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Code Copilot AI生成代码浅测

最编程 2024-07-31 13:32:53










  • GitHub Copilot
  • GPT3.5
  • Bard
  • Bing



  • 代码质量评估:

    • 我们将对AI生成的代码进行质量评估,包括代码的结构、逻辑、命名规范、注释和可读性等方面。通过比较生成代码与手动编写代码的质量差异,我们可以评估AI生成代码在实际项目中的可用性和实用性。
  • 开发效率比较:

    • 我们将比较使用AI生成代码和传统手动编写代码的开发效率。通过测量开发时间、工作量和代码重用程度等指标,我们可以评估AI生成代码在加速开发过程和减少开发工作量方面的能力。
  • 创新性和多样性分析:

    • 我们将关注AI生成代码的创新性和多样性。评估AI系统在生成代码时是否能提供不同的解决方案和代码风格,以促进创新和灵活性。
  • 领域适应性测试:

    • 我们将测试不同领域和复杂度的编码任务,评估AI生成代码技术在特定领域的适应性和性能表现。


  • 代码生成
    • 生成函数
    • 生成API调用
    • 类型注释
    • UI组件
    • 套路代码
  • 问题修复
    • 类型错误
    • 未定义的变量
    • 未捕捉的异常
    • 未实现的接口方法
  • 代码重构
    • 合理的变量和函数命名
    • 消除重复代码
    • 简化条件语句
    • 潜在的性能问题
  • UT生成
    • 纯函数
    • 包含UI操作
    • 依赖全局变量
    • 包含异步操作
  • 文档编写
    • 纯函数
    • UI组件
    • 技术方案



GitHub Copilot
/// 用dart生成一个函数把一个数组分成N个数组
List<List<int>> splitList(List<int> list, int n) {
	var result = <List<int>>[];
	var temp = <int>[];
	for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
		if ((i + 1) % n == 0) {
			temp = <int>[];

	if (temp.isNotEmpty) {
	return result;
/// 用dart生成一个函数把一个数组分成N个数组
List<List<T>> splitArray<T>(List<T> array, int N) {
  final int totalLength = array.length;
  final int chunkSize = (totalLength / N).ceil();
  final List<List<T>> result = [];

  for (int i = 0; i < totalLength; i += chunkSize) {
    final List<T> chunk = array.sublist(i, i + chunkSize);

  return result;
/// Use dart to generate a function to divide an array into N arrays
List<List<int>> divideArray(List<int> array, int n) {
  if (n <= 0) {
    throw ArgumentError('n must be positive');

  List<List<int>> chunks = [];
  for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i += n) {
    chunks.add(array.sublist(i, min(i + n, array.length)));

  return chunks;
/// 用dart生成一个函数把一个数组分成N个数组
List<List<T>> splitArray<T>(List<T> array, int n) {
  if (n <= 0) throw ArgumentError('n must be positive');
  final result = <List<T>>[];
  final chunkSize = (array.length / n).ceil();
  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i += chunkSize) {
    result.add(array.sublist(i, i + chunkSize));
  return result;
GitHub Copilot
// 使用dio并用生成的rest发起一个POST请求,请求payload参数为 { name: '111',age: 333, } 请求path是 https://api.example.com/api/v1/test/ 把返回的数据打印出来
void postRequest() async {
	// 生成的rest
	const rest = 'https://api.example.com/api/v1/test/';
	// 使用dio发起一个POST请求
	// 参数 [rest]: 请求的地址
	// 参数 [data]: 请求的数据
	final response = await dio.post(rest, data: {
	'name': '111',
	'age': 333,
	// 打印返回的数据
// 使用dio并用生成的rest发起一个POST请求,请求payload参数为 { name: '111',age: 333, } 请求path是 https://api.example.com/api/v1/test/ 把返回的数据打印出来
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';

void main() async {
  final dio = Dio();
  final payload = {
    'name': '111',
    'age': 333,
  final url = 'https://api.example.com/api/v1/test/';
  try {
    final response = await dio.post(url, data: payload);
  } catch (e) {
    print('Error: $e');
/// Use dio and use the generated rest to initiate a POST request, the request payload parameter is { name: '111', age: 333, } The request path is https://api.example.com/api/v1/test/ Send the returned data print it out
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';

void main() async {
  // Create a Dio instance
  Dio dio = Dio();

  // Set the request headers
  dio.options.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';

  // Create the request payload
  Map<String, dynamic> data = {
    'name': '111',
    'age': 333,

