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最编程 2024-07-25 14:42:08




单细胞转录学使得在单细胞分辨率下对细胞分化和谱系选择等生物过程的无偏见研究成为可能。由此产生的计算问题被称为轨迹推断。轨迹推断算法从处于发育过程不同阶段的一组细胞开始,旨在重建导致潜在细胞命运的转录变化的发育序列。轨迹推断的一个中心挑战是单细胞RNA测序(scRNA-seq)的破坏性,它只揭示细胞的 某一瞬时静止状态。为了从描述性轨迹模型转向预测性轨迹模型,就需要用额外的信息来约束可能导致相同轨迹的可能动力的空间。因此,譬如血统追踪分析便可以通过修改基因添加信息,以重建血统关系。然而,这些分析并不容易建立,而且在许多系统中受到技术限制,如人类组织。







(1)转录αk(t)、剪接β和降解 γ的反应速度



import scvelo as scv
scv.settings.verbosity = 3  # show errors(0), warnings(1), info(2), hints(3)
scv.settings.presenter_view = True  # set max width size for presenter view
scv.set_figure_params('scvelo')  # for beautified visualization


To run velocity analysis on your own data, read your file (loom, h5ad, csv …) to an AnnData object with adata = scv.read('path/file.loom', cache=True). If you want to merge your loom file into an already existing AnnData object, use scv.utils.merge(adata, adata_loom).

adata = scv.datasets.pancreas()


scVelo is based on adata:
an object that stores a data matrix adata.X,
annotation of observations adata.obs,
variables adata.var,
and unstructured annotations adata.uns.
Names of observations and variables can be accessed via adata.obs_names and adata.var_names, respectively.
AnnData objects can be sliced like dataframes, for example, adata_subset = adata[:, list_of_gene_names].
For more details, see the anndata docs.



gene selection by detection (with a minimum number of counts) and high variability (dispersion), normalizing every cell by its total size and logarithmizing X. Filtering and normalization is applied in the same vein to spliced/unspliced counts and X. Logarithmizing is only applied to X. If X is already preprocessed from former analysis, it will not be touched.

scv.pp.filter_genes(adata, min_shared_counts=20)
scv.pp.filter_genes_dispersion(adata, n_top_genes=2000)

Further, we need the first and second order moments (means and uncentered variances) computed among nearest neighbors in PCA space, summarized in scv.pp.moments, which internally computes scv.pp.pca and scv.pp.neighbors. First order is needed for deterministic velocity estimation, while stochastic estimation also requires second order moments.

scv.pp.filter_and_normalize(adata, min_shared_counts=20, n_top_genes=2000)
scv.pp.moments(adata, n_pcs=30, n_neighbors=30)


Further preprocessing (such as batch effect correction) may be used to remove unwanted sources of variability. See the best practices for further details. Note, that any additional preprocessing step only affects X and is not applied to spliced/unspliced counts.


Velocities are vectors in gene expression space and represent the direction and speed of movement of the individual cells. The velocities are obtained by modeling transcriptional dynamics of splicing kinetics, either stochastically (default) or deterministically (by setting mode='deterministic').
For each gene, a steady-state-ratio of pre-mature (unspliced) and mature (spliced) mRNA counts is fitted, which constitutes a constant transcriptional state. Velocities are then obtained as residuals from this ratio. Positive velocity indicates that a gene is up-regulated, which occurs for cells that show higher abundance of unspliced mRNA for that gene than expected in steady state. Conversely, negative velocity indicates that a gene is down-regulated.
The solution to the full dynamical model is obtained by setting mode='dynamical', which requires to run scv.tl.recover_dynamics(adata) beforehand. We will elaborate more on the dynamical model in the next tutorial.



The computed velocities are stored in adata.layers just like the count matrices.

