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ECE 6443 VLSI Systems & Architecture Project I

最编程 2024-06-08 07:28:20


(i) Use the 8b ALU Verilog module to synthesize (using Genus and the ASAP 7nm library) the component at the smallest cycle time that does not violate cycle time constraints in the synthesized ALU

(ii) Plot Power and Area of the synthesized ALU as a function of clk period as you lower cycle time from 1.0ns to 0.1ns with the following cycle times until you see cycle time constraints violated:

1.0ns, 0.5ns, 0.4ns, 0.3ns, 0.275ns, 0.25ns, 0.225ns, 0.2ns,0.175ns, 0.15ns, 0.125ns, 0.1ns

report_qor will show how many paths failed to meet cycle time constraints.timing_report shows the gate and transition contributions to path delay for the most limiting path. power_report shows the distribution of power by component: Flip-Flop,logic gates, clock distribution

set_units -time ns

# Create a clock with T ns period and 50% duty cycle

create_clock -name clk -period 1.00 -waveform { 0 0.5 } [get_ports clk]

# ————————- Input constraints ——————-

set_input_delay 0.0150 -rise -clock clk [all_inputs]

# ————————- Output constraints ——————

set_output_delay 0.015 -rise -clock clk [all_outputs]

set_max_delay 1 -from [all_inputs] -to [all_outputs]

# Assume 50fF load capacitances everywhere:

set_load 0.050 [all_outputs]

# Set 10fF maximum capacitance on all inputs

set_max_capacitance 0.010 [all_inputs]

# set clock uncertainty of the system clock (skew and jitter)

set_clock_uncertainty -setup 0.005 [get_clocks clk]

set_clock_uncertainty -hold 0.005 [get_clocks clk]

# set maximum transition at output ports

set_max_transition 10 [current_design]

(iii) Modify the 8b ALU verilog module to synthesize each functional unit individually (8b adder, multiplier, divider etc) and repeat the task of scaling cycle time until you see a failing path [tool unable to synthesize unit using any of the knobs/options – VT, device width, fanout/fanin, etc]. Plot Power and Area as a function of cycle time for each of these functional units

(iv) Synthesis dependencies on cycle time constraint

Internal power is any power dissipated within the boundary of a cell Cint * V*V *f + V * Isc

Short Circuit : = (V*ISC)