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最编程 2024-08-09 21:58:39











AIDS seems to follow a pattern of recognizable symptoms. First, after being exposed to the virus, the AIDS patients tend to complain of a fever, sore throat, sore muscles,and diarrhea. Then there seems to be a dormant period ,which can last for three years or longer. Finally, after this period, more serious symptoms begin to emerge.


Every summer, I go traveling with my family or my best friends. When the new term comes, I will surprisingly find my oral English is much improved. So I firmly believe book is not only the source of knowledge.

上面的句子读起来感觉很奇怪,为什么?因为句子与句子之间并没有一个很好的逻辑关系:"go traveling with my family" 与后面的"my oral English is much improved" 并没有必然联系,逻辑上讲不通。

除了句子的衔接外,段落与段落之间的衔接也非常重要。这一点在经济学人等外刊文章上体现得很好,比如这篇文章The weaker sex, 段落的结构非常清晰,开头都有主题句来引领全段,而且段落与段落之间是层层递进的关系。

1. What can be done? Part of the solution lies in a change in cultural attitudes.

2. Policymakers also need to lend a hand, because foolish laws are making the problem worse.

3. Even more important than scrapping foolish policies is retooling the educational system, which was designed in an age when most men worked with their muscles.

4. More generally, schools need to become more boy-friendly.


在写作中常见的连接词有"because, as, while, if, however, therefore, although, similarly, consequently, nevertheless "等,它们属于“明连接”。



I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the computer everyday. This is partly because sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child, regardless of what they are using the computer for.

The main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract children. These are often electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violent. The player is usually the "hero" of the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-centred and insensitive to others.

上面的作文片段中,"This" 用来指代"I tend to agree..." 一整句的内容,连接词"because"用来连接从句说明原因,"regardless of" 后面连接名词性从句做进一步说明。"These"用来指代上一句中出现的 "computer activities",用定冠词"the"修饰的"player" 和 "game" 则与上一句呼应,指代游戏中的玩家和游戏。


事实上,衔接和连贯性(Coherence and Cohesion)一直是雅思写作中的一个重要评分标准,雅思官方也给出了一个指导视频:IELTS Writing 雅思写作连贯性(http://v.qq.com/boke/page/u/0/4/u0176w0hz94.html)




排中律是指:文章的立意要明确,旗帜鲜明,千万不要和稀泥。比如像这样的作文题目 "Some people think that students should go to boarding schools instead of living at home. Do you agree or disagree?"  我们应该在文章中明确给出自己的意见:赞同上寄宿学校或者反对,而不是模棱两可,观点不清。


Judging from the current tendency, I am inclined to believe that traditional shopping will disappear gradually and the reasons are as follows: For one thing, the online shopping can bring convenience to people’s life ... For another, the merchandizes in online shops are much cheaper than that in those real shops because... Everybody tends to choose the online shopping in this case.


矛盾律是指:文章论述必须首尾相贯,避免出现自相矛盾,跑题离题的现象。比如对" Asking students to evaluate their teachers is a good idea" 这样的题目,文章中应该阐述学生评分带来的好处,而不应该把阐述重点放在学生评分带来的坏处上。


当然,逻辑学远不止上面提到的三种规律那么简单,它是一门非常精深的学科,建议有时间的同学去系统学习一下逻辑学的著作。这里推荐一本入门书籍 How To Think Logically。



如果没有基本的知识储备,空谈语言技巧和逻辑思维方法并没有意义。假如你不知道Uber,Lyft或者Airbnb, 碰到“共享经济”(sharing economy)这类话题时可能会无从下手——清晰的逻辑,有力的论证,一定是建立在对话题有足够多了解的基础之上的。所以才有这句话“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”。



在这里也推荐一本书,剑桥大学出版社的 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced。

这本书详细列出了常见的100个话题下可能出现的词汇以及表达。比如对于学习考试类的话题,它会列出"cram for exam,bury yourself in your books,know the subject inside out" 等地道的词语和表达,还有相关素材,写作文时可以直接用上。










Every piece of writing, whether it is a cover letter for a job application, a news article, or a fictional short story, has its own structure. Think of structure as the skeleton of a piece of writing. It is the bare bones of the piece, all connected to form a solid, uniform foundation upon which you, the writer and the creator, will build something unique. Humans, for example, all have nearly identical basic skeletons. However, it’s everything that goes on top of those skeletons-the muscles, the facial features, the shape, the curves, the personality, and even the clothes and accessories-that makes each human unique.

Remember being assigned five-paragraph essays on your first day back to grade school every fall? They’d usually be titled "What I Did This Summer," and they’d be assigned to have an introduction, three supporting paragraphs making up the body of the work, and a conclusion. This general format is the root of the six common writing structures that can be used for both formal and informal written communication.



Categorical: In a categorical structure, a series of equally important topics are addressed. A political speech, like a campaign speech or even The State of the Union Address, is a good example of categorical writing. You might use a similar structure in a cover letter for a job application, in which you describe all of your traits that would make you an ideal candidate for the position.



Evaluative: In an evaluative structure, a problem is introduced, and thenpros and cons are weighed. You might employ an evaluative structure when writing an e-mail to ask a close friend for advice.


时间逻辑结构:当你的注意力更多地是真实地讲述故事而不是最终结果时,就采用时间顺序结构。想想笑话是怎么讲的:”三个家伙走进酒吧……“ 设置一系列事件来传递最后的Punchline(关键语、笑料)。同样的,大多数短篇故事和小说都是以时间顺序进行的。

Chronological: When your focus is more the actual telling of the story than the end result, employ a chronological structure. Think of joke telling. "Three guys walk into a bar…" sets up a sequence of events to deliver that final punch line. Similarly, most short stories and novels are written chronologically.



Comparative: This structure is similar to evaluative, but it is used when there are more layers to the situation at hand that is being weighed. You might use a comparative structure if you were writing a speech for a debate team to explain the various reasons why you feel your point is stronger than your opponent’s. Or you might use a comparative structure to write a letter to the editor explaining all the reasons you disagree with the city council’s decision to raise local taxes.



Sequential: This structure is similar to Chronological, but is normally employed with a how-to voice when a step-by-step process is being described. If you were going to write about how to make your famous chocolate layer cake, or how to get to a great bed-and-breakfast you discovered out in the country, you would write sequentially, using words like, "First," "Next," "Then," and "Finally" to clarify your instructions.



Causal: This structure might at first glance seem similar to Comparative structures, but it differs in that it does not involve weighing options against one another. Instead, it discusses the causes and then the effects regarding a particular topic or issue in that order. You might use this structure if you were writing an article on how something has come about, such as the contributing factors to air pollution. Or you might employ this technique in a letter explaining why you have decided to resign from your job.


Now that you know about the different kinds of structures, start paying attention to the skeletons of all the pieces of writing around you. The next time you flip through a magazine in a doctor’s waiting room, or skim through a weekly e-newsletter that you subscribe to, or even read a letter from a friend, take some time to x-ray the writing and see how its bare bones are connected. Good writers hone their skills by being constantly aware of what they’re reading.