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LLDB 调试命令、插件和技巧(中)

最编程 2024-03-01 22:21:08
(lldb) help Debugger commands: apropos -- List debugger commands related to a word or subject. breakpoint -- Commands for operating on breakpoints (see 'help b' for shorthand.) bugreport -- Commands for creating domain-specific bug reports. command -- Commands for managing custom LLDB commands. disassemble -- Disassemble specified instructions in the current target. Defaults to the current function for the current thread and stack frame. expression -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread. Displays any returned value with LLDB's default formatting. frame -- Commands for selecting and examing the current thread's stack frames. gdb-remote -- Connect to a process via remote GDB server. If no host is specifed, localhost is assumed. gui -- Switch into the curses based GUI mode. help -- Show a list of all debugger commands, or give details about a specific command. kdp-remote -- Connect to a process via remote KDP server. If no UDP port is specified, port 41139 is assumed. language -- Commands specific to a source language. log -- Commands controlling LLDB internal logging. memory -- Commands for operating on memory in the current target process. platform -- Commands to manage and create platforms. plugin -- Commands for managing LLDB plugins. process -- Commands for interacting with processes on the current platform. quit -- Quit the LLDB debugger. register -- Commands to access registers for the current thread and stack frame. reproducer -- Commands controlling LLDB reproducers. script -- Invoke the script interpreter with provided code and display any results. Start the interactive interpreter if no code is supplied. settings -- Commands for managing LLDB settings. source -- Commands for examining source code described by debug information for the current target process. statistics -- Print statistics about a debugging session target -- Commands for operating on debugger targets. thread -- Commands for operating on one or more threads in the current process. type -- Commands for operating on the type system. version -- Show the LLDB debugger version. watchpoint -- Commands for operating on watchpoints. Current command abbreviations (type 'help command alias' for more info): add-dsym -- Add a debug symbol file to one of the target's current modules by specifying a path to a debug symbols file, or using the options to specify a module to download symbols for. attach -- Attach to process by ID or name. b -- Set a breakpoint using one of several shorthand formats. bt -- Show the current thread's call stack. Any numeric argument displays at most that many frames. The argument 'all' displays all threads. c -- Continue execution of all threads in the current process. call -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread. Displays any returned value with LLDB's default formatting. continue -- Continue execution of all threads in the current process. detach -- Detach from the current target process. di -- Disassemble specified instructions in the current target. Defaults to the current function for the current thread and stack frame. dis -- Disassemble specified instructions in the current target. Defaults to the current function for the current thread and stack frame. display -- Evaluate an expression at every stop (see 'help target stop-hook'.) down -- Select a newer stack frame. Defaults to moving one frame, a numeric argument can specify an arbitrary number. env -- Shorthand for viewing and setting environment variables. exit -- Quit the LLDB debugger. f -- Select the current stack frame by index from within the current thread (see 'thread backtrace'.) file -- Create a target using the argument as the main executable. finish -- Finish executing the current stack frame and stop after returning. Defaults to current thread unless specified. image -- Commands for accessing information for one or more target modules. j -- Set the program counter to a new address. jump -- Set the program counter to a new address. kill -- Terminate the current target process. l -- List relevant source code using one of several shorthand formats. list -- List relevant source code using one of several shorthand formats. n -- Source level single step, stepping over calls. Defaults to current thread unless specified. next -- Source level single step, stepping over calls. Defaults to current thread unless specified. nexti -- Instruction level single step, stepping over calls. Defaults to current thread unless specified. ni -- Instruction level single step, stepping over calls. Defaults to current thread unless specified. p -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread. Displays any returned value with LLDB's default formatting. parray -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread. Displays any returned value with LLDB's default formatting. po -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread. Displays any returned value with formatting controlled by the type's author. poarray -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread. Displays any returned value with LLDB's default formatting. print -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread. Displays any returned value with LLDB's default formatting. q -- Quit the LLDB debugger. r -- Launch the executable in the debugger. rbreak -- Sets a breakpoint or set of breakpoints in the executable. re -- Commands to access registers for the current thread and stack frame. repl -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread. Displays any returned value with LLDB's default formatting. run -- Launch the executable in the debugger. s -- Source level single step, stepping into calls. Defaults to current thread unless specified. si -- Instruction level single step, stepping into calls. Defaults to current thread unless specified. sif -- Step through the current block, stopping if you step directly into a function whose name matches the TargetFunctionName. step -- Source level single step, stepping into calls. Defaults to current thread unless specified. stepi -- Instruction level single step, stepping into calls. Defaults to current thread unless specified. t -- Change the currently selected thread. tbreak -- Set a one-shot breakpoint using one of several shorthand formats. undisplay -- Stop displaying expression at every stop (specified by stop-hook index.) up -- Select an older stack frame. Defaults to moving one