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最编程 2024-04-30 10:24:12


1. When Security and AI Meet. -- Tao Xie taoxie@illinois.edu http://taoxie.cs.illinois.edu/

1.1 AI and Software Engineering 智能软件工程

(1) AI FOR Test Generation:
Microsoft Security Risk Detection : https://microsoft.com/en-us/security-risk-detection/

(2) 二进制码 based risk detection: Mayhem

(3) Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DART: Godefoid et.al OKDI'05)

Explision of Search Space: 搜索空间太大

(4) Automated Software Testing:

  • Path Explision: DSN'09: fITNEX
  • Method SEQUENCE EXPLOSION oopsla'11: Seeker
    Shipped in VS 2015/2017
    Code Hunt :

(5) Android App Testing: WeChat

(6) Intelligent Software Testing?

  • Learning from others working on the same things
  • Learning from others working on similar things

(7) NLP for Security Policies

  • Access Control Vulnerabilities
  • Access Control Policies(ACP)
    • A policy rule includes four elements:
      • Subject - HCP
      • Action - edit
      • Resource - patient's account
      • Effect - deny
  • Problems of ACP Practice
    • ACPs: 自然语言并没有具体处理
    • Example: A doctor can not modify the patient's account.
  • Overview of Text2Policy

(8) NLP for Mobile Security

  • Problems Statement:
  • Is Program Analysis sufficient?
    • Caveat: what does the user expect?
      • GPS Tracker:
      • Phone-call recorder:
      • others are more subtle:
  • Vision
    • 分析应用描述
    • Straw man: Keyword Search
      • Confounding effects:
        • certain keywords such as 'contact' have a confounding meaning
      • Semantic Interference:
        • Sentences often decribe a sensitive operation such as reading contact without actually refferring to the keyword 'contact', e.g., "Also you can share the yoga exercise to your friends via Email and SMS."
    • 抽取领域知识 Semantic-Graph Generator
    • Semantic Engine

(9) ML for mobile security:

  • 分析APK,区分善意与恶意软件
  • Context-based Mobile security
  • EnMobile: Entity-based Characterization and Analysis of Mobile Malware ICSE 2018

(10) Adversarial ML
杨俊峰 哥伦比亚大学 SOSP 2017

2. 隐私保护:现状与挑战

  • 差分隐私技术
  • 全同态加密技术
2.1 数据云服务:安全隐私研究

实时协同编辑软件:Google Docs. ShareLatex, Etherpad等

  • github上的敏感数据泄露
2.2 Encrypted Search: Advances and Beyond 王聪--香港城市大学
  • 加密数据搜索
  • Motivation
    • sensitive data demands Encrypted storage
    • Encrypted Search reduce risks of data breaches
2.3 大数据试验场数据安全与管控 韩伟力
2.4 图数据隐私-- 纪守领

Application-aware privacy-preserving techiques

Deep Learning or ML based privacy preservation

CCS: 图片验证码:人很好识别、机器很难识别

3. Securing the Networking Foundation for Future Internet, Cloudand 5G Infrastructures -- 顾国飞:美国德州农工大学

3.0 Problems of Legacy Network Devices
  • Too Complicated:-- Control Plane
  • Closed platform -- Vendor specific
  • Hard to manage
  • Why we care?
    • Datacenter / Cloud networking
    • Telecommunication Networking
      • SDN/NVF is a foundation in 5G
      • High cost for feature insertion for new (value=added) services
      • Complext network management
    • Enterprise networking
      • BYOD Challenges
      • too much reliance on vendors
    • Home networking
      • increased devices (IoT) and complexity
      • why my network is not working? who can help?
  • SDN -- Three layer Application layer + control layer + infrastructure layer
  • Openflow Infrastructure
  • SDN Operation
  • Going Beyond
    • The future is software defined
      • SDN
      • software defined storage
      • software defined radio
      • software defined infrastructure(VMs, NFV, Cloud, 5G)
    • A new research direction: Software defined Programmable security(SDPS)
3.1 Security in the paradigam of SDN
3.2 Security in SDN -- Case Study :ConGuard

(1). Security Problems in SDN , 新的安全问题

  • SDN still in infant stage
  • The security of SDN itself is another major concern:
    • Vulnerable/Malicious/buggy apps?
    • Vulnerable controller? data plane? communication bettween data/control plane.

