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最编程 2024-02-17 08:02:53



Tourist binoculars looking out to sea.
Tourist binoculars looking out to sea.

photo credit: Mark Wheadon (cc)

照片来源: Mark Wheadon ( cc )

Since the birth of the digital camera, there has certainly never any shortage of photo imagery. In fact, Yahoo! estimates we’ll take 880 billion digital photos in 2014.

自数码相机诞生以来,毫无疑问,照片图像从未短缺。 实际上,雅虎! 预计2014年我们将拍摄8800亿张数码照片

Our challenge has never been a lack of choice — it’s locating precisely the image we want in this vast ocean of imagery. As Coleridge wroteWater, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.”.

我们的挑战从来都不是没有选择余地的-它正在我们想要的图像中找到我们想要的图像。 正如科尔里奇(Coleridge)所说水,水无处不在,也没有任何可饮用的饮料。 ”。

Of course, it can often depend on the kind of image you seek. If you’re looking for commonly photographed objects such as computers, books, or flowers, you shouldn’t have to search long to find dozens of good ones.

当然,它通常取决于您要寻找的图像类型。 如果您正在寻找通常拍摄的物体,例如计算机,书籍或鲜花,则无需费时费力就可以找到许多好东西。

However, try searching for less common objects, or for abstract concepts — perhaps a sunny day or a particular type of flower — and it can get tougher. Part of the difficulty stem from the fact that even a perfect image, it may not be tagged in a way that allows you to find it.

但是,尝试搜索不太常见的对象或抽象概念(可能是晴天或特定类型的花),这样可能会变得更困难。 困难的部分原因是,即使是完美的图像,也可能无法以允许您找到它的方式对其进行标记。

In these cases you can waste a lot of time on various sites with free images and still leave empty-handed. Ouch. This explains why so many commercial stock agencies advertise on free image sites — their search facilities is often worth the up-sell.

在这些情况下,您可能会在免费站点上浪费大量时间,而空手而归。 哎哟。 这就解释了为什么这么多的商业库存代理商在免费的图片网站上做广告-他们的搜索工具通常值得追加销售。

So, in order to avoid this as much as possible, you might want to try a free image search engine.


免费图片搜索引擎 (Free image search engines)

The advantage of these search engines for free images is that they (in theory) search multiple sites with free images at once. However, in practice some search just a handful of sites, rather than dozens. Anyway, it’s more than nothing but if you hope these image search engines are a blessing, you’d better get realistic.

这些免费图片搜索引擎的优势在于,从理论上讲,它们一次搜索免费图片的多个站点。 但是,实际上,有些搜索只是少数几个站点,而不是几十个。 无论如何,这总比没有要重要,但是如果您希望这些图像搜索引擎是一件幸事,那么您最好变得现实。

It’s hard to compare the quality of the 7 search engines included in the article. At first I wanted to run the same queries through all of them and compare the results.

很难比较本文中包含的7个搜索引擎的质量。 首先,我想对所有查询都运行相同的查询并比较结果。

However, after I tried some very popular terms (‘computers’ in particular) and got thousands of results from some of the engines as well as no results for some not-so-popular terms (perhaps because I simply didn’t use the right keywords), I decided that such a test might give misleading results.


What’s more, these search engines index new images daily, so even if today there isn’t a single image for “sunny day”, tomorrow dozens of such images might get added. Therefore, I won’t be comparing the quality of the search for these 7 engines – I will just give my impressions with them, as well as some overall facts, such as the number of photos they include in the search or the sites they search.

而且,这些搜索引擎每天都会索引新图像,因此即使今天没有“晴天”的单个图像,明天也可能会添加数十个这样的图像。 因此,我将不会比较这7个引擎的搜索质量-我只会给他们留下我的印象,以及一些总体事实,例如它们包含在搜索中的照片数量或他们搜索的网站。

Before we go on with the search engines themselves, is a word of advice. Even if the search returns images labeled as free for commercial use, always check the source site itself for the latest version of the license.

在我们继续使用搜索引擎之前,先提个建议。 即使搜索返回标记为免费用于商业用途的图像,也应始终在源站点本身上检查许可证的最新版本。

It’s quite possible that images that were once licensed as free, but that later the author had second thoughts and modified the license. Because of this, always check the license before you use the image.

曾经被免费许可的图像很有可能会出现,但是后来作者又有了新的想法并修改了许可。 因此,在使用映像之前,请务必检查许可证。

1. Google图片 (1. Google Images)

For many of us, Google Images is the first (and frequently the only) choice to find free images that are allowed for commercial use as well. To use Google Images, after you type your keywords in the search box and hit Enter, click the Images tab (1).

对于我们中的许多人来说, Google图片是查找(也经常是唯一的)查找允许用于商业用途的免费图片的选择。 要使用Google图片,请在搜索框中输入关键字并按Enter,然后单击图片标签(1)。

Google Images
Google Images

Google Images


Then click on Search Tools (2) to open the search options and select Usage Rights (3). From the dropdown that opens, pick the license that suits you.

