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【#004_2018.01.23】The search for MH370 ——Many scanners, very deep

最编程 2024-07-19 14:54:32

2018.01.06期 p56-57

The search for MH370 ——搜寻马航NH370

Many scanners, very deep


Durban 德班

A swarm of autonomous submarines launched from a fantastical mother ship is out to find a missing airliner


ON JANUARY 2nd, at 8 pm local time,a strange vessel cast off and sailed out of the Port of Durban, in South Africa, heading east. Her hull was orange. Her superstructure bristled with antennae — some long and pointy, some sleek, white and domed. Her stern sported a crane and also a strange gantry, known to her crew as the “stinger”. Her bow looked so huge and ungainly as to be on the point of tipping her, nose first, into the depths. And below deck, invisible to those on shore, she carried eight autonomous submarines called HUGINs, each six metres long, weighing 1,800 kg, and containing a titanium sphere to protect the sensitive electronics therein from the pressure of the ocean’s depths.


The strange ship’s name is Seabed Constructor. She is a Norwegian research vessel, built in 2014 and owned by Swire Seabed, adredging and surveying firm in Bergen.At the moment, though, she is leased to Ocean Infinity, a company based in Houston, Texas. And the task Ocean Infinity has hired her for is a hard one:to find whatever is left of flight MH370, a Boeing 777-200 ER that left Kuala Lumpur on March 8th 2014 with 239 people on board and vanished over the Indian Ocean.

此怪船名为Seabed Constructor。它是一艘建造于2014年的挪威调查船,属于卑尔根市(位于挪威西南部)的挖掘与勘探公司Swire Seabed公司。不过,目前它被海洋无限公司(美国海底探测公司)租用,这是位于德克萨斯州休斯顿的一家公司。海洋无限公司租用它是为了一个艰巨的任务:寻找MH370航班的遗物。这是一架波音777-200ER飞机,它于2014年3月8日从马拉西亚首都吉隆坡出发,飞机上载有239名乘客,在印度洋上空失联。

The disappearance of MH370 is one of the great mysteries of modern civil aviation. The aircraft was bound for Beijing, but changed course suddenly over the South China Sea and broke off radio contact. It was last detected by radar near the northern tip of Sumatra, heading west-northwest into the open ocean. Subsequent transmissions to a communications satellite suggested that it crashed somewhere along an arc between 1,500 km and 2,700 km west of Australia.


The search that followed was the largest in aviation history.It was mounted by Fugro, a Dutch firm, and paid for by the Malaysian,Chinese and Australian governments. Over the course of three years Fugro managed to scan 120,000 square kilometres of seabed.But it found nothing.The plan is for Ocean Infinity’s search to be paid for, on a “no find, no fee” basis, by Malaysia alone.Contracts have yet to be signed,but Oliver Plunkett, Ocean Infinity’s boss, has decided to go ahead anyway, to take advantage of the window of good weather that opens in the southern Indian Ocean in January and February.

(飞机坠毁后)紧接着的搜救工作可谓是航空史上最大的一次。它由荷兰的Fugro公司组织,并由马拉西亚、中国以及澳大利亚*共同出资。在过去的三年里,Fugro公司对海底120000平方公里的区域进行了搜索,但什么也没找到。(正因为Fugro公司毫无所获,因此现在搜索工作由海洋无限公司接管)海洋无限公司搜索的薪酬计划是:(如果找到残骸)费用由马来西亚单方面支付,如果找不到则不收费。尽管还未签合同,但是海洋无限公司的老板Oliver Plunkett已经决定,趁着一月和二月南印度洋的大好天气,无论如何都要继续搜索。(不太理解此句中的the window of是什么意思,尽管不太影响对文章的理解)

Ocean Infinity aims to cover the ground (此处的ground指代上段中的“seabed”)much faster than Fugrodid. In prior cruises in the Atlantic, the firm has, according to Josh Broussard, its technical director, managed to scan 890 square kilometres a day using six autonomous submarines. With eight,Mr Broussard thinks that the new mission will be able to manage 1,200 a day—enough to have covered the original search area in just 100 days.

海洋无限公司计划以比Fugro公司更快的速度对海底进行搜索。其技术指导Josh Broussard指出,在先前的一次对大西洋的搜索中,该公司用6搜自动潜艇每天搜索面积达890平方公里。若用8艘,那么Broussard先生认为,对于这个新任务,他们能以每天1200平方公里的速度进行搜索——原先的搜索面积他们在100天之内就足以完成。

The new search area, 25,000 square kilometres of sea floor chosen by investigators from the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), is just north of the old one (see map on next page). Fugro could infer MH370’ s crash site only from its final,rather shaky, satellite signals. Ocean Infinity’s effort has been guided as well by wreckage washed ashore on the coasts of Africa and several islands in the Indian Ocean—hence the more northerly starting point.Seabed Constructor will reach that starting-point, which is about 35°S, and 2,200 km off the coast of Western Australia,on or about January 17th, her crew having conducted a few final tests and calibrations of the HUGIN system en route,using remote-controlled robots to place dummy debris on the sea floor in order to see if the subs can find it. If searching the patch of ocean designated by the ATSB reveals nothing, then the ship will head farther north, towards the 30th parallel,which some independent experts believe is a better bet.

