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[目标检测]根据 YOLO 格式标签提取并保存标记框目标(含完整代码)

最编程 2024-10-09 09:23:05







1 前言


  • class_id:目标类别编号
  • x_center:目标框中心点的横坐标(相对于图像宽度归一化)
  • y_center:目标框中心点的纵坐标(相对于图像高度归一化)
  • width:目标框的宽度(相对于图像宽度归一化)
  • height:目标框的高度(相对于图像高度归一化)


2 代码实现

2.1 依赖库

import os
import cv2
import warnings



2.2 设置路径

img_folder = "./images" 
txt_folder = "./labels"


  • img_folder:存储待处理的图片。
  • txt_folder:存储对应图片的YOLO标注文件。

2.3 遍历文件

for filename in os.listdir(img_folder):
    if filename.endswith(".jpg") or filename.endswith(".jpeg") or filename.endswith(".png"):
        image_file_path = os.path.join(img_folder, filename)
        txt_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".txt"
        label_file_path = os.path.join(txt_folder, txt_filename)


2.4 读取标签

with open(label_file_path, 'r') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
image = cv2.imread(image_file_path)
i = 0
for line in lines:
    i = i + 1
    class_id, x_center, y_center, width, height = map(float, line.strip().split())


2.5 坐标转换

left = int((x_center - width / 2) * image.shape[1])
top = int((y_center - height / 2) * image.shape[0])
right = int((x_center + width / 2) * image.shape[1])
bottom = int((y_center + height / 2) * image.shape[0])


  • leftright分别是目标框的左边界和右边界坐标。
  • topbottom分别是目标框的上边界和下边界坐标。


2.6 保存图片

class_id = int(class_id)

if class_id == 0:
    folder = 'label 1'
elif class_id == 1:
    folder = 'label 2'
elif class_id == 2:
    folder = 'label 3'
object_image = image[top:bottom, left:right]
object_file_path = image_file_path.split("\\")
object_file_path = f"Target box extraction/{folder}/" + os.path.splitext(object_file_path[1])[0] + f"_{int(class_id)}_{i}.jpg"
cv2.imwrite(object_file_path, object_image)

  通过class_id来判断目标所属的类别,根据不同的类别,保存到不同的文件夹中。例如,类别编号为0的目标保存到label 1文件夹,类别编号为1的保存到label 2文件夹,依此类推。需要根据自己项目的实际情况进行修改。

  然后使用image[top:bottom, left:right]从原始图像中截取出目标框区域。object_file_path用于构建保存新图像的路径,该路径包含目标的类别和编号。最后,使用cv2.imwrite()函数将截取出的目标保存为新图像。

3 完整代码

import os
import cv2
import warnings


# 指定图片文件夹路径和txt文件夹路径
img_folder = "./images"
txt_folder = "./labels"

# 遍历图片文件夹中的所有文件
for filename in os.listdir(img_folder):
    # 确保文件是一个图像文件
    if filename.endswith(".jpg") or filename.endswith(".jpeg") or filename.endswith(".png"):
        # 构造图像文件路径
        image_file_path = os.path.join(img_folder, filename)

        # 构造对应的txt文件路径
        txt_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".txt"
        label_file_path = os.path.join(txt_folder, txt_filename)

        # 读取标注文件和原始图片
        with open(label_file_path, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        image = cv2.imread(image_file_path)

        # 循环处理每个标注框
        i = 0
        for line in lines:
            i = i + 1
            class_id, x_center, y_center, width, height = map(float, line.strip().split())

            # 将YOLO格式的坐标转换为常规坐标
            left = int((x_center - width / 2) * image.shape[1])
            top = int((y_center - height / 2) * image.shape[0])
            right = int((x_center + width / 2) * image.shape[1])
            bottom = int((y_center + height / 2) * image.shape[0])

            class_id = int(class_id)

            if class_id == 0:
                folder = 'label 1'
            elif class_id == 1:
                folder = 'label 2'
            elif class_id == 2:
                folder = 'label 3'

            # 截取标注框内的内容并保存为新图片
            object_image = image[top:bottom, left:right]
            object_file_path = image_file_path.split("\\")
            object_file_path = f"Target box extraction/{folder}/" + os.path.splitext(object_file_path[1])[
                0] + f"_{int(class_id)}_{i}.jpg"
            cv2.imwrite(object_file_path, object_image)