然后单击搜索工具(2)打开搜索选项,然后选择使用权利(3)。 在打开的下拉菜单中,选择适合您的许可证。

The selection with Google is usually good. For really popular terms it might be overwhelming. Fortunately, they frequently offer sub-results. For instance, for Computers they offer categories such as Apple, Laptops, Clipart, Wallpapers, Parts, PNG, etc. to narrow down the results.

与Google的选择通常很好。 对于真正流行的术语,它可能是压倒性的。 幸运的是,他们经常提供子结果。 例如,对于计算机,他们提供了诸如Apple,笔记本电脑,剪贴画,墙纸,零件,PNG等类别,以缩小搜索范围。

For less popular terms and for less restrictive usage rights, the choice isn’t as extensive. Very often you won’t find anything suitable, especially if you are looking for material that is free to reuse with or without modification. In these cases it’s time to try another image search engine listed below. Hey, you didn’t lose much.

对于较不受欢迎的术语和较少的使用权限制,选择范围并不广泛。 通常,您找不到合适的东西,尤其是在寻找可以*修改或不修改而重复使用的材料的情况下。 在这种情况下,是时候尝试下面列出的另一个图像搜索引擎了。 嘿,你并没有损失太多。

2. CC搜索 (2. CC Search)

CC Search, short for Creative Commons Search, is one more great search engine for images licensed under the Creative Commons licenses. Though technically they might not be a search engine, as they themselves state explicitly, they offer results for multiple other sites, such as Europeans, Flickr, Google Images, Wikimedia Commons, Fotopedia, Open Clipart Gallery, Pixabay.

CC Search是Creative Commons Search(知识共享搜索)的缩写,它是针对由知识共享许可许可的图像的另一种出色的搜索引擎。 尽管从技术上讲它们可能不是搜索引擎,但正如它们自己明确指出的那样,它们为其他多个站点提供了结果,例如欧洲人,Flickr,Google图片,Wikimedia Commons,Fotopedia,Open Clipart Gallery,Pixabay。

CC Search
CC Search

The problem is that they don’t search all these sites at once. Rather, you enter your search string and choose the site where to search. This isn’t very convenient but still it’s faster than to search all these sites one by one.

问题在于他们不会一次搜索所有这些站点。 而是输入搜索字符串,然后选择要搜索的站点。 这不是很方便,但是仍然比一个个地搜索所有这些站点要快。

In addition to images, CC Search offers results for music, videos, and other media as well.

除了图像,CC Search还提供音乐,视频和其他媒体的结果。

You can specify what you are searching for – either stuff that is free for commercial use, or stuff you can modify, adapt, and build upon, or both.


If you like CC Search and you plan to use it all the time, they offer a browser add-on (at least for Firefox) to speed your access to the site.

如果您喜欢CC Search并且计划一直使用它,那么他们会提供一个浏览器附加程序(至少对于Firefox),以加快您对该网站的访问速度。

Keep in mind that Creative Commons isn’t a pseudonym for ‘free-for-all’. Take note of and honor all linking, accreditation and other usage conditions.

请记住,知识共享不是“免费为所有人”的化名。 注意并遵守所有链接,认证和其他使用条件。

3.照片别针 (3. Photo Pin)

Flickr is arguably the largest single repository of free images on the web, and it isn’t surprising that several image search engines focus on it exclusively. Photo Pin is one of these. When you open the site and enter your search string, you will see something like this:

Flickr可以说是网络上免费图像最大的单一存储库,并且有几个图像搜索引擎将其专门用于它也就不足为奇了。 Photo Pin是其中之一。 当您打开网站并输入搜索字符串时,您将看到类似以下内容:

On the left you can choose the License Type you are interested in (i.e. Commercial or Noncommercial), as well as how the results are arranged (Recent, Relevance, Interestingness).


Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from searching Flickr for creative commons content directly via the advanced search facility. Photo Pin provides two advantages.

当然,没有什么可以阻止您直接通过高级搜索功能在Flickr上搜索知识共享内容。 光电销具有两个优点。

Firstly it’s simpler, focussing only a licensable content. Secondly, Photo Pin makes downloading the correctly-sized image easy, and provides cut-and-paste credit links.

首先,它更简单,仅关注可许可内容。 其次,Photo Pin使下载正确尺寸的图像变得容易,并提供剪切粘贴的信用链接。

A handy service indeed.


4. PicFindr (4. PicFindr)

Unlike many of the other services that call themselves ‘search engines’, even though they search Flickr only, PicFindr is more ambitious. It searches more than a dozen of sites for free imagery under a range of licenses (Creative Commons, GNU, and others).

