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理解异步代码:C# 和 Java 异步编程比较

最编程 2024-07-16 14:23:19

在这篇博文中,我们将讨论什么是异步代码,并探讨其执行在不同语言中的差异。我们将使用 C# 和 Java 来说明不同的方法。





  1. 第 0 天:下订单购买油漆并等待几天直到交付(2 天)。
  2. 第2天:下单木地板,等到发货(20天-发货慢)。
  3. 第 22 天:从您的公寓中移除所有家具(5 天)。
  4. 第 27 天:粉刷墙壁(5 天)。
  5. 第 32 天:安装木地板(5 天)。
  6. 第 37 天:您的装修完成了 :) 总共用了 37 天。



  1. 第 0 天:下订单购买油漆(交货需要 2 天)。
  2. 第 0 天:下订单购买木地板(交货时间为 20 天)。
  3. 第 0 天:移除家具(5 天)。
  4. 第 5 天:油漆已经在 3 天前到达 - 让我们粉刷墙壁(5 天)。
  5. 第 10 天:还要再等 10 天,直到地板交付 - 我们现在(10 天)没有任何事可做。
  6. 第 20 天:地板终于到了 - 让我们安装它(5 天)。
  7. Day 25:Aaand done,总共花了我们25天。



我们将探讨如何在 C# 和 Java 中实现此示例并比较它们的模型。



在 C# 中,根据Microsoft 文档,async / await 关键字不会导致创建额外的线程,因为异步方法不会在它们自己的专用线程上执行。相反,该方法在当前同步上下文中运行,并且仅在线程处于活动状态时才使用它的时间。同步上下文表示代码运行的执行上下文,并且有一些示例是单线程的


在 Java 中,有多种编写异步代码的方法。我们只会CompletableFuture在这篇博文中讨论(注意:我们不会讨论虚拟线程,它目前作为预览功能可用)。Java 使用单独的线程来执行异步任务,并且不会在 JVM 级别切换上下文。即使您创建了一个单线程执行器 ( Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()),它仍然是第二个线程(除了主线程之外),如果要求等待执行结果,主线程将被阻塞。

Node.js 中使用了另一种模型,它利用事件循环进行异步操作。您可以在本文中阅读相关信息。

现在让我们看一些 C# 和 Java 中的示例。

C# 示例


internal class Renovation
    static int Id => Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
    static async Task BuyPaint()
        Console.WriteLine($"{Id} Placing an order for paint at a local shop - it'll be delivered quickly.");
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
        Console.WriteLine($"{Id} Paint delivered!");

    static async Task BuyWoodenFloor()
        Console.WriteLine($"{Id} Placing an order for wooden floor. The delivery will take over a month.");
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));
        Console.WriteLine($"{Id} Wooden floor is finally delivered!");

    static async Task RemoveFurniture()
        Console.WriteLine($"{Id} Starting to remove the furniture... This will take a few days.");
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
        Console.WriteLine($"{Id} Removed all furniture from the room!");

    static async Task PaintingTheWalls()
        Console.WriteLine($"{Id} Now let's paint the walls - should be fairly quick.");
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
        Console.WriteLine($"{Id} Walls are painted!");

    static async Task InstallNewFloor()
        Console.WriteLine($"{Id} Let's install the floor.");
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
        Console.WriteLine($"{Id} Floors are installed!");

    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine($"Is Background thread? {Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Is SynchronizationContext null? {System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current == null}");

        Task paint = BuyPaint();
        Task woodenFloor = BuyWoodenFloor();
        Console.WriteLine($"{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId} Placed all orders! Let's remove all the furniture from the room...");
        await RemoveFurniture();

        await paint;
        await PaintingTheWalls();

        await woodenFloor;
        await InstallNewFloor();

        Console.WriteLine($"{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId} The renovation is done :)");
        Console.WriteLine($"Is Background thread? {Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground}");


PS C:\Users\darya\VSCode> dotnet run
**Is Background thread?** False
Is SynchronizationContext null? True
1 Placing an order for paint at a local shop - it'll be delivered quickly.
1 Placing an order for wooden floor. The delivery will take over a month.
1 Placed all orders! Let's remove all the furniture from the room...
1 Starting to remove the furniture... This will take a few days.
5 Paint delivered!
5 Removed all furniture from the room!
5 Now let's paint the walls - should be fairly quick.
5 Walls are painted!
5 Wooden floor is finally delivered!
5 Let's install the floor.
5 Floors are installed!
5 The renovation is done :)
**Is Background thread?** True


  • 在遇到await关键字之前,C# 永远不会放弃对执行的控制。例如,它首先记录它为绘画和产量下了订单,然后它为木地板和产量记录了相同的订单,然后才开始移除家具。
  • 如上所述,它们的同步上下文为空,因此代码使用了线程池。在高峰期,三个方法并行运行 - Main、BuyPaint 和 BuyWoodenFloor。BuyPaint 在线程 #1 上启动,但当它恢复时,它使用线程 #5 并且 main 方法的执行随后也在该线程上继续。
  • Main 方法在主线程上启动,但经过几次异步调用后,它记录了最终在后台线程上执行的情况。


现在让我们使用 Java 实现相同的示例CompletableFuture

public class Main {
    static int getId() {
        return (int) Thread.currentThread().threadId();

    static void buyPaint() {
        try {
            System.out.println(getId() + " Placing an order for paint at a local shop - it'll be delivered quickly.");
            System.out.println(getId() + " Paint delivered!");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    static void buyWoodenFloor() {
        try {
            System.out.println(getId() + " Placing an order for wooden floor. The delivery will take over a month.");
            System.out.println(getId() + " Wooden floor is finally delivered!");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    static void removeFurniture() {
        try {
            System.out.println(getId() + " Starting to remove the furniture... This will take a few days.");
            System.out.println(getId() + " Removed all furniture from the room!");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    static void paintingTheWalls() {
        try {
            System.out.println(getId() + " Now let's paint the walls - should be fairly quick.");
            System.out.println(getId() + " Walls are painted!");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    static void installNewFloor() {
        try {
            System.out.println(getId() + " Let's install the floor.");
            System.out.println(getId() + " Floors are installed!");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Executor executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(/* nThreads= */ 3);
        CompletableFuture<Void> paint = CompletableFuture.runAsync(Main::buyPaint, executor);
        CompletableFuture<Void> woodenFloor = CompletableFuture.runAsync(Main::buyWoodenFloor, executor);

        System.out.println(getId() + " Placed all orders! Let's remove all the furniture from the room...");


        CompletableFuture.runAsync(Main::paintingTheWalls, executor).join();

        CompletableFuture.runAsync(Main::installNewFloor, executor).join();

        System.out.println(getId() + " The renovation is done :)");


23 Placing an order for paint at a local shop - it'll be delivered quickly.
24 Placing an order for wooden floor. The delivery will take over a month.
1 Placed all orders! Let's remove all the furniture from the room...
1 Starting to remove the furniture... This will take a few days.
23 Paint delivered!
1 Removed all furniture from the room!
25 Now let's paint the walls - should be fairly quick.
25 Walls are painted!
24 Wooden floor is finally delivered!
23 Let's install the floor.
23 Floors are installed!
1 The renovation is done :)
  • 我们看到 Java 从CompletableFuture我们为每个方法定义的线程池中使用了单独的线程。
  • 与 C# 不同,异步方法始终在单独的线程上从头到尾完全执行,并且不会产生执行。
  • 主线程即使在阻塞时也总是被占用——main 方法总是在主线程上开始和结束。


