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最编程 2024-06-01 16:10:13
// m[] = input matrix
// (X, R) = local variables to store the position of an empty cell
//          (more specifically: the last empty cell of the grid)
f = (m, X, R) =>
  // for each row r[] at position y in m[]
  // using q as an object for bit-mask storage
  m.every(q = (r, y) =>
    // for each value v at position x in r[]
    r.every((v, x) =>
      // is this cell empty?
      v ?
        // it's not: make sure its value is valid
        // g is a helper function testing whether q[k] is modified
        // when its v-th bit it set; if not, it means that we have
        // twice the same digit on a diagonal or a square
          g = k => q[k] ^ (q[k] |= 1 << v)
          // invoke g for the current anti-diagonal,
          // with k in [-8..8]
          x - y
        ) *
          // invoke g for the current diagonal,
          // with k in [9..25]
          x + y + 9
        ) *
          // invoke g for the current square,
          // with k in [32..42]
          x / 3 | y / 3 + 8 << 2
        // this cell is empty: save its position in (X, R)
        // NB: this is guaranteed to be truthy (having empty
        // cells does not invalidate the grid)
        (X = x, R = r)
  ) ?
    // the grid is valid so far
    R ?
      // there's an empty cell: attempt to set it to 1 .. 9 and
      // do recursive calls to see if it leads to a solution
      m.some(_ => f(m, R[X]++)) ?
        // if successful, return m[]
        // otherwise, reset the cell to 0 afterwards and abort
        R[X] = 0
      // the grid is valid and there's no empty cell: return m[]
    // the grid is invalid: abort right away