  // Initiate the POST request
  Response response = await dio.post('https://api.example.com/api/v1/test/', data: data);

  // Check the response status code
  if (response.statusCode == 200) {
    // Print the returned data
  } else {
    // Handle the error
    print('Error: ${response.statusCode}');
/// 使用dio并用生成的rest发起一个POST请求,请求payload参数为 { name: '111',age: 333, } 请求path是 https://api.example.com/api/v1/test/ 把返回的数据打印出来
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';

void main() async {
  final dio = Dio();
  final payload = {'name': '111', 'age': 333};
  final response = await dio.post(
    data: payload,

// 给下面的dart函数添加注释
String timePeriodCompositor(Map<String, dynamic> timePeriod) {
  final bool hasMonday = timePeriod['hasMonday'];
  final bool hasTuesday = timePeriod['hasTuesday'];
  final bool hasWednesday = timePeriod['hasWednesday'];
  final bool hasThursday = timePeriod['hasThursday'];
  final bool hasFriday = timePeriod['hasFriday'];
  final bool hasSaturday = timePeriod['hasSaturday'];
  final bool hasSunday = timePeriod['hasSunday'];
  final bool hasLegalHolidays = timePeriod['hasLegalHolidays'];
  final int startHour = timePeriod['startHour'];
  final int startMinute = timePeriod['startMinute'];
  final int endHour = timePeriod['endHour'];
  final int endMinute = timePeriod['endMinute'];

  final Map<int, String> dayMap = {
    1: '周一',
    2: '周二',
    3: '周三',
    4: '周四',
    5: '周五',
    6: '周六',
    7: '周日',

  final List<int> dayArray = [
    hasMonday ? 1 : 0,
    hasTuesday ? 2 : 0,
    hasWednesday ? 3 : 0,
    hasThursday ? 4 : 0,
    hasFriday ? 5 : 0,
    hasSaturday ? 6 : 0,
    hasSunday ? 7 : 0,

  final String dayDesc = dayArray
      .map((chunk) {
    switch (chunk.length) {
      case 0:
        return '';
      case 1:
        return dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])];
      case 2:
        return '${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])]}${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[1])]}';
      case 7:
        return '每天';
        return '${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])]} ~ ${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[chunk.length - 1])]}}';
      .where((str) => str?.isNotEmpty == true)

  final String timeDesc =
      '$startHour:$startMinute ~ ${endHour == 23 && endMinute == 59 ? '24:00' : '$endHour:$endMinute'}';

  return '$dayDesc$timeDesc${hasLegalHolidays ? '' : '除'}法定节假日可用';

GitHub Copilot
// 给下面的dart函数添加类型注释

/// Composes a time period string based on the given map of time period data.
/// The time period data should contain the following keys:
/// - hasMonday: a boolean indicating whether the time period includes Mondays
/// - hasTuesday: a boolean indicating whether the time period includes Tuesdays
/// - hasWednesday: a boolean indicating whether the time period includes Wednesdays
/// - hasThursday: a boolean indicating whether the time period includes Thursdays
/// - hasFriday: a boolean indicating whether the time period includes Fridays
/// - hasSaturday: a boolean indicating whether the time period includes Saturdays
/// - hasSunday: a boolean indicating whether the time period includes Sundays
/// - hasLegalHolidays: a boolean indicating whether the time period includes legal holidays
/// - startHour: an integer indicating the starting hour of the time period
/// - startMinute: an integer indicating the starting minute of the time period
/// - endHour: an integer indicating the ending hour of the time period
/// - endMinute: an integer indicating the ending minute of the time period
/// Returns a string describing the time period in the format:
/// "{dayDesc},{timeDesc},{availabilityDesc}"
/// where:
/// - dayDesc: a string describing the days of the week the time period is available
/// - timeDesc: a string describing the time range of the time period
/// - availabilityDesc: a string indicating whether the time period is available during legal holidays
String timePeriodCompositor(Map<String, dynamic> timePeriod) {
  final bool hasMonday = timePeriod['hasMonday'];
  final bool hasTuesday = timePeriod['hasTuesday'];
  final bool hasWednesday = timePeriod['hasWednesday'];
  final bool hasThursday = timePeriod['hasThursday'];
  final bool hasFriday = timePeriod['hasFriday'];
  final bool hasSaturday = timePeriod['hasSaturday'];
  final bool hasSunday = timePeriod['hasSunday'];
  final bool hasLegalHolidays = timePeriod['hasLegalHolidays'];
  final int startHour = timePeriod['startHour'];
  final int startMinute = timePeriod['startMinute'];
  final int endHour = timePeriod['endHour'];
  final int endMinute = timePeriod['endMinute'];