由澳洲交通安全局的调查员所确定的新的搜索区域是25000平方公里的海床,它位于旧搜索区域以北(如下图所示)。Fugro公司仅仅只是从飞机最后发生极其摇晃的卫星信号去推断其坠毁位置的。而海洋无限公司则还根据被冲到非洲海岸线和印度洋其它几个岛屿的残骸去判断坠机点——因此,确定为在初始位置更偏北的地方。海底建造者号(一艘搜救船的名字)将于1月17日左右到达那个起始位置:在离西澳大利亚海岸线2200km的南纬35°处。机组人员在途中已经用对HUGIN系统进行了一些最终测试和校准,他们使用远程机器人在海底放置一些假碎片,然后观察潜艇是否能找到这些碎片。如果在澳洲交通安全局 (ATSB)所指定的地方未搜索到任何东西,那么搜索船将会朝着南纬30°的平行线继续往北前进,这是不同专家们所一致认为的更佳方案。

An ocean of interest

Fugro’s search used but a single autonomous submarine, and this was unable to dive below 4,000 metres, meaning it was not always close to the seabed. The HUGINs carried by Seabed Constructor can, however, go as deep as 6,000 metres. That permits them to reach most of the sea floor comfortably. And the fact that there are eight of them means different areas can be searched in parallel, and that some submarines will always be at sea.


The HUGINs will be launched by the stinger, which extends out over the ship’s stern. Once underwater, the robot craft will communicate with the ship using an acoustic modem.The ship’s own modem, which will receive these signals, is fixed to the end of a long pole that extends down through her hull into the water.


Each HUGIN comes with a 300 kg lithium-polymer battery pack, good fora tour of duty lasting up to 60 hours. A downward- pointing sonar will map the contours of the seabed beneath the craft, but most of the searching will be done by side-mounted sonars scanning the bed on either side of the craft. These send out pings and measure the intensity with which they are reflected. Sand reflects less sound than metal does, meaning metal objects such as aircraft debris are easy to distinguish. And if something apparently metallic is detected, its nature can be confirmed using an on-board magnetometer.


The HUGINs’ search patterns are set by people, but the craft will actually navigate with little reference to their mother ship.Every so often, the ship will send out a corrective ping to keep them on course. Mostly, however, they will employ dead reckoning, based on data from accelerometers, to steer themselves autonomously.They are also capable of picking their way without assistance over sheer underwater cliffs and mountains, and past crevices and gullies, using on-board cameras and machine-vision software.


After its tour of duty, a HUGIN will be lifted back on-board ship and the data it has collected (up to two terabytes, recorded on a waterproof hard drive) downloaded into the ship’s data centre and turned into human-readable maps, a process that takes six hours. The HUGIN’s battery will be replaced with a fully charged one, any necessary repairs made, and the craft then sent back out into the ocean.


A team of geologists and hydrographers will then pore over the maps, looking for signs of the missing plane.Surprisingly, for such a high-tech operation, this stage of the search will be entirely manual. Every block of sea floor that the HUGINs map will be examined by three sets of human eyes. Together, this survey team will come up with a list of possible targets,ranked from “E” to “A” (“nothing” to “that’s it”), to present to their bosses. If the data look good, a HUGIN will be sent down for a second, closer look, cameras at the ready.


What happens next, if Ocean Infinity does locate what is left of the missing aircraft, is unclear. Friends and relatives of those aboard it will doubtless derive relief from knowing where the flight ended up. But merely finding the wreckage will not explain what happened on board the plane. That will require the discovery of the aircraft’s flight recorder.


That object is therefore Ocean Infinity’s ultimate target. If it is found on this mission, Mr Broussard says the firm plans to bring it to the surface and then deliver it for analysis to the Australian authorities, who have the technical competence to assess it. A follow-up trip to examine the wreckage, and even bring it to the surface, would require further authorisation from the Malaysian government.


Seabed Constructor is the most advanced civilian survey vessel on the planet today. If its array of technology cannot find MH370, then it is likely that nothing will, and that the mystery of MH370 will remain unsolved. Either way, though, the advance of technology may mean that it is the last such mystery. As the oceans are watched with ever closer scrutiny,from space and the depths, it is increasingly difficult for anything to get lost in the first place.


(1360 words )