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最编程 2024-02-07 11:35:53

R语言 group-based trajectory model

Group-based trajectory model (GBTM) is a statistical modeling technique used to identify distinct groups or trajectories of change over time in a population. It is widely used in social, behavioral, and health sciences to understand patterns of behavior or health outcomes.


GBTM allows researchers to identify subgroups within a population that exhibit similar patterns of change over time. This can be particularly useful in identifying different trajectories of development, such as growth, decline, or stability, and understanding the factors that contribute to these patterns.

In this article, we will demonstrate how to implement GBTM using R programming language, which provides a comprehensive set of packages for statistical analysis and modeling.

Data Preparation

To illustrate the GBTM technique, we will use a simulated dataset that represents the scores of individuals on a hypothetical variable measured at multiple time points. The dataset consists of three variables: ID, Time, and Score.

# Simulating data
n <- 1000  # Number of individuals
t <- 5     # Number of time points
traj <- sample(1:4, n, replace = TRUE)  # True trajectory groups
data <- data.frame(ID = rep(1:n, each = t),
                   Time = rep(1:t, times = n),
                   Score = NA)

for (i in 1:n) {
  if (traj[i] == 1) {
    data$Score[data$ID == i] <- rnorm(t, mean = 5, sd = 1)
  } else if (traj[i] == 2) {
    data$Score[data$ID == i] <- rnorm(t, mean = 8, sd = 2)
  } else if (traj[i] == 3) {
    data$Score[data$ID == i] <- rnorm(t, mean = 2, sd = 1)
  } else {
    data$Score[data$ID == i] <- rnorm(t, mean = 6, sd = 2)

In this code snippet, we create a dataset with 1000 individuals and 5 time points. The traj variable represents the true trajectory group to which each individual belongs. We then simulate the data for each trajectory group using different mean and standard deviation values to represent distinct patterns of change over time.

GBTM Modeling

To perform GBTM, we will use the traj package in R, which provides functions for fitting group-based trajectory models.

# Installing required package

# Loading required package

# Fitting group-based trajectory model
model <- traj(data = data,
              id = "ID",
              time = "Time",
              outcome = "Score",
              nclass = 4,
              nrep = 5)

In the above code, we first install the traj package if it is not already installed. Then, we load the package into our R session. Finally, we fit the trajectory model using the traj function. We specify the dataset, ID variable, time variable, outcome variable, number of trajectory groups (nclass), and the number of random sets to use for model estimation (nrep).

Results Interpretation

Once the model is fitted, we can examine the results to understand the identified trajectory groups.

# Summary of trajectory groups

# Plotting trajectories

# Plotting probability of group membership
plot(model, type = "prob")

The summary function provides a summary of the identified trajectory groups, including the number of individuals in each group and the estimated mean and standard deviation of the trajectory. The plot function can be used to visualize the trajectories and the probability of group membership over time.


Group-based trajectory modeling is a powerful statistical technique for identifying distinct patterns of change over time. In this article, we demonstrated how to implement GBTM using R programming language. By applying GBTM to a simulated dataset, we showed how to fit the model and interpret the results. This technique can be helpful for researchers in various fields to understand heterogeneity in population dynamics and to identify factors associated with different trajectories.

Please note that GBTM is a complex statistical technique, and this article only provides a basic introduction. Further reading and understanding of the underlying theory and assumptions of GBTM are recommended.