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FFmpeg 开发说明(七):ffmpeg 解码保存为 PCM 的音频并使用软件播放

最编程 2024-05-02 22:10:08
void FFmpegManager::testDecodeAudioForPcm() { // QString fileName = "test/1.avi"; QString fileName = "E:/testFile/3.mp4"; // QString fileName = "E:/testFile2/1.mp3"; QString outFileName = "D:/1.pcm"; AVFormatContext *pAVFormatContext = 0; // ffmpeg的全局上下文,所有ffmpeg操作都需要 AVCodecContext *pAVCodecContext = 0; // ffmpeg编码上下文 AVCodec *pAVCodec = 0; // ffmpeg编码器 AVPacket *pAVPacket = 0; // ffmpag单帧数据包 AVFrame *pAVFrame = 0; // ffmpeg单帧缓存 SwrContext *pSwrContext = 0; // ffmpeg音频转码 QFile file(outFileName); // Qt文件操作 int ret = 0; // 函数执行结果 int audioIndex = -1; // 音频流所在的序号 int numBytes = 0; uint8_t * outData[2] = {0}; int dstNbSamples = 0; // 解码目标的采样率 int outChannel = 0; // 重采样后输出的通道 AVSampleFormat outFormat = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE; // 重采样后输出的格式 int outSampleRate = 0; // 重采样后输出的采样率 pAVFormatContext = avformat_alloc_context(); // 分配 pAVPacket = av_packet_alloc(); // 分配 pAVFrame = av_frame_alloc(); // 分配 if(!pAVFormatContext || !pAVPacket || !pAVFrame) { LOG << "Failed to alloc"; goto END; } // 步骤一:注册所有容器和编解码器(也可以只注册一类,如注册容器、注册编码器等) av_register_all(); // 步骤二:打开文件(ffmpeg成功则返回0) LOG << "文件:" << fileName << ",是否存在:" << QFile::exists(fileName); // ret = avformat_open_input(&pAVFormatContext, fileName.toUtf8().data(), pAVInputFormat, 0); ret = avformat_open_input(&pAVFormatContext, fileName.toUtf8().data(), 0, 0); if(ret) { LOG << "Failed"; goto END; } // 步骤三:探测流媒体信息 ret = avformat_find_stream_info(pAVFormatContext, 0); if(ret < 0) { LOG << "Failed to avformat_find_stream_info(pAVCodecContext, 0)"; goto END; } LOG << "视频文件包含流信息的数量:" << pAVFormatContext->nb_streams; // 步骤四:提取流信息,提取视频信息 for(int index = 0; index < pAVFormatContext->nb_streams; index++) { pAVCodecContext = pAVFormatContext->streams[index]->codec; switch (pAVCodecContext->codec_type) { case AVMEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN: LOG << "流序号:" << index << "类型为:" << "AVMEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN"; break; case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: LOG << "流序号:" << index << "类型为:" << "AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO"; break; case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO: LOG << "流序号:" << index << "类型为:" << "AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO"; audioIndex = index; break; case AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA: LOG << "流序号:" << index << "类型为:" << "AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA"; break; case AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE: LOG << "流序号:" << index << "类型为:" << "AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE"; break; case AVMEDIA_TYPE_ATTACHMENT: LOG << "流序号:" << index << "类型为:" << "AVMEDIA_TYPE_ATTACHMENT"; break; case AVMEDIA_TYPE_NB: LOG << "流序号:" << index << "类型为:" << "AVMEDIA_TYPE_NB"; break; default: break; } // 已经找打视频品流 if(audioIndex != -1) { break; } } if(audioIndex == -1 || !pAVCodecContext) { LOG << "Failed to find video stream"; goto END; } // 步骤五:对找到的音频流寻解码器 pAVCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(pAVCodecContext->codec_id); if(!pAVCodec) { LOG << "Fialed to avcodec_find_decoder(pAVCodecContext->codec_id):" << pAVCodecContext->codec_id; goto END; } #if 0 pAVCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(pAVCodec); // 填充CodecContext信息 if (avcodec_parameters_to_context(pAVCodecContext, pAVFormatContext->streams[audioIndex]->codecpar) < 0) { printf("Failed to copy codec parameters to decoder context!