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趣解爱因斯坦的一道数学难题 (086)

最编程 2024-02-09 16:20:59
#include<stdio.h> void main() { int i=1; /*i为所设的阶梯数*/ clrscr(); puts("**************************************************"); puts("* This program is to solve *"); puts("* Einstein's interesting math question, *"); puts("* which is presented by Albert Einstein, *"); puts("* a famous theoretical physicist. *"); puts("* The Problem is as follows: there is a long *"); puts("* ladder, if one step strides 2 stages, 1 stages *"); puts("* left, if one step strides 3 stages, 2 stages *"); puts("* left, if one step strides 5 stages, 4 stages *"); puts("* left, if one step strides 7 stages, 0 stages *"); puts("* left, the question is, how many stages has *"); puts("* the ladder? *"); puts("**************************************************"); while(!((i%2==1)&&(i%3==2)&&(i%5==4)&&(i%6==5)&&(i%7==0))) ++i; /*满足一组同余式的判别*/ printf("\n >> The ladder has %d stages.\n",i); puts("\n Press any key to quit..."); getch(); }