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在Shell脚本里操作指令:如何在编写脚本时执行命令 - 功能定义详解

最编程 2024-07-25 19:11:17

Users can define their own functions in a script. These functions can take multiple arguments.

用户可以在脚本中定义自己的功能。 这些函数可以采用多个参数。

In the script add :


#This is a comment

#defining a variable
echo "What is the name of the directory you want to create?"
#reading input 
read NAME
#defining a variable

echo "Creating $NAME ..."
mkcd ()
  mkdir "$NAME" 
  cd "$NAME"

echo "You are now in $NAME"

This script will ask the user for a directory name. It will then create the directory and cd into it.

该脚本将询问用户目录名称。 然后它将创建目录并cd进入该目录。

Funciton In A Script 1