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最编程 2024-05-04 11:08:01

参考博客:Oracle 行列转换详解yuncode.net/code/c_59bf…

  • 需要将数据库中的查询结果,导出为指定格式(数据列排版)Excel文件


  • 实现方法
  1. 第一步
    连表查询得到需要获取的目标数据,如图: Image.png 观察查询结果可知,每个项目对应的得分项是一样的,因此可以根据每个得分项的编号seq_no作为行转列的条件,需要注意的是:排序条件要保证同每个项目的seq_no的排序顺序要保持一致,每个项目之间不能乱入哦,另外要注意group by,把需要查询的字段都加上。
    然后用sum(decode())做为行转列的手段,sql如图: Image.png

    Image.png 至此,我们是将每个项目进行行转列,但是每个项目最多有五条记录(可以理解为一张试卷有五个阅卷老师进行评分),下一步就是将每个项目中的五条记录也进行行转列。但是在进行行转列的时候需要有共同的规律,类似上述的seq_no,所以需要借助外力“ oracle为相同行记录增加序号列(row_number()函数)”,可见“yuncode.net/code/c_59bf…”,为每个项目加上序号,如图: Image.png 有了序号列rn,进行行转列,但是行转列并不能让我们将所有的分数行一起转(把分数作为整体),因为行转列只能操作列,而不是表。通过Oracle的字符串连接,把我们需要行转列的数据进行拼串,这样的话,可以将拼串的列进行行转列(因为他是一个列而不是表)

  2. 第二步
    此时使用的行转列是“ pivot(聚合函数 for 列名 in(类型)),其中 in(‘’) 中可以指定别名,in中还可以指定子查询,比如 select distinct ranking from temp”,参考:“www.cnblogs.com/xiao02fang/…

SELECT * FROM [StudentScores] /*数据源*/
    SUM(Score/*行转列后 列的值*/) FOR
    p.Subject/*需要行转列的列*/ IN ([语文],[数学],[英语],[生物]/*列的值*/)
) AS T
  1. 第三步
    经过上步转换后的结果为: Image.png 此时就可以将每个项目的五个专家的评分做成我们需要的格式,而其中有空的(原因是该项目只有四个专家进行评分),下一步就是通过key_no,将我们需要的其他字段进行连接查询,得到的结果集就是每个项目的所需要导出的信息。对于后面拼接的字符串可以通过Excel的功能进行切割(Excel的分列功能)。
  2. 第四步
    拼接其他需要的数据列后,得到需要的结果集: Image.png
  3. 第五步
    使用trrim(regexp_substr())对拼接的字符串做字符串切割,分为多列 Image.png
  • sql代码
select * from (


     select distinct v.*

        from (select ec.key_no,


                     ca.name as area_name,

                     o.name as org_name,



                     (select count(0)

                        from evaluation t

                       where t.status in ('05', '06', '07', '09')

                         and t.atc_code = ec.atc_code) as receivable,

                     (select count(e.ev_code)

                        from evaluation e

                       where e.atc_code = ec.atc_code

                         and e.status in ('09')) as received,

                     (select count(e.ev_code)

                        from evaluation e

                       where e.atc_code = ec.atc_code

                         and e.status in ('06')) as advoided,


                from evatv_container ec

                left join evaluation e on e.atc_code = ec.atc_code

                left join evatv_group eg on eg.group_code = ec.group_code

                left join proposal p on p.prp_code = ec.key_code

                left join proposal_extend pe on pe.prp_code=p.prp_code

                left join const_area ca on ca.area_no=pe.area_value

                left join organization o on o.org_code = p.org_code

                left join person psn on psn.psn_code = ec.psn_code

               where 1 = 1

                 and eg.atv_code = 2455) v )d

    left join

    (select *  from

         (select c.key_no,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 1), ',') AS c11,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 2), ',') AS c21,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 3), ',') AS c31,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 4), ',') AS c41,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 5), ',') AS c51,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 6), ',') AS c61,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 7), ',') AS c71,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 8), ',') AS c81,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 9), ',') AS c91,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 10), ',') AS c101,


          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 1), ',') AS c12,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 2), ',') AS c22,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 3), ',') AS c32,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 4), ',') AS c42,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 5), ',') AS c52,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 6), ',') AS c62,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 7), ',') AS c72,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 8), ',') AS c82,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 9), ',') AS c92,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 10), ',') AS c102,


          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 1), ',') AS c13,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 2), ',') AS c23,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 3), ',') AS c33,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 4), ',') AS c43,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 5), ',') AS c53,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 6), ',') AS c63,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 7), ',') AS c73,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 8), ',') AS c83,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 9), ',') AS c93,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 10), ',') AS c103,


          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 1), ',') AS c14,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 2), ',') AS c24,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 3), ',') AS c34,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 4), ',') AS c44,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 5), ',') AS c54,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 6), ',') AS c64,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 7), ',') AS c74,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 8), ',') AS c84,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 9), ',') AS c94,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 10), ',') AS c104,


          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 1), ',') AS c15,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 2), ',') AS c25,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 3), ',') AS c35,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 4), ',') AS c45,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 5), ',') AS c55,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 6), ',') AS c65,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 7), ',') AS c75,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 8), ',') AS c85,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 9), ',') AS c95,

          rtrim(regexp_substr(p1 || ',', '.*?' || ',', 1, 10), ',') AS c105


         (select *  from   


              select b.* from evatv_container ec ,        

                 (select row_number() over(PARTITION BY a.key_no ORDER BY a.ev_code) AS rn,a.key_no,

                   a.total_score || ',' || a.zb1_1 || ',' || a.zb1_2 || ',' || a.zb1_3 || ',' || a.zb2_1 || ',' || a.zb2_2 || ',' || a.zb2_3 || ',' || a.zb3_1 || ',' || a.zb3_2 || ',' || a.zb3_3 as p from       

                     (select ec.key_no,e.ev_code, e.total_score,

                      sum(decode(ei.seq_no, '2', option_score,null)) as zb1_1,

                      sum(decode(ei.seq_no, '3', option_score,null)) as zb1_2,

                      sum(decode(ei.seq_no, '4', option_score,null)) as zb1_3,

                      sum(decode(ei.seq_no, '6', option_score,null)) as zb2_1,

                      sum(decode(ei.seq_no, '7', option_score,null)) as zb2_2,

                      sum(decode(ei.seq_no, '8', option_score,null)) as zb2_3,

                      sum(decode(ei.seq_no, '10', option_score,null)) as zb3_1,

                      sum(decode(ei.seq_no, '11', option_score,null)) as zb3_2,

                      sum(decode(ei.seq_no, '12', option_score,null)) as zb3_3


                     from evaluation e

                         left join evatv_container ec on e.atc_code = ec.atc_code

                         left join evatv_group eg on eg.group_code = ec.group_code

                         left join evform_items ei on ei.form_code = e.form_code

                         left join evaluation_result er on er.ev_code = e.ev_code and er.item_code = ei.item_code

                         left join proposal p on p.prp_code = ec.key_code

                     where eg.atv_code = 2455 and p.grant_code = 48327  and e.status='09' and er.option_score is not null

                    group by ec.key_no,e.ev_code,e.total_score

                    order by ec.key_no,e.ev_code asc)a  

                 )b  where ec.key_no=b.key_no


         pivot (max(p) for rn in( '1' as p1, '2' as p2,'3' as p3, '4' as p4, '5' as p5)) )c))e

  on d.key_no=e.key_no


