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assimp.net FileIOSystem

最编程 2024-08-04 10:06:29

assimp.net FileIOSystem

assimp.net is a library for importing and exporting 3D models. It provides a rich set of functionalities to work with various 3D file formats. One of the important aspects of assimp.net is its FileIOSystem, which allows custom file operations during the import and export processes. This article will explore the FileIOSystem in assimp.net and demonstrate how to use it with code examples.


The FileIOSystem in assimp.net enables users to customize file operations such as opening, closing, reading, and writing files. This feature is helpful when dealing with files stored in a non-standard location or with custom file systems. By implementing the FileIOSystem interface, users can provide their own functionality for file operations.

Implementing FileIOSystem

To implement the FileIOSystem interface, follow these steps:

  1. Create a class that implements the Assimp.FileIO.IFileIOSystem interface.
using Assimp.FileIO;

public class CustomFileIOSystem : IFileIOSystem
    // Implement the necessary methods
  1. Implement the Exists method to check if a file exists.
public bool Exists(string file)
    // Custom implementation to check file existence
    // Return true if the file exists, otherwise false
  1. Implement the Open method to open a file.
public IOStream Open(string file, string mode)
    // Custom implementation to open a file
    // Return a custom implementation of IOStream
  1. Implement the Close method to close a file.
public void Close(IOStream stream)
    // Custom implementation to close a file
  1. Implement the Read method to read data from a file.
public byte[] Read(IOStream stream)
    // Custom implementation to read data from a file
    // Return the read data as a byte array
  1. Implement the Write method to write data to a file.
public void Write(IOStream stream, byte[] data)
    // Custom implementation to write data to a file
  1. Optionally, implement the FileSize method to get the size of a file.
public uint FileSize(string file)
    // Custom implementation to get the size of a file
    // Return the file size as an unsigned integer

Using Custom FileIOSystem

Once the CustomFileIOSystem class is implemented, it can be used with assimp.net by setting it as the active FileIOSystem.

using Assimp;

// Set the custom FileIOSystem
AssimpContext.FileIO = new CustomFileIOSystem();

// Import or export 3D models using assimp.net

By setting the CustomFileIOSystem as the active FileIOSystem, all file operations performed by assimp.net will utilize the custom implementation.


The FileIOSystem in assimp.net provides a way to customize file operations during the import and export processes. By implementing the FileIOSystem interface, users can define their own file operations for non-standard file systems or file locations. This flexibility allows assimp.net to be used in various scenarios where custom file handling is required.

Code examples:

// CustomFileIOSystem implementation
public class CustomFileIOSystem : IFileIOSystem
    public bool Exists(string file)
        // Custom implementation to check file existence
        // Return true if the file exists, otherwise false

    public IOStream Open(string file, string mode)
        // Custom implementation to open a file
        // Return a custom implementation of IOStream

    public void Close(IOStream stream)
        // Custom implementation to close a file

    public byte[] Read(IOStream stream)
        // Custom implementation to read data from a file
        // Return the read data as a byte array

    public void Write(IOStream stream, byte[] data)
        // Custom implementation to write data to a file

    public uint FileSize(string file)
        // Custom implementation to get the size of a file
        // Return the file size as an unsigned integer
// Set the custom FileIOSystem
AssimpContext.FileIO = new CustomFileIOSystem();

// Import or export 3D models using assimp.net