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Java 论文知识图谱和可视化原型系统的设计与实施

最编程 2024-07-09 10:16:11

摘 要

In the era of rapid data expansion, we cannot ignore the impact of large amounts of data on us. Data visualization is a technology that uses graphic images and other methods to express the connotation of data. It can bring more intuitiveness to users than simple data display, and users can easily see information such as the trend of data changes. Therefore, in order to fully grasp the development hotspots in the professional field, it is very necessary to continuously monitor the quality of graduation thesis and continuously improve the graduation design process, and develop a visualization system for graduation thesis. Based on the above analysis, I decided to make a knowledge map of the graduation thesis and visual prototype system.
This system first conducted a demand analysis of the entire system, and secondly designed a visualization system based on knowledge graphs and Echarts, realized the construction of the knowledge graph of the graduation thesis based on the Neo4j graph database, and searched for a technical knowledge graph through natural language Chinese Word segmentation is used to draw high-frequency word clouds, analyze the development hotspots in the professional field in recent years, and visualize other information. Then, based on the development model with separate front and back ends, the front end uses Vue scaffolding to build front-end projects, and the back end uses Spring Boot to build End engineering, and integrated JWT, shiro and other frameworks, and finally deployed and released through the Nginx server to provide a visual system for school administrators and teachers..
KEY WORDS: knowledge graph;NLP;Front and rear separation;Vue;Spring Boot;Neo4j;Echarts

目 录
1 绪 论 1
1.1 研究目的与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 论文的主要内容及组织结构 2
1.3.1 论文的主要内容 2
1.3.2 论文的组织结构 2
2 相关技术介绍 3
2.1 知识图谱简介 3
2.2 Neo4j图数据库简介 3
2.3 Spring-data-neo4j简介 4
3 系统需求分析 4
3.1 功能需求 4
3.1.1 导入模块需求分析 4
3.1.2 分词模块需求分析 5
3.1.3 知识图谱构建与查询模块需求分析 5
3.1.4 可视化模块 5
3.1.5 用户模块 6
3.1.6 信息维护模块 7
3.2 性能需求 9
3.3 安全需求 9
3.4 界面需求 9
4 系统详细设计 10
4.1 系统架构设计 10
4.2 系统模块设计 10
4.3 导入模块设计 11
4.4 中文分词模块设计 12
4.5 知识图谱的构建与查询模块的设计 13
4.6 可视化模块的设计 14
4.7 后台信息维护模块的设计 15
4.8 数据库设计 15
5 系统实现与测试 17
5.1 系统环境搭建 18
5.1.1 后端项目框架搭建 18
5.1.2 前端项目框架搭建 19
5.2 导入模块实现 20
5.2.1 基础信息导入 20
5.2.2 论文信息导入 21
5.3 中文分词模块实现 23
5.4 知识图谱的构建与查询模块实现 23
5.5 可视化模块的实现 25
5.6 后台信息维护的实现 26
5.7 系统测试 27
6 系统部署 29
6.1 后端项目部署 29
6.2 前端项目部署 30
7 总结与展望 31
7.1 总结 31
7.2 展望 31
参考文献 32
附录 33
致谢 36


