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最编程 2024-02-23 14:34:03
// 全局参数定义 var radius = 240; // 相册的半径 var autoRotate = true; // 是否自动旋转 var rotateSpeed = -60; // 旋转速度 var imgWidth = 120; // 照片宽度 (unit: px) var imgHeight = 170; // 照片高度 (unit: px) //背景音乐地址 var bgMusicURL = '音乐地址 '; var bgMusicControls = true; //是否显示背景音乐播放器 // ===================== start ======================= setTimeout(init, 1000); var odrag = document.getElementById('drag-container'); var ospin = document.getElementById('spin-container'); var aImg = ospin.getElementsByTagName('img'); var aVid = ospin.getElementsByTagName('video'); var aEle = [...aImg, ...aVid]; // Size of images ospin.style.width = imgWidth + "px"; ospin.style.height = imgHeight + "px"; var ground = document.getElementById('ground'); ground.style.width = radius * 3 + "px"; ground.style.height = radius * 3 + "px"; // 相册初始化时候的动画特效 function init(delayTime) { for (var i = 0; i < aEle.length; i++) { aEle[i].style.transform = "rotateY(" + (i * (360 / aEle.length)) + "deg) translateZ(" + radius + "px)"; aEle[i].style.transition = "transform 1s"; aEle[i].style.transitionDelay = delayTime || (aEle.length - i) / 4 + "s"; } } function applyTranform(obj) { // Constrain the angle of camera (between 0 and 180) if (tY > 180) tY = 180; if (tY < 0) tY = 0; // Apply the angle obj.style.transform = "rotateX(" + (-tY) + "deg) rotateY(" + (tX) + "deg)"; } function playSpin(yes) { ospin.style.animationPlayState = (yes ? 'running' : 'paused'); } var sX, sY, nX, nY, desX = 0, desY = 0, tX = 0, tY = 10; // auto spin if (autoRotate) { var animationName = (rotateSpeed > 0 ? 'spin' : 'spinRevert'); ospin.style.animation = `${animationName} ${Math.abs(rotateSpeed)}s infinite linear`; } // add background music if (bgMusicURL) { document.getElementById('music-container').innerHTML += ` <audio src="${bgMusicURL}" ${bgMusicControls? 'controls': ''} autoplay loop> <p>If you are reading this, it is because your browser does not support the audio element.</p> </audio> `; } // setup events document.onpointerdown = function(e) { clearInterval(odrag.timer); e = e || window.event; var sX = e.clientX, sY = e.clientY; this.onpointermove = function(e) { e = e || window.event; var nX = e.clientX, nY = e.clientY; desX = nX - sX; desY = nY - sY; tX += desX * 0.1; tY += desY * 0.1; applyTranform(odrag); sX = nX; sY = nY; }; this.onpointerup = function(e) { odrag.timer = setInterval(function() { desX *= 0.95; desY *= 0.95; tX += desX * 0.1; tY += desY * 0.1; applyTranform(odrag); playSpin(false); if (Math.abs(desX) < 0.5 && Math.abs(desY) < 0.5) { clearInterval(odrag.timer); playSpin(true); } }, 17); this.onpointermove = this.onpointerup = null; }; return false; }; document.onmousewheel = function(e) { e = e || window.event; var d = e.wheelDelta / 20 || -e.detail; radius += d; init(1); };