  final Map<int, String> dayMap = {
    1: '周一',
    2: '周二',
    3: '周三',
    4: '周四',
    5: '周五',
    6: '周六',
    7: '周日',

  final List<int> dayArray = [
    hasMonday ? 1 : 0,
    hasTuesday ? 2 : 0,
    hasWednesday ? 3 : 0,
    hasThursday ? 4 : 0,
    hasFriday ? 5 : 0,
    hasSaturday ? 6 : 0,
    hasSunday ? 7 : 0,

  final String dayDesc = dayArray
      .map((chunk) {
        switch (chunk.length) {
          case 0:
            return '';
          case 1:
            return dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])];
          case 2:
            return '${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])]}${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[1])]}';
          case 7:
            return '每天';
            return '${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])]} ~ ${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[chunk.length - 1])]}}';
      .where((str) => str?.isNotEmpty == true)

  final String timeDesc =
      '$startHour:$startMinute ~ ${endHour == 23 && endMinute == 59 ? '24:00' : '$endHour:$endMinute'}';

  return '$dayDesc$timeDesc${hasLegalHolidays ? '' : '除'}法定节假日可用';

/// Composes a time period description based on the provided [timePeriod] data.
/// The [timePeriod] should be a map with the following keys:
///   - 'hasMonday': bool, indicating if Monday is included in the time period.
///   - 'hasTuesday': bool, indicating if Tuesday is included in the time period.
///   - 'hasWednesday': bool, indicating if Wednesday is included in the time period.
///   - 'hasThursday': bool, indicating if Thursday is included in the time period.
///   - 'hasFriday': bool, indicating if Friday is included in the time period.
///   - 'hasSaturday': bool, indicating if Saturday is included in the time period.
///   - 'hasSunday': bool, indicating if Sunday is included in the time period.
///   - 'hasLegalHolidays': bool, indicating if legal holidays are included in the time period.
///   - 'startHour': int, the starting hour of the time period.
///   - 'startMinute': int, the starting minute of the time period.
///   - 'endHour': int, the ending hour of the time period.
///   - 'endMinute': int, the ending minute of the time period.
/// Returns a composed time period description string.
String timePeriodCompositor(Map<String, dynamic> timePeriod) {
  final bool hasMonday = timePeriod['hasMonday'];
  final bool hasTuesday = timePeriod['hasTuesday'];
  final bool hasWednesday = timePeriod['hasWednesday'];
  final bool hasThursday = timePeriod['hasThursday'];
  final bool hasFriday = timePeriod['hasFriday'];
  final bool hasSaturday = timePeriod['hasSaturday'];
  final bool hasSunday = timePeriod['hasSunday'];
  final bool hasLegalHolidays = timePeriod['hasLegalHolidays'];
  final int startHour = timePeriod['startHour'];
  final int startMinute = timePeriod['startMinute'];
  final int endHour = timePeriod['endHour'];
  final int endMinute = timePeriod['endMinute'];

  final Map<int, String> dayMap = {
    1: '周一',
    2: '周二',
    3: '周三',
    4: '周四',
    5: '周五',
    6: '周六',
    7: '周日',

  final List<int> dayArray = [
    hasMonday ? 1 : 0,
    hasTuesday ? 2 : 0,
    hasWednesday ? 3 : 0,
    hasThursday ? 4 : 0,
    hasFriday ? 5 : 0,
    hasSaturday ? 6 : 0,
    hasSunday ? 7 : 0,

  final String dayDesc = dayArray
      .map((chunk) {
        switch (chunk.length) {
          case 0:
            return '';
          case 1:
            return dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])];
          case 2:
            return '${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])]}${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[1])]}';
          case 7:
            return '每天';
            return '${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])]} ~ ${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[chunk.length - 1])]}}';
      .where((str) => str?.isNotEmpty == true)

  final String timeDesc =
      '$startHour:$startMinute ~ ${endHour == 23 && endMinute == 59 ? '24:00' : '$endHour:$endMinute'}';

  return '$dayDesc$timeDesc${hasLegalHolidays ? '' : '除'}法定节假日可用';