The combination of velocities across genes can then be used to estimate the future state of an individual cell. In order to project the velocities into a lower-dimensional embedding, transition probabilities of cell-to-cell transitions are estimated. That is, for each velocity vector we find the likely cell transitions that are accordance with that direction. The transition probabilities are computed using cosine correlation between the potential cell-to-cell transitions and the velocity vector, and are stored in a matrix denoted as velocity graph. The resulting velocity graph has dimension nobs×nobs and summarizes the possible cell state changes that are well explained through the velocity vectors (for runtime speedup it can also be computed on reduced PCA space by setting approx=True).



For a variety of applications, the velocity graph can be converted to a transition matrix by applying a Gaussian kernel to transform the cosine correlations into actual transition probabilities. You can access the Markov transition matrix via scv.utils.get_transition_matrix.

As mentioned, it is internally used to project the velocities into a low-dimensional embedding by applying the mean transition with respect to the transition probabilities, obtained with scv.tl.velocity_embedding. Further, we can trace cells along the Markov chain to their origins and potential fates, thereby getting root cells and end points within a trajectory, obtained via scv.tl.terminal_states.


Finally, the velocities are projected onto any embedding, specified by basis, and visualized in one of these ways: - on cellular level with scv.pl.velocity_embedding, - as gridlines with scv.pl.velocity_embedding_grid, - or as streamlines with scv.pl.velocity_embedding_stream.

Note, that the data has an already pre-computed UMAP embedding, and annotated clusters. When applying to your own data, these can be obtained with scv.tl.umap and scv.tl.louvain. For more details, see the scanpy tutorial. Further, all plotting functions are defaulted to using basis='umap' and color='clusters', which you can set accordingly.

scv.pl.velocity_embedding_stream(adata, basis='umap',save=f"./stream.pdf")
scv.pl.velocity_embedding_stream(adata, basis='umap',save=f"./stream.pdf")
scv.pl.velocity_embedding(adata, arrow_length=3, arrow_size=2, dpi=120,save=f"./embedding.pdf")
scv.pl.velocity_embedding(adata, arrow_length=3, arrow_size=2, dpi=120,save=f"./embedding.pdf")


This is perhaps the most important part as we advise the user not to limit biological conclusions to the projected velocities, but to examine individual gene dynamics via phase portraits to understand how inferred directions are supported by particular genes.

See the gif here to get an idea of how to interpret a spliced vs. unspliced phase portrait. Gene activity is orchestrated by transcriptional regulation. Transcriptional induction for a particular gene results in an increase of (newly transcribed) precursor unspliced mRNAs while, conversely, repression or absence of transcription results in a decrease of unspliced mRNAs. Spliced mRNAs is produced from unspliced mRNA and follows the same trend with a time lag. Time is a hidden/latent variable. Thus, the dynamics needs to be inferred from what is actually measured: spliced and unspliced mRNAs as displayed in the phase portrait.

Now, let us examine the phase portraits of some marker genes, visualized with scv.pl.velocity(adata, gene_names) or scv.pl.scatter(adata, gene_names).

scv.pl.velocity(adata, ['Cpe',  'Gnao1', 'Ins2', 'Adk'], ncols=2,save=f"./Interprete_the_velocities.pdf")
scv.pl.velocity(adata, ['Cpe', 'Gnao1', 'Ins2', 'Adk'], ncols=2,save=f"./Interprete_the_velocities.pdf")

For instance Cpe explains the directionality in the up-regulated Ngn3 (yellow) to Pre-endocrine (orange) to β-cells (green), while Adk explains the directionality in the down-regulated Ductal (dark green) to Ngn3 (yellow) to the remaining endocrine cells.

scv.pl.scatter(adata, 'Cpe', color=['clusters', 'velocity'],
               add_outline='Ngn3 high EP, Pre-endocrine, Beta',save=f"./Cpe.pdf")
scv.pl.scatter(adata, 'Adk', color=['clusters', 'velocity'],save=f"./Adk.pdf")



