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GraphQL 规范 - 内置命令

最编程 2024-10-05 22:07:57
  • @include: 允许在执行期间条件性地包含字段。
  • @skip: 允许在执行期间条件性地排除字段。
  • @deprecated: 指示某些部分已弃用,并提供原因。
  • @specifiedBy: 提供自定义标量的行为说明的URL。
The @include directive may be provided for fields, fragment spreads, and inline fragments,
and allows for conditional inclusion during execution as described by the if argument.
directive @include(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT

The @skip directive may be provided for fields, fragment spreads, and inline fragments,
and allows for conditional exclusion during execution as described by the if argument.
directive @skip(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT

The @deprecated directive is used within the type system definition language to indicate deprecated portions of a
GraphQL service's schema, such as deprecated fields, enum values, arguments or input fields.

Deprecations include a reason for why it is deprecated, which is formatted using Markdown syntax (as specified by CommonMark).
directive @deprecated(reason: String = "No longer supported") on FIELD_DEFINITION | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION | ENUM_VALUE

The @specifiedBy directive is used within the type system definition language
to provide a URL for specifying the behavior of custom scalar definitions.
directive @specifiedBy(url: String!) on SCALAR
