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最编程 2024-02-29 13:53:33


        首先说下vi、vim、gvim的关系,vi是Linux OS的文本编辑器,vim是vi improced,gvim是GUI of vi。gvim支持两种模式:editing and command mode。还有.vim是gvim的highlight word file,.vimrc是configuration file of VI。vi和vim打开和编辑文件都是在terminal上进行,gvim会打开GUI界面进行编辑,不占用terminal,更方便处理文件。


:i →go to editing mode

esc→go to command mode

:w→write into the file(save)

:q→quit vi

:q!→force to quit and abort the modification

:wq→save and quit



:w→move forward one word , 前面加n,即nw移动n word

:b→move backward one word, 前面加n,即nb移动n word

:$→move to the end of a line

:^→move to the beginning of a line

:gg→go to the first line

:G→go to the last line

:nG→go to the n line, 使用n+gg也可以达到目的

:set nu:set number line

:set nonu

CTRL+G:display the total number of lines

CTRL+U:page up

CTRL+D:page down

删除、复制、粘贴 :

d=delete, y=copy, p=paste

dd:delete a line   eg. 5dd

dw: delete a word eg. d3w

d0:delete to begin of line

d$:delete to end of line

yy:copy a line et. 5yy

yw:copy a word

y0:copy to begin of line

y$:copy to end of line

Y:copy a line

:5,10y      :copy 5 ~ 10 line

:,10y        : copy cursor ~ 10 line

:5,y          :copy 5 ~ cursor line


:.        : rpeat last operation

:x        : delete a character eg. 3x


:u|U      : undo | redo(好像不行)

:CTRL+R   : need the modification,和u有点相反的意思


:a|A       : a is enter the cursor after the current character,A is enter the cursor after the end of a line

:i|I          : i is enter the cursor before the current character,A is enter the cursor before the begin of a line

:o|O       : o is input one new line under the current line,O is input one new line up the current line


:/pattern : go to the pattern

          : n|N

:?pattern :go to the pattern

          : n|N

SHIFT + * : match the word marked cursor

:number_line : go to the number line


gd:select current word

gf:go to current file path


:r|R          : replace

:%s/x/y/g     : x change to y all of them

:s/x/y/g        : x change to y on the current line

:n,ms/x/y/g   :x change to y on the n to m line


:sp       : splite horizontally ; put some files into one terminal

:vsp      : visual splite vertically

CRTL + WW : change file in split command,在file之间跳转

:q   or  ZZ  : quit a splite file

CRTL + V  : visual mode

SHIFT + i   : insert mode for editing

SHIFT + a  : insert mode for editing

ESC       :Mactch visual mode

CRTL + O  : return the original file

J        :Merge the under line and the current line eg. 3J

~        :change case-sensitive character