We need a systematic way to identify genes that may help explain the resulting vector field and inferred lineages. To do so, we can test which genes have cluster-specific differential velocity expression, being siginificantly higher/lower compared to the remaining population. The module scv.tl.rank_velocity_genes runs a differential velocity t-test and outpus a gene ranking for each cluster. Thresholds can be set (e.g. min_corr) to restrict the test on a selection of gene candidates.

scv.tl.rank_velocity_genes(adata, groupby='clusters', min_corr=.3)

df = scv.DataFrame(adata.uns['rank_velocity_genes']['names'])
scv.tl.rank_velocity_genes(adata, groupby='clusters', min_corr=.3)
kwargs = dict(frameon=False, size=10, linewidth=1.5,
              add_outline='Ngn3 high EP, Pre-endocrine, Beta')

scv.pl.scatter(adata, df['Ngn3 high EP'][:5], ylabel='Ngn3 high EP', **kwargs,save=f"./Ngn3_high_EP.pdf")
scv.pl.scatter(adata, df['Pre-endocrine'][:5], ylabel='Pre-endocrine', **kwargs,save=f"./Pre-endocrine.pdf")
scv.pl.scatter(adata, df['Ngn3 high EP'][:5], ylabel='Ngn3 high EP', **kwargs,save=f"./Ngn3_high_EP.pdf")

scv.pl.scatter(adata, df['Pre-endocrine'][:5], ylabel='Pre-endocrine', **kwargs,save=f"./Pre-endocrine.pdf")

The genes Ptprs, Pclo, Pam, Abcc8, Gnas, for instance, support the directionality from Ngn3 high EP (yellow) to Pre-endocrine (orange) to Beta (green).
基因Ptprs, Pclo, Pam, Abcc8支持黄->橙->绿的方向


The cell cycle detected by RNA velocity, is biologically affirmed by cell cycle scores (standardized scores of mean expression levels of phase marker genes).

scv.pl.scatter(adata, color_gradients=['S_score', 'G2M_score'], smooth=True, perc=[5, 95],save=f"./cell_cycle.pdf")

scv.pl.scatter(adata, color_gradients=['S_score', 'G2M_score'], smooth=True, perc=[5, 95],save=f"./cell_cycle.pdf")

For the cycling Ductal cells, we may screen through S and G2M phase markers. The previous module also computed a spearmans correlation score, which we can use to rank/sort the phase marker genes to then display their phase portraits.

s_genes, g2m_genes = scv.utils.get_phase_marker_genes(adata)
s_genes = scv.get_df(adata[:, s_genes], 'spearmans_score', sort_values=True).index
g2m_genes = scv.get_df(adata[:, g2m_genes], 'spearmans_score', sort_values=True).index

kwargs = dict(frameon=False, ylabel='cell cycle genes')
scv.pl.scatter(adata, list(s_genes[:2]) + list(g2m_genes[:3]), **kwargs,save=f"./g2m_genes.pdf")
scv.pl.scatter(adata, list(s_genes[:2]) + list(g2m_genes[:3]), **kwargs,save=f"./g2m_genes.pdf")

Particularly Hells and Top2a are well-suited to explain the vector field in the cycling progenitors. Top2a gets assigned a high velocity shortly before it actually peaks in the G2M phase. There, the negative velocity then perfectly matches the immediately following down-regulation.

scv.pl.velocity(adata, ['Hells', 'Top2a'], ncols=2, add_outline=True,save=f"./Hells-Top2a.pdf")
scv.pl.velocity(adata, ['Hells', 'Top2a'], ncols=2, add_outline=True,save=f"./Hells-Top2a.pdf")


Two more useful stats: - The speed or rate of differentiation is given by the length of the velocity vector. - The coherence of the vector field (i.e., how a velocity vector correlates with its neighboring velocities) provides a measure of confidence.

keys = 'velocity_length', 'velocity_confidence'
scv.pl.scatter(adata, c=keys, cmap='coolwarm', perc=[5, 95],save=f"./coherence.pdf")

scv.pl.scatter(adata, c=keys, cmap='coolwarm', perc=[5, 95],save=f"./coherence.pdf")

These provide insights where cells differentiate at a slower/faster pace, and where the direction is un-/determined.

