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使用Python实现的多准则决策方法(BWMCDM):上篇 - 代码源解析与实例

最编程 2024-07-31 22:26:07
import numpy as np
import math
import random
import os

## 灰狼优化求解算法

# Function
def target_function():

# Function: Initialize Variables
def initial_position(pack_size = 5, min_values = [-5,-5], max_values = [5,5], target_function = target_function):
    position = np.zeros((pack_size, len(min_values)+1))
    for i in range(0, pack_size):
        for j in range(0, len(min_values)):
             position[i,j] = random.uniform(min_values[j], max_values[j])
        position[i,-1] = target_function(position[i,0:position.shape[1]-1])
    return position

# Function: Initialize Alpha
def alpha_position(dimension = 2, target_function = target_function):
    alpha = np.zeros((1, dimension + 1))
    for j in range(0, dimension):
        alpha[0,j] = 0.0
    alpha[0,-1] = target_function(alpha[0,0:alpha.shape[1]-1])
    return alpha

# Function: Initialize Beta
def beta_position(dimension = 2, target_function = target_function):
    beta = np.zeros((1, dimension + 1))
    for j in range(0, dimension):
        beta[0,j] = 0.0
    beta[0,-1] = target_function(beta[0,0:beta.shape[1]-1])
    return beta

# Function: Initialize Delta
def delta_position(dimension = 2, target_function = target_function):
    delta =  np.zeros((1, dimension + 1))
    for j in range(0, dimension):
        delta[0,j] = 0.0
    delta[0,-1] = target_function(delta[0,0:delta.shape[1]-1])
    return delta

# Function: Updtade Pack by Fitness
def update_pack(position, alpha, beta, delta):
    updated_position = np.copy(position)
    for i in range(0, position.shape[0]):
        if (updated_position[i,-1] < alpha[0,-1]):
            alpha[0,:] = np.copy(updated_position[i,:])
        if (updated_position[i,-1] > alpha[0,-1] and updated_position[i,-1] < beta[0,-1]):
            beta[0,:] = np.copy(updated_position[i,:])
        if (updated_position[i,-1] > alpha[0,-1] and updated_position[i,-1] > beta[0,-1]  and updated_position[i,-1] < delta[0,-1]):
            delta[0,:] = np.copy(updated_position[i,:])
    return alpha, beta, delta

# Function: Updtade Position
def update_position(position, alpha, beta, delta, a_linear_component = 2, min_values = [-5,-5], max_values = [5,5], target_function = target_function):
    updated_position = np.copy(position)
    for i in range(0, updated_position.shape[0]):
        for j in range (0, len(min_values)):   
            r1_alpha              = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
            r2_alpha              = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
            a_alpha               = 2*a_linear_component*r1_alpha - a_linear_component
            c_alpha               = 2*r2_alpha      
            distance_alpha        = abs(c_alpha*alpha[0,j] - position[i,j]) 
            x1                    = alpha[0,j] - a_alpha*distance_alpha   
            r1_beta               = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
            r2_beta               = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
            a_beta                = 2*a_linear_component*r1_beta - a_linear_component
            c_beta                = 2*r2_beta            
            distance_beta         = abs(c_beta*beta[0,j] - position[i,j]) 
            x2                    = beta[0,j] - a_beta*distance_beta                          
            r1_delta              = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
            r2_delta              = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
            a_delta               = 2*a_linear_component*r1_delta - a_linear_component
            c_delta               = 2*r2_delta            
            distance_delta        = abs(c_delta*delta[0,j] - position[i,j]) 
            x3                    = delta[0,j] - a_delta*distance_delta                                 
            updated_position[i,j] = np.clip(((x1 + x2 + x3)/3),min_values[j],max_values[j])     
        updated_position[i,-1] = target_function(updated_position[i,0:updated_position.shape[1]-1])
    return updated_position

# GWO Function
def grey_wolf_optimizer(pack_size = 5, min_values = [-5,-5], max_values = [5,5], iterations = 50, target_function = target_function, verbose = True):    
    count    = 0
    alpha    = alpha_position(dimension = len(min_values), target_function = target_function)
    beta     = beta_position(dimension  = len(min_values), target_function = target_function)
    delta    = delta_position(dimension = len(min_values), target_function = target_function)
    position = initial_position(pack_size = pack_size, min_values = min_values, max_values = max_values, target_function = target_function)
    while (count <= iterations): 
        if (verbose == True):    
            print('Iteration = ', count, ' f(x) = ', alpha[0][-1])      
        a_linear_component = 2 - count*(2/iterations)
        alpha, beta, delta = update_pack(position, alpha, beta, delta)
        position           = update_position(position, alpha, beta, delta, a_linear_component = a_linear_component, min_values = min_values, max_values = max_values, target_function = target_function)    
        count              = count + 1          
    return alpha

def BWM(dataset, mic, lic, size = 50, iterations = 150):
    X         = np.copy(dataset)/1.0
    best      = np.where(mic == 1)[0][0] #获得最优指标值为1的索引
    worst     = np.where(lic == 1)[0][0] #获得最差准则只为1的索引
    # 建立Best-to-Others向量
    pairs_b   = [(best, i)  for i in range(0, mic.shape[0])]
    # 建立Others-to-Worst向量
    pairs_w   = [(i, worst) for i in range(0, mic.shape[0]) if (i, worst) not in pairs_b]
    # 建立优化目标函数
    def target_function(variables):
        eps       = [float('+inf')]
        for pair in pairs_b: #与最佳准则比较
            i, j = pair
            diff = abs(variables[i] - variables[j]*mic[j]) #计算|a_Bj-w_b/w_j|
            if ( i != j):
        for pair in pairs_w: #与最差准则比较
            i, j = pair
            diff = abs(variables[i] - variables[j]*lic[j])
            if ( i != j):
        if ( np.sum(variables) == 0):
            eps = float('+inf')
            eps = max(eps[1:])
        return eps
    # 采用灰狼优化算法寻找最优权重
    weights = grey_wolf_optimizer(pack_size = size, min_values = [0.01]*X.shape[1], max_values = [1]*X.shape[1], iterations = iterations, target_function = target_function)
    # 权重归一化
    weights = weights[0][:-1]/sum(weights[0][:-1])
    return weights
