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最编程 2024-08-05 21:21:24


  • 患者2586-4: IDDescriptionGSM3330559Tumor Disc PreGSM3330560Tumor Disc ARGSM3330561PBMC PreGSM3330562PBMC Disc EarlyGSM3330563PBMC Disc RespGSM3330564PBMC Disc AR
    • The primary patient (2586-4) received hypofractionated radiation for HLA upregulation to some but not all disease sites
    • 利用10X 3' Chromium v2.0平台建库 + Hiseq2500 "rapid run"模式 GSE117988
    • discovery tumor部分:After sequence alignment and filtering, 7431 tumor cells (2243 cells before and 5188 cells after T cell therapy)
    • discovery PBMC部分:After sequence alignment and filtering, a total of 12,874 cells were analyzed [其中包含了四个时间点:治疗前(Pre),治疗后早期day +27(Early),治疗后反应期day+37(Resp),治疗后复发+614 (AR)]
  • 患者9245-3: IDDescriptionGSM3317833PBMC Relapse - L001GSM3317834PBMC Relapse - L002GSM3317835Tumor Relapse - L001GSM3317836Tumor Relapse - L002
    • The second validation patient (9245-3) is a 59-year-old man with metastatic MCC that had initially presented as stage IIIB disease, now metastatic at multiple sites
    • 利用10X 5' V(D)J 进行cell washing, barcoding and library prep+ NovaSeq 6000(gene expression) + Hiseq4000 (V(D)J) GSE118056