与许多其他自称为“搜索引擎”的服务不同,尽管它们仅搜索Flickr,但PicFindr更具野心。 它会在一系列许可(知识共享,GNU等)的许可下,在十几个站点中搜索免费图像。

The list of sites includes the free sub-sections of some stock image sites, such as DreamsTime, which makes this search engine particularly useful. When you enter your search, you will see something like this:

网站列表包括一些库存图片网站的免费小节,例如DreamsTime,这使此搜索引擎特别有用。 输入搜索内容后,您会看到类似以下内容的内容:


Additionally, it has some useful advanced search options that make it even more useful.



Some of the sites included in the search aren’t very well-known and some of the popular ones are inexplicably missing, but all in all, this is a really good search engine.


5. Veezzle (5. Veezzle)

If you are willing to try one more search engine that searches both Flickr and Wikimedia Commons, meet Veezzle. When you open the site and enter a search term, you can narrow it down, as shown in the next screenshot:

如果您愿意尝试另外一个同时搜索Flickr和Wikimedia Commons的搜索引擎,请访问Veezzle 。 打开网站并输入搜索词时,可以缩小搜索范围,如下面的屏幕快照所示:

Veezle results
Veezle results

When you hit Search, the search results from Flickr and Wikimedia Commons are displayed separately in sets. You can choose how to visualize the results – by relevance, popularity, or upload date.

当您单击搜索时,来自Flickr和Wikimedia Commons的搜索结果将分别显示在集合中。 您可以选择如何可视化结果-通过相关性,受欢迎程度或上传日期。

Even though Veezzle is another search engine built on top of Flickr, don’t discount it before you try it. Flickr is so huge and different search engines seem to return different sets of images, so it might turn out Veezzle can serve you the best images for a given serach term.

即使Veezzle是基于Flickr构建的另一个搜索引擎,也请在尝试之前不要打折。 Flickr是如此庞大,并且不同的搜索引擎似乎返回不同的图像集,因此可能证明Veezzle可以在给定的搜索词中为您提供最佳的图像。

6.每张照片 (6. Every Stock Photo)

With its almost 23 million free photos, Every Stock Photo is a really great place to search. They search multiple sites. In addition to Flickr and Wikimedia Commons that are to be found on other search engines, Every Stock Photo searches some other great places, such as MorgueFile, SXU, NASA, and Photi.

有了它的近2300万张免费照片,“ 每个照片”是一个非常不错的搜索地方。 他们搜索多个站点。 除了在其他搜索引擎上可以找到的Flickr和Wikimedia Commons外,Every Stock Photo还可以搜索其他一些不错的地方,例如MorgueFile,SXU,NASA和Photi。

Every Stock Photo
Every Stock Photo

The advanced search options make search even better. They allow to choose the type of license, the source, and what to display (resolution, license, source). For me personally, Every Stock Photo is the second most preferred free image search engine after Google Images. But as tastes inevitably differ, this isn’t necessarily so for everybody else.

高级搜索选项使搜索更加出色。 它们允许选择许可证的类型,来源以及要显示的内容(分辨率,许可证,来源)。 就我个人而言,“每张股票照片”是仅次于Google图片的第二大首选免费图片搜索引擎。 但是由于口味不可避免地会有所不同,因此对于其他所有人而言并不一定如此。

Every Stock Photo Licenses-fw
Every Stock Photo Licenses-fw

7.看哪 (7. Behold)

It might be that the search engine list up to this point is more than adequate, but here is the last one. Compared to some of the other search engines Behold is a poor relative as it lists results from Flickr only. However, unlike some of the other search engines, Behold is very, very fast, which is a huge usability plus.

到目前为止,搜索引擎列表可能绰绰有余,但这是最后一个列表。 与其他一些搜索引擎相比, Behold相对而言可怜,因为它仅列出Flickr的结果。 但是,与某些其他搜索引擎不同,Behold非常非常快,这是一个巨大的可用性。


Probably one last interesting feature that deserves mentioning is the ‘Look Like’ option. It allows you to fine-tune your search query, though when I tried it with my sample searches, I wasn’t particularly impressed by the results it retrieved.

值得一提的最后一个有趣的功能是“ Look Like”选项。 它使您可以微调您的搜索查询,尽管当我尝试使用示例搜索进行搜索时,搜索结果并没有给我特别的印象。

结论 (Conclusion)

These free images search engines can save you a lot of time when you are looking for useful images for your site, blog, or design project. However, none is perfect. Even the engines that index millions of photos can’t always return good results, even for not so obscure keywords.

这些免费的图像搜索引擎可以为您的网站,博客或设计项目寻找有用的图像,从而为您节省大量时间。 但是,没有一个是完美的。 即使是索引数百万张照片的引擎也不能总是返回良好的结果,即使关键字不是那么晦涩。

Nevertheless, it makes sense to use a search engine instead of browsing sites with free images one by one.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/7-best-search-engines-free-images/
