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最编程 2024-08-05 20:23:58

文 / 王不留(微信公众号:王不留)

Unlawfully wed 小小新娘 | 经济学人中英双语对照精读笔记_sed

Unlawfully wed


Religious courts continue to allow grown men to marry girls.



When rasminah was 13 her parents forced her to abandon her education and get married to a man who was then 27. “I was heartbroken,” she says. “I would watch my friends leave for school every morning wishing that was my life.” When the marriage failed she was married again, aged 15, to a 40-year-old man.


leave for 到…地方去;去某地

One in nine Indonesian women is married before turning 18. The country’s lawmakers want that to change. Two years ago they raised the legal age of marriage for women from 16 to 19, to match that for men. At the start of 2020 the government restated its ambition to cut the rate of child marriage by 40% within a decade.


restate  重申;重新表述

Unlawfully wed 小小新娘 | 经济学人中英双语对照精读笔记_微信_02

Raising the age at which women can marry has sent an important signal. But the new rules contain big holes. Religious courts have retained the right to wave through underage marriages for families who ask nicely. Parents make use of this procedure to arrange hasty weddings for girls who have got pregnant, among other reasons. Almost all requests are granted, often without the knowledge or approval of the child involved. Applications for these dispensations rocketed after the marriage-age was raised.


wave through 挥手示意…通过

dispensation 豁免

Meanwhile only about 5% of all marriages involving children go through legal channels, according to a government estimate. In lots of cases authorities are deliberately kept in the dark by families who know that the nuptials are unlawful. But marriages also go unregulated because registering them involves cost and hassle, says Nina Nurmila of the National Commission on Violence Against Women. Asking an official to travel to witness a rural marriage can cost around $40—about one-and-a-half times the monthly wage of an Indonesian living on the national poverty line. Many families conclude that it is sufficient to get the blessing of religious leaders, says Nani Zulminarni of pekka, a women’s group.

与此同时,据*估计,只有约5%涉及儿童的婚姻走的是合法渠道。在很多情况下,当局被那些知道婚礼是非法的家庭故意蒙在鼓里。但是,国家暴力侵害妇女委员会的Nina Nurmila说,(这种)婚姻也将不受监管,因为登记婚姻涉及成本和麻烦。要求一名官员前往见证一场乡村婚姻花费约40美元,大约是生活在国家贫困线上的印尼人月工资的1.5倍。妇女组织pekka的Nani Zulminarni说,许多家庭认为得到宗教领袖的祝福就足够了。

go through 经历,走(流程)

in the dark 无知,不知

nuptial 婚礼

Changing people’s attitudes to child marriage is the hardest task. In February a matchmaking agency made the news after vowing to help women “perform their duties” by “marrying between the ages of 12 and 21 (and no later!) to please Allah”. The government’s strategy emphasises the need to educate families about the downsides of marrying before adulthood.


Experience from past disasters suggests that the pandemic will make things much worse. In 2018 an earthquake and tsunami struck Palu, a city on the island of Sulawesi; the next year cases of child marriage rose from 14 to 48 in just one village, according to libu Perempuan (lp), a women’s-rights group. Dewi Rana of lp says some children there were herded into marriage after being orphaned, because locals thought that was a good way to make sure they received support. Some girls who had been sexually abused by men in the aftermath of the disaster were forced to marry their attackers.

过去灾难的经验表明,这场疫情使情况变得更糟。2018年,一场地震和海啸袭击了苏拉威西岛的帕卢市;据妇女权利组织libu Perempuan(lp)称,第二年,仅在一个村庄的童婚案件就从14例增加到48例。lp的Dewi Rana说,那里的一些儿童成为孤儿后,*结婚,因为当地人认为这是确保她们得到支持的好方法。一些在灾难发生后受到男待的女孩*与施暴者结婚。

In the aftermath of …… 在……结束后的一段时间里

Unlawfully wed 小小新娘 | 经济学人中英双语对照精读笔记_ci_03

Lia Anggie of the Indonesian Women’s Coalition, which represents several charities, says that school closures during the pandemic have made it more likely that girls will have sexual relationships that lead to them being pushed into marriage. Closed classrooms have also interrupted the delivery of new curriculums which, it was hoped, would help youngsters resist pressure to marry. The government estimates that an additional 2.8m Indonesians fell into poverty last year; financial distress makes families more keen to seek husbands for their daughters. It will be hard for officials to untangle this knot.

印尼妇女联盟的Lia Anngia,代表了多家慈善机构,她说,疫情期间学校关闭使得女孩更可能发生性关系,导致她们*结婚。封闭的教室也中断了新课程的提供。人们希望新课程能帮助年轻人抵御结婚的压力。*估计,去年还有280万人陷入贫困;经济困难使家庭更热衷于为女儿寻找丈夫。官员们很难解开这个结。


Unlawfully wed 小小新娘 | 经济学人中英双语对照精读笔记_ci_04













Unlawfully wed 小小新娘 | 经济学人中英双语对照精读笔记_ci_05