\n"); goto END; } #endif // 步骤六:打开解码器 ret = avcodec_open2(pAVCodecContext, pAVCodec, NULL); if(ret) { LOG << "Failed to avcodec_open2(pAVCodecContext, pAVCodec, pAVDictionary)"; goto END; } // 打印 LOG << "解码器名称:" <<pAVCodec->name << endl << "通道数:" << pAVCodecContext->channels << endl << "通道布局:" << av_get_default_channel_layout(pAVCodecContext->channels) << endl << "采样率:" << pAVCodecContext->sample_rate << endl << "采样格式:" << pAVCodecContext->sample_fmt; #if 1 outChannel = 2; outSampleRate = 44100; outFormat = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P; #endif #if 0 outChannel = 2; outSampleRate = 48000; outFormat = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP; #endif LOG << "to" << endl << "通道数:" << outChannel << endl << "通道布局:" << av_get_default_channel_layout(outChannel) << endl << "采样率:" << outSampleRate << endl << "采样格式:" << outFormat; // 步骤七:获取音频转码器并设置采样参数初始化 // 入坑二:通道布局与通道数据的枚举值是不同的,需要转换 pSwrContext = swr_alloc_set_opts(0, // 输入为空,则会分配 av_get_default_channel_layout(outChannel), outFormat, // 输出的采样频率 outSampleRate, // 输出的格式 av_get_default_channel_layout(pAVCodecContext->channels), pAVCodecContext->sample_fmt, // 输入的格式 pAVCodecContext->sample_rate, // 输入的采样率 0, 0); ret = swr_init(pSwrContext); if(ret < 0) { LOG << "Failed to swr_init(pSwrContext);"; goto END; } file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate); outData[0] = (uint8_t *)av_malloc(1152 * 8); outData[1] = (uint8_t *)av_malloc(1152 * 8); // 步骤七:读取一帧数据的数据包 while(av_read_frame(pAVFormatContext, pAVPacket) >= 0) { if(pAVPacket->stream_index == audioIndex) { // 步骤八:将封装包发往解码器 ret = avcodec_send_packet(pAVCodecContext, pAVPacket); if(ret) { LOG << "Failed to avcodec_send_packet(pAVCodecContext, pAVPacket) ,ret =" << ret; break; } // 步骤九:从解码器循环拿取数据帧 while(!avcodec_receive_frame(pAVCodecContext, pAVFrame)) { // nb_samples并不是每个包都相同,遇见过第一个包为47,第二个包开始为1152的 // LOG << pAVFrame->nb_samples; // 步骤十:获取每个采样点的字节大小 numBytes = av_get_bytes_per_sample(outFormat); // 步骤十一:修改采样率参数后,需要重新获取采样点的样本个数 dstNbSamples = av_rescale_rnd(pAVFrame->nb_samples, outSampleRate, pAVCodecContext->sample_rate, AV_ROUND_ZERO); // 步骤十二:重采样 swr_convert(pSwrContext, outData, dstNbSamples, (const uint8_t **)pAVFrame->data, pAVFrame->nb_samples); // 第一次显示 static bool show = true; if(show) { LOG << numBytes << pAVFrame->nb_samples << "to" << dstNbSamples; show = false; } // 步骤十四:使用LRLRLRLRLRL(采样点为单位,采样点有几个字节,交替存储到文件,可使用pcm播放器播放) for (int index = 0; index < dstNbSamples; index++) { for (int channel = 0; channel < pAVCodecContext->channels; channel++) // 交错的方式写入, 大部分float的格式输出 { // 用于原始文件jinxin跟对比 // file.write((char *)pAVFrame->data[channel] + numBytes * index, numBytes); file.write((char *)outData[channel] + numBytes * index, numBytes); } } av_free_packet(pAVPacket); } } } file.close(); END: LOG << "释放回收资源"; if(outData[0] && outData[1]) { av_free(outData[0]); av_free(outData[1]); outData[0] = 0; outData[1] = 0; LOG << "av_free(outData[0])"; LOG << "av_free(outData[1])"; } if(pSwrContext) { swr_free(&pSwrContext); pSwrContext = 0; } if(pAVFrame) { av_frame_free(&pAVFrame); pAVFrame = 0; LOG << "av_frame_free(pAVFrame)"; } if(pAVPacket) { av_free_packet(pAVPacket); pAVPacket = 0; LOG << "av_free_packet(pAVPacket)"; } if(pAVCodecContext) { avcodec_close(pAVCodecContext); pAVCodecContext = 0; LOG << "avcodec_close(pAVCodecContext);"; } if(pAVFormatContext) { avformat_close_input(&pAVFormatContext); avformat_free_context(pAVFormatContext); pAVFormatContext = 0; LOG << "avformat_free_context(pAVFormatContext)"; } }