// Add comments to the following dart functions

/// This function composes a string that represents the time period.
/// The time period is represented by a map with the following keys:
/// * `hasMonday`: Whether Monday is included in the time period.
/// * `hasTuesday`: Whether Tuesday is included in the time period.
/// * `hasWednesday`: Whether Wednesday is included in the time period.
/// * `hasThursday`: Whether Thursday is included in the time period.
/// * `hasFriday`: Whether Friday is included in the time period.
/// * `hasSaturday`: Whether Saturday is included in the time period.
/// * `hasSunday`: Whether Sunday is included in the time period.
/// * `hasLegalHolidays`: Whether the time period includes legal holidays.
/// * `startHour`: The start hour of the time period.
/// * `startMinute`: The start minute of the time period.
/// * `endHour`: The end hour of the time period.
/// * `endMinute`: The end minute of the time period.
/// The function returns a string that has the following format:
/// `周一、周二 ~ 周五,10:00 ~ 12:00,法定节假日可用`
/// The string represents the time period as a list of days, start and end time, and whether legal holidays are included.
/// For example, the string `周一、周二 ~ 周五,10:00 ~ 12:00,法定节假日可用` represents a time period that includes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, from 10:00 to 12:00, and is also available on legal holidays.

String timePeriodCompositor(Map<String, dynamic> timePeriod) {
  final bool hasMonday = timePeriod['hasMonday'];
  final bool hasTuesday = timePeriod['hasTuesday'];
  final bool hasWednesday = timePeriod['hasWednesday'];
  final bool hasThursday = timePeriod['hasThursday'];
  final bool hasFriday = timePeriod['hasFriday'];
  final bool hasSaturday = timePeriod['hasSaturday'];
  final bool hasSunday = timePeriod['hasSunday'];
  final bool hasLegalHolidays = timePeriod['hasLegalHolidays'];
  final int startHour = timePeriod['startHour'];
  final int startMinute = timePeriod['startMinute'];
  final int endHour = timePeriod['endHour'];
  final int endMinute = timePeriod['endMinute'];

  final Map<int, String> dayMap = {
    1: '周一',
    2: '周二',
    3: '周三',
    4: '周四',
    5: '周五',
    6: '周六',
    7: '周日',

  final List<int> dayArray = [
    hasMonday ? 1 : 0,
    hasTuesday ? 2 : 0,
    hasWednesday ? 3 : 0,
    hasThursday ? 4 : 0,
    hasFriday ? 5 : 0,
    hasSaturday ? 6 : 0,
    hasSunday ? 7 : 0,

  final String dayDesc = dayArray
      .map((chunk) {
        switch (chunk.length) {
          case 0:
            return '';
          case 1:
            return dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])];
          case 2:
            return '${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])]}${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[1])]}';
          case 7:
            return '每天';
            return '${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])]} ~ ${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[chunk.length - 1])]}}';
      .where((str) => str?.isNotEmpty == true)

  final String timeDesc =
      '$startHour:$startMinute ~ ${endHour == 23 && endMinute == 59 ? '24:00' : '$endHour:$endMinute'}';

  return '$dayDesc$timeDesc${hasLegalHolidays ? '' : '除'}法定节假日可用';

/// 组合时间段描述
/// [timePeriod] 是一个包含时间段信息的Map,它应该包含以下键值对:
/// - 'hasMonday':bool类型,表示是否包含周一
/// - 'hasTuesday':bool类型,表示是否包含周二
/// - 'hasWednesday':bool类型,表示是否包含周三
/// - 'hasThursday':bool类型,表示是否包含周四
/// - 'hasFriday':bool类型,表示是否包含周五
/// - 'hasSaturday':bool类型,表示是否包含周六
/// - 'hasSunday':bool类型,表示是否包含周日
/// - 'hasLegalHolidays':bool类型,表示是否包含法定节假日
/// - 'startHour':int类型,表示开始时间的小时数
/// - 'startMinute':int类型,表示开始时间的分钟数
/// - 'endHour':int类型,表示结束时间的小时数
/// - 'endMinute':int类型,表示结束时间的分钟数
/// 返回一个字符串,描述给定的时间段。
String timePeriodCompositor(Map<String, dynamic> timePeriod) {
  // 从timePeriod中提取各个值
  final bool hasMonday = timePeriod['hasMonday'];
  final bool hasTuesday = timePeriod['hasTuesday'];
  final bool hasWednesday = timePeriod['hasWednesday'];
  final bool hasThursday = timePeriod['hasThursday'];
  final bool hasFriday = timePeriod['hasFriday'];
  final bool hasSaturday = timePeriod['hasSaturday'];
  final bool hasSunday = timePeriod['hasSunday'];
  final bool hasLegalHolidays = timePeriod['hasLegalHolidays'];
  final int startHour = timePeriod['startHour'];
  final int startMinute = timePeriod['startMinute'];
  final int endHour = timePeriod['endHour'];
  final int endMinute = timePeriod['endMinute'];