(2) Attacking the brain: races in the SDN control Plane

  • SDN Control plane = new Achilles' Heel
  • Research Questions
    • ConGuard -- solution
    • Detection of Harmful Race Conditions
    • Exploitation of Harmful race conditions
3.3 SDN for security -- case study: Programmable BYOD Security
  • Killer applications of SDN?
    • reducing energy in data center networks
    • WAN VM Migration
    • how about security?
      • Can SDN enable new capabilities to improve network security?
  • Exemplar SDN Security Apps
    • Firewall
    • DDoS Detection
    • Scan Detection
    • Reflector network
    • Tarpit
    • Dynamic quarantine
    • and more...
  • App Store> Security as an Apps
    • Security as a app
    • Security as a service
  • Challenges and Our Contributions
    • develop security apps is Hard
      • FRESCO: a new app development framework for modular, composable security services [NDSS'13]
    • It is not convenient to install/use security devices/services for cloud tenants
      • CloudWatcher/NetSecVisor/BYOCVisor: a new security monitoring service model [Network security virtualization] based on SDN
    • Leverage the advantages of SDN when no SDN data plane infrastructure
      • NDSS'16 work
  • NDSS'16 --Towards SDN-Defined Programmable BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Security

4. 基于灵活策略的云网络资源控制 -- 陈焰 浙江大学网络空间安全研究中心

  • SDNKeeper
    • 运营商网络
    • Cloud providers
    • SDN落地部署的关键:网络资源安全
    • SDNKeeper 系统架构
4.1 林晓东-- 加拿大劳瑞尔大学副教授
4.2 Ye Wu-- Privacy Protection based SMC applications--privcy leakage(DP SMC Forensics)
  • Privacy preserving correlation Analysis
    • A Toy Example
  • Securing Master Key with SMC: solution Overview
  • Privacy Preserving Data Query
  • Privacy Preserving Maching Learning
  • Privacy Preserving Challenges
  • Data Security Scenario
4.3 Chunyi Peng-- Purdue University 移动网络安全 https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/chunyi/
  • Mobile Network
    • large-sale wireless network Infrastructure
  • Expected to be More Secure
    • Internet: designed without embedded security features
    • Mobile network
      • User authentication and key agreement(AKA)
      • User authorization (explicit/implicit)
      • Encryption(IPSEC)
      • Access control (from both UE and Internet)
        • Firewall, tenants
      • Closed System
  • IP Spoofing [CCS'14]
    • ip assigned by the network, authentication for L2 data pipes
    • But, Spoofing on L3 is possible
  • VoLTE abuse [CCS'15]
    • VoLTE: IP packets for voice data and siganling
    • But, exploited for norma data packet
  • SMS Sender-ID Spoofing [CSS'16]
    • Authentication for the sender is required
    • But, SMS Sender (in SIP header) can be spoofed
  • Why: Gap between security and the operations it intends to project
  • Change Factors & Security Implications
    • Closed-> Open
      • Expose attack vectors to adversaries
      • E.g, IP
    • Security states: isolated user
      • But requires a full-path security (creation, storage, use, verification)
    • Missing Components
      • Monitor and detection (Security KPI)
      • Runtime traceback and mutual-authentication(not at the start only)
      • Provenance for troubleshooting (deterrence)
    • 5G opportunity: NFV (flexible & extensible)
4.4 赵志峰-- 浙大 An intelligent software defined security architecture and collaborative defense testbed [zhaozf@zju.edu.cn] OpenStack + OpenDaylight = testbed
  • An Intelligent Honeynet based on Software defined security [WCSP'17]
  • 利用AI与attackers对话,
  • A Machine learning based Intrusion detection system. [IET Networks'17]
    • K-means进行分流、随机森林做特征分类
  • Collaborative defense testbed [生成数据]
4.5 程越强 -- 百度资深安全科学家 Towards Trusted path establishment: from endpoints to cloud
  • Root of Trust(RoT) Candidates
    • Trusted Hardware as RoT
    • Hard Math Problems as RoT
  • Endpoint Trust establishment
    • starting from root of Trust
    • Extending trust chain in a layered system
  • Trusted Path applications
    • Secure Element + trustZone
      • Fingerprint Protection
    • Trusted Processor + Enclave
      • Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC)
      • Efficient Verifiable Computation
  • Trusted Path in Baidu
    • Trust chain upon Hardware RoT in layered System
      • Rust SGX Enclave - Verifiable and isolated execution environment
      • MesaLock Linux - memory safe user Space
    • MesaLink Connecting all of them
      • Post-quatum cryptographic support
      • Memory safe language - without memory corruptions
  • Trusted Path Still Challenging
    • Root key previsioning and management
    • Complex hardware architecture
    • Vulnerabilities in Implementation
    • Side channel threat, e.g., for Intel SGX
  • Q/A
    • 移动网络安全:3G 4G 5G安全,运营过程中的Gap,
    • SGX 的成熟、WAPI WIFI Security

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bpwcm2j 密码: zb2f