On cluster-level, we find that differentiation substantially speeds up after cell cycle exit (Ngn3 low EP), keeping the pace during Beta cell production while slowing down during Alpha cell production.


We can visualize the velocity graph to portray all velocity-inferred cell-to-cell connections/transitions. It can be confined to high-probability transitions by setting a threshold. The graph, for instance, indicates two phases of Epsilon cell production, coming from early and late Pre-endocrine cells.

scv.pl.velocity_graph(adata, threshold=.1,save=f"./velocity_graph.pdf")
scv.pl.velocity_graph(adata, threshold=.1,save=f"./velocity_graph.pdf")

Further, the graph can be used to draw descendents/anscestors coming from a specified cell. Here, a pre-endocrine cell is traced to its potential fate.

x, y = scv.utils.get_cell_transitions(adata, basis='umap', starting_cell=70)
ax = scv.pl.velocity_graph(adata, c='lightgrey', edge_width=.05, show=False)
ax = scv.pl.scatter(adata, x=x, y=y, s=120, c='ascending', cmap='gnuplot', ax=ax,save=f"./one_cell_velocity_graph.pdf")
ax = scv.pl.scatter(adata, x=x, y=y, s=120, c='ascending', cmap='gnuplot', ax=ax,save=f"./one_cell_velocity_graph.pdf")

Finally, based on the velocity graph, a velocity pseudotime can be computed. After inferring a distribution over root cells from the graph, it measures the average number of steps it takes to reach a cell after walking along the graph starting from the root cells.

Contrarily to diffusion pseudotime, it implicitly infers the root cells and is based on the directed velocity graph instead of the similarity-based diffusion kernel.

scv.pl.scatter(adata, color='velocity_pseudotime', cmap='gnuplot',save=f"./pseudotime.pdf")

scv.pl.scatter(adata, color='velocity_pseudotime', cmap='gnuplot',save=f"./pseudotime.pdf")


PAGA graph abstraction has benchmarked as top-performing method for trajectory inference. It provides a graph-like map of the data topology with weighted edges corresponding to the connectivity between two clusters. Here, PAGA is extended by velocity-inferred directionality.

#需要python-igraph包,安装命令为:conda install python-igraph

# this is needed due to a current bug - bugfix is coming soon.
adata.uns['neighbors']['distances'] = adata.obsp['distances']
adata.uns['neighbors']['connectivities'] = adata.obsp['connectivities']

scv.tl.paga(adata, groups='clusters')
scv.tl.paga(adata, groups='clusters')
scv.pl.paga(adata, basis='umap', size=50, alpha=.1,
            min_edge_width=2, node_size_scale=1.5,save=f"./PAGA.pdf")


We run the dynamical model to learn the full transcriptional dynamics of splicing kinetics.

It is solved in a likelihood-based expectation-maximization framework, by iteratively estimating the parameters of reaction rates and latent cell-specific variables, i.e. transcriptional state and cell-internal latent time. It thereby aims to learn the unspliced/spliced phase trajectory for each gene.

scv.tl.velocity(adata, mode='dynamical')


Running the dynamical model can take a while. Hence, you may want to store the results for re-use, with adata.write('data/pancreas.h5ad'), which can later be read with data = scv.read('data/pancreas.h5ad').