  // 定义一个星期几的映射表
  final Map<int, String> dayMap = {
    1: '周一',
    2: '周二',
    3: '周三',
    4: '周四',
    5: '周五',
    6: '周六',
    7: '周日',

  // 根据timePeriod中的值创建一个星期几的数组
  final List<int> dayArray = [
    hasMonday ? 1 : 0,
    hasTuesday ? 2 : 0,
    hasWednesday ? 3 : 0,
    hasThursday ? 4 : 0,
    hasFriday ? 5 : 0,
    hasSaturday ? 6 : 0,
    hasSunday ? 7 : 0,
  // 将dayArray转换为一个字符串,然后根据0来分割它
  // 对于每个分割后的字符串,根据它的长度来生成描述
  final String dayDesc = dayArray
      .map((chunk) {
        switch (chunk.length) {
          case 0:
            return '';
          case 1:
            return dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])];
          case 2:
            return '${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])]}${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[1])]}';
          case 7:
            return '每天';
            return '${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[0])]} ~ ${dayMap[int.parse(chunk[chunk.length - 1])]}}';
      .where((str) => str?.isNotEmpty == true)

  // 组合开始和结束时间的描述
  final String timeDesc =
      '$startHour:$startMinute ~ ${endHour == 23 && endMinute == 59 ? '24:00' : '$endHour:$endMinute'}';

  // 返回最终的描述
  return '$dayDesc$timeDesc${hasLegalHolidays ? '' : '除'}法定节假日可用';

GitHub Copilot
/// 用dart实现一个登录界面,有两种模式,验证码登录和密码登录 验证码登录时有两个输入项,手机号和验证码,输入的手机号合法后才可发送验证码,60秒内只可以发送一次验证码

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class LoginScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  _LoginScreenState createState() => _LoginScreenState();

class _LoginScreenState extends State<LoginScreen> {
  final _formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>();
  final _phoneController = TextEditingController();
  final _codeController = TextEditingController();

  bool _isPasswordLogin = true;
  bool _isSendingCode = false;
  bool _canSendCode = true;

  Timer? _timer;
  int _countdown = 60;

  void dispose() {

  void _startTimer() {
    _timer = Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) {
      setState(() {
      if (_countdown == 0) {
        setState(() {
          _canSendCode = true;

  void _sendCode() {
    setState(() {
      _isSendingCode = true;
      _canSendCode = false;
      _countdown = 60;

  void _submit() {
    if (_formKey.currentState!.validate()) {
      // TODO: Perform login

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Login'),
      body: Padding(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
        child: Form(
          key: _formKey,
          child: Column(
            crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
            children: [
              SizedBox(height: 16.0),
                children: [
                    child: ElevatedButton(
                      onPressed: () {
                        setState(() {
                          _isPasswordLogin = true;
                      child: Text('Password Login'),
                      style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
                        primary: _isPasswordLogin ? Colors.blue : null,
                  SizedBox(width: 16.0),
                    child: ElevatedButton(
                      onPressed: () {
                        setState(() {
                          _isPasswordLogin = false;
                      child: Text('Verification Code Login'),
                      style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
                        primary: !_isPasswordLogin ? Colors.blue : null,
              SizedBox(height: 16.0),
                controller: _phoneController,
                keyboardType: TextInputType.phone,
                decoration: InputDecoration(
                  labelText: 'Phone Number',
                validator: (value) {
                  if (value == null || value.isEmpty) {
                    return 'Please enter your phone number';
                  // TODO: Add phone number validation
                  return null;
              SizedBox(height: 16.0),
              if (_isPasswordLogin)
                  obscureText: true,
                  decoration: InputDecoration(
                    labelText: 'Password',
                  validator: (value) {
                    if (value == null || value.isEmpty) {
                      return 'Please enter your password';
                    // TODO: Add password validation
                    return null;
              if (!_isPasswordLogin)
                  children: [
                      child: TextFormField(
                        controller: _codeController,
                        keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
                        decoration: InputDecoration(
                          labelText: 'Verification Code',
                        validator: (value) {
                          if (value == null || value.isEmpty) {