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知识洞察 - 《连线》杂志

最编程 2024-10-16 07:16:24


WIRED 杂志是一份月刊,重点关注新兴技术如何影响文化、经济和政治。在快速变革的世界中,它已成为信息和思想的重要来源。

WIRED magazine is a monthly publication that focuses on how emerging technologies impact culture, the economy, and politics. It has become an essential source of information and ideas in a rapidly transforming world.

First Issue: January 1993

Founded: February 1991

Founder: Louis Rossetto, Jane Metcalfe

Frequency: Monthly

Total Circulation: 541,614 (December 2023)

Overview of WIRED Magazine

WIRED 杂志由路易斯-罗塞托和简-梅特卡夫于 1991 年 2 月创办,1993 年 1 月出版创刊号。该杂志最初在阿姆斯特丹构思,因其对技术与社会交汇点的深入探讨而迅速获得认可。

WIRED magazine was founded in February 1991 by Louis Rossetto and Jane Metcalfe, and it published its first issue in January 1993. Initially conceived in Amsterdam, the magazine quickly gained recognition for its in-depth exploration of the intersection of technology and society.


The magazine emphasizes a broader view of technology that encompasses not only hardware and software but also the people and ideas driving these changes. This editorial approach has helped WIRED chronicle the evolution of the digital landscape, becoming a voice for the emerging digital economy and culture.

Key Features and Contributions

* 编辑重点: WIRED 涵盖一系列主题,包括技术、商业、科学和文化,是这些领域的思想领袖。

* Editorial Focus: WIRED covers a range of topics, including technology, business, science, and culture, making it a thought leader in these fields.

* 创新的设计和内容: 该杂志以其独特的平面设计而闻名,采用高端印刷技术制作出极具视觉冲击力的页面。它经常以封面故事为特色,深入探讨当代科技问题和趋势。

* Innovative Design and Content: The magazine is known for its distinctive graphic design, using high-end printing techniques to create visually compelling pages. It often features cover stories that dive into contemporary issues and trends in technology.

* 文化影响:《WIRED》通过创造 “众包 ”等术语和推广 “长尾 ”等创新概念,对现代媒体产生了重大影响。

* Cultural Impact: WIRED has significantly influenced modern media by coining terms such as "crowdsourcing" and promoting innovative concepts like the "long tail," which illustrates the shift in business models due to digital technology.

* 数字化演变: 随着互联网的兴起,《WIRED》扩大了其在线业务。1994 年,《WIRED》推出了《Hotwired》,成为第一个由《财富》500 强公司提供原创内容和广告的网站。随着时间的推移,它已发展成为一个综合性的数字平台,收录了有关技术、科学和文化的各种博客和文章。


* Digital Evolution: With the rise of the internet, WIRED has expanded its presence online, launching Hotwired in 1994, which became the first website with original content and advertising from Fortune 500 companies. Over time, it has evolved into a comprehensive digital platform that houses a variety of blogs and articles on technology, science, and culture.

Current Status


As of now, WIRED continues to evolve, adapting to new trends and maintaining its status as a key player in tech journalism. It currently has a robust online presence, including a paywalled website with a selection of complimentary articles for non-subscribers. In addition to its magazine format, WIRED engages with its readers through various media, including apps and events, furthering its aim to keep the audience informed about technology and its implications in today's world.