#adata.write('data/pancreas.h5ad', compression='gzip')
#adata = scv.read('data/pancreas.h5ad')
scv.pl.velocity_embedding_stream(adata, basis='umap',save=f"./Umap.pdf")
scv.pl.velocity_embedding_stream(adata, basis='umap',save=f"./Umap.pdf")


df = adata.var
df = df[(df['fit_likelihood'] > .1) & df['velocity_genes'] == True]

kwargs = dict(xscale='log', fontsize=16)
with scv.GridSpec(ncols=3) as pl:
    pl.hist(df['fit_alpha'], xlabel='transcription rate', **kwargs)
    pl.hist(df['fit_beta'] * df['fit_scaling'], xlabel='splicing rate', xticks=[.1, .4, 1], **kwargs)
    pl.hist(df['fit_gamma'], xlabel='degradation rate', xticks=[.1, .4, 1], **kwargs)
plt.savefig("Kinetic_rate_paramters.pdf",bbox_inches = 'tight')
scv.get_df(adata, 'fit*', dropna=True).head()
with scv.GridSpec()


scv.get_df(adata, 'fit*', dropna=True).head()

The estimated gene-specific parameters comprise rates of transription (fit_alpha), splicing (fit_beta), degradation (fit_gamma),
switching time point (fit_t_),
a scaling parameter to adjust for under-represented unspliced reads (fit_scaling),
standard deviation of unspliced and spliced reads (fit_std_u, fit_std_s),
the gene likelihood (fit_likelihood),
inferred steady-state levels (fit_steady_u, fit_steady_s) with their corresponding p-values (fit_pval_steady_u, fit_pval_steady_s),
the overall model variance (fit_variance),
and a scaling factor to align the gene-wise latent times to a universal, gene-shared latent time (fit_alignment_scaling).


The dynamical model recovers the latent time of the underlying cellular processes. This latent time represents the cell’s internal clock and approximates the real time experienced by cells as they differentiate, based only on its transcriptional dynamics.

scv.pl.scatter(adata, color='latent_time', color_map='gnuplot', size=80,save=f"./latent_time.pdf")

scv.pl.scatter(adata, color='latent_time', color_map='gnuplot', size=80,save=f"./latent_time.pdf)
top_genes = adata.var['fit_likelihood'].sort_values(ascending=False).index[:300]
scv.pl.heatmap(adata, var_names=top_genes, sortby='latent_time', col_color='clusters', n_convolve=100,save=f"./heatmap.pdf")
scv.pl.heatmap(adata, var_names=top_genes, sortby='latent_time', col_color='clusters', n_convolve=100,save=f"./heatmap.pdf")

找Top-likelihood 基因

Driver genes display pronounced dynamic behavior and are systematically detected via their characterization by high likelihoods in the dynamic model.

top_genes = adata.var['fit_likelihood'].sort_values(ascending=False).index
scv.pl.scatter(adata, basis=top_genes[:15], ncols=5, frameon=False,save=f"./top_genes.pdf")

var_names = ['Actn4', 'Ppp3ca', 'Cpe', 'Nnat']
scv.pl.scatter(adata, var_names, frameon=False,save=f"./top_genes2.pdf")
scv.pl.scatter(adata, x='latent_time', y=var_names, frameon=False,save=f"./top_genes3.pdf")

scv.pl.scatter(adata, basis=top_genes[:15], ncols=5, frameon=False,save=f"./top_genes.pdf")

scv.pl.scatter(adata, var_names, frameon=False,save=f"./top_genes2.pdf")

scv.pl.scatter(adata, x='latent_time', y=var_names, frameon=False,save=f"./top_genes3.pdf")

找cluster特异性的Top-likelihood 基因

Moreover, partial gene likelihoods can be computed for a each cluster of cells to enable cluster-specific identification of potential drivers.

scv.tl.rank_dynamical_genes(adata, groupby='clusters')
df = scv.get_df(adata, 'rank_dynamical_genes/names')
for cluster in ['Ductal', 'Ngn3 high EP', 'Pre-endocrine', 'Beta']:
    scv.pl.scatter(adata, df[cluster][:5], ylabel=cluster, frameon=False)
    plt.savefig(cluster+"_top_genes.pdf",bbox_inches = 'tight')
Ngn3 high EP


