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最全的深度学习资源集(Github:Awesome Deep Learning)--课程

最编程 2024-06-23 12:47:23

Machine Learning - Stanford by Andrew Ng in Coursera (2010-2014)

Machine Learning - Caltech by Yaser Abu-Mostafa (2012-2014)

Machine Learning - Carnegie Mellon by Tom Mitchell (Spring 2011)

Neural Networks for Machine Learning by Geoffrey Hinton in Coursera (2012)

Neural networks class by Hugo Larochelle from Université de Sher*e (2013)

Deep Learning Course by CILVR lab @ NYU (2014)

A.I - Berkeley by Dan Klein and Pieter Abbeel (2013)

A.I - MIT by Patrick Henry Winston (2010)

Vision and learning - computers and brains by Shimon Ullman, Tomaso Poggio, Ethan Meyers @ MIT (2013)

Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition - Stanford by Fei-Fei Li, Andrej Karpathy (2015)

Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition - Stanford by Fei-Fei Li, Andrej Karpathy (2016)

Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing - Stanford

Neural Networks - usher*e

Machine Learning - Oxford(2014-2015)

Deep Learning - Nvidia(2015)

Graduate Summer School: Deep Learning, Feature Learning by Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, Yann LeCun, Andrew Ng, Nando de Freitas and several others @ IPAM, UCLA (2012)

Deep Learning - Udacity/Google by Vincent Vanhoucke and Arpan Chakraborty (2016)

Deep Learning - UWaterloo by Prof. Ali Ghodsi at University of Waterloo (2015)

Statistical Machine Learning - CMU by Prof. Larry Wasserman

Deep Learning Course by Yann LeCun (2016)

Bay area DL school by Andrew Ng, Yoshua Bengio, Samy Bengio, Andrej Karpathy, Richard Socher, Hugo Larochelle and many others @ Stanford, CA (2016)

Designing, Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks-UC Berkeley

UVA Deep Learning Course MSc in Artificial Intelligence for the University of Amsterdam.

MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars

MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning

Berkeley CS 294: Deep Reinforcement Learning

Keras in Motion video course

Practical Deep Learning For Coders by Jeremy Howard - Fast.ai