days of highrate obs.data files (Rx3 short name)
                                    [ mm= minutes ] 

 IGS/products/orbits/<gpsweek>                                                          GPS CODE orbits and IGS orbits
 IGS/products/rapid/<gpsweek>                                                           GPS CODE rapid orbits
 IGS/products/glo_orbits/<gpsweek>                                                      GLO IGS orbits
 IGS/products/EOP_ERP                                                                   Earth Orientation + Earth Rotation Parameters

 IGS/station                      <site>_<yyyy><mm><dd>.log                             site_log files
 IGS/station/rnxskl               <site>.skl                                            skeleton files of site_log files

 MGEX ------                                      ------ Data of IGS MGEX stations ------                                             ------

 MGEX/BRDC_v3/<year>/<day>        brdm<ddd>0.<yy>p.Z                                    GNSS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)

 MGEX/obs/<year>/<day>            ( file types see IGS above )                          permanent storage of GNSS data sets (Rx2, Rx3) 
 MGEX/obs_v3/<year>/<day>         ( file types see IGS above )                          permanent storage of GNSS data sets (Rx3 short name)

 MGEX/obs/<year>                  contents_<year>.txt                                   list of online available data sets (Rx2, Rx3)
 MGEX/obs_v3/<year>               contents_v3_<year>.txt                                list of online available data sets (Rx3 short name)

 MGEX/nrt/<day>/<hour>            ( file types see IGS above )                          30 days of hourly files (Rx2, Rx3)
 MGEX/nrt_v3/<day>/<hour>         ( file types see IGS above )                          30 days of hourly files (Rx3 short name)

 MGEX/highrate/<year>/<day>/a...x ( file types see IGS above )                          120 days of highrate files (Rx2, Rx3)
 MGEX/highrate_v3/<day>/a...x     ( file types see IGS above )                          120 days of highrate files (Rx3 short name)
 MGEX/station                     <site>_<yyyy><mm><dd>.log                             site_log files
 MGEX/station/rnxskl              <site>.skl                                            skeleten files of site_log files

 GREF ------                        ------ Data of German stations which are neither IGS nor EUREF ------                             ------

 GREF/obs/<year>/<day>            ( file types see IGS above )                          permanent storage of GNSS data sets (Rx2, Rx3)
 GREF/nrt/<day>/<hour>            ( file types see IGS above )                          30 days of hourly files (Rx2, Rx3)
 GREF/products/<gpsweek>          grf<gpsweek><d>.tro                                   daily solutions
                                  grf<gpsweek>7.snx                                     weekly solutions

 ------                                                 ------      ------      ------                                                ------

 MISC ------                                           ------ Miscelaneous Data ------                                                ------
 MISC/ITRF                                                                              ITRF94, ITRF95, ITRF96, ITRF97, ITRF2000, ITRF2005,
                                                                                        ITRF2008 - coordinates and velocities
 MISC/software                                                                          GNSS relevant programs and other utillities
 MISC/DATA_FORMATS                                                                      GNSS relevant format definitions
 MISC/DATA_HOLDINGS                                                                     Status of availability of RINEX and SINEX files