frame, a numeric argument can specify an arbitrary number. v -- Show variables for the current stack frame. Defaults to all arguments and local variables in scope. Names of argument, local, file static and file global variables can be specified. Children of aggregate variables can be specified such as 'var->child.x'. The -> and [] operators in 'frame variable' do not invoke operator overloads if they exist, but directly access the specified element. If you want to trigger operator overloads use the expression command to print the variable instead. It is worth noting that except for overloaded operators, when printing local variables 'expr local_var' and 'frame var local_var' produce the same results. However, 'frame variable' is more efficient, since it uses debug information and memory reads directly, rather than parsing and evaluating an expression, which may even involve JITing and running code in the target program. var -- Show variables for the current stack frame. Defaults to all arguments and local variables in scope. Names of argument, local, file static and file global variables can be specified. Children of aggregate variables can be specified such as 'var->child.x'. The -> and [] operators in 'frame variable' do not invoke operator overloads if they exist, but directly access the specified element. If you want to trigger operator overloads use the expression command to print the variable instead. It is worth noting that except for overloaded operators, when printing local variables 'expr local_var' and 'frame var local_var' produce the same results. However, 'frame variable' is more efficient, since it uses debug information and memory reads directly, rather than parsing and evaluating an expression, which may even involve JITing and running code in the target program. vo -- Show variables for the current stack frame. Defaults to all arguments and local variables in scope. Names of argument, local, file static and file global variables can be specified. Children of aggregate variables can be specified such as 'var->child.x'. The -> and [] operators in 'frame variable' do not invoke operator overloads if they exist, but directly access the specified element. If you want to trigger operator overloads use the expression command to print the variable instead. It is worth noting that except for overloaded operators, when printing local variables 'expr local_var' and 'frame var local_var' produce the same results. However, 'frame variable' is more efficient, since it uses debug information and memory reads directly, rather than parsing and evaluating an expression, which may even involve JITing and running code in the target program. x -- Read from the memory of the current target process. Current user-defined commands: alamborder -- Put a border around views with an ambiguous layout alamunborder -- Removes the border around views with an ambiguous layout bdisable -- Disable a set of breakpoints for a regular expression benable -- Enable a set of breakpoints for a regular expression binside -- Set a breakpoint for a relative address within the framework/library that's currently running. This does the work of finding the offset for the framework/library and sliding your address accordingly. bmessage -- Set a breakpoint for a selector on a class, even if the class itself doesn't override that selector. It walks the hierarchy until it finds a class that does implement the selector and sets a conditional breakpoint there. border -- Draws a border around <viewOrLayer>. Color and width can be optionally provided. Additionally depth can be provided in order to recursively border subviews. caflush -- Force Core Animation to flush. This will 'repaint' the UI but also may mess with ongoing animations. dcomponents -- Set debugging options for components. dismiss -- Dismiss a presented view controller. fa11y -- Find the views whose accessibility labels match labelRegex and puts the address of the first result on the clipboard. findinstances -- Find instances of specified ObjC classes. flicker -- Quickly show and hide a view to quickly help visualize where it is. fv -- Find the views whose class names match classNameRegex and puts the address of first on the clipboard. fvc -- Find the view controllers whose class names match classNameRegex and puts the address of first on the clipboard. heapfrom -- Show all nested heap pointers contained within a given variable. hide -- Hide a view or layer. mask -- Add a transparent rectangle to the window to reveal a possibly obscured or hidden view or layer's bounds mwarning -- simulate a memory warning 模拟一个内存警告 pa11y -- Print accessibility labels of all views in hierarchy of <aView> pa11yi -- Print accessibility identifiers of all views in hierarchy of <aView> pactions -- Print the actions and targets of a control. paltrace -- Print the Auto Layout trace for the given view. Defaults to the key window. panim -- Prints if the code is currently execution with a UIView animation block. pbcopy -- Print object and copy output to clipboard pblock -- Print the block`s implementation address and signature pbundlepath -- Print application's bundle directory path. 打印应用bundle目录地址 pcells -- Print the visible cells of the highest table view in the hierarchy. 打印最高层的tableview的可见cell pclass -- Print the inheritance starting from an instance of any class. pcomponents -- Print a recursive description of components found starting from <aView>. pcurl -- Print the NSURLRequest (HTTP) as curl command. pdata -- Print the contents of NSData object as string. pdocspath -- Print application's 'Documents' directory path. 打印应用的Documents目录路径 pinternals -- Show the internals of an object by dereferencing it as a pointer. pinvocation -- Print the stack frame, receiver, and arguments of the current invocation. It will fail to print all arguments if any arguments are variadic (varargs). pivar -- Print the value of an object's named instance variable. pjson -- Print JSON representation of NSDictionary or NSArray object 使用json格式打印字典或数组 pkp -- Print out the value of the key path expression using -valueForKeyPath: pmethods -- Print the class and instance methods of a class. poobjc -- Print the expression result, with the expression run in an ObjC++ context. (Shortcut for "expression -O -l ObjC++ -- " ) pproperties -- Print the properties of an instance or Class present -- Present a view controller. presponder -- Print the responder chain starting from a specific responder. psjson -- Print JSON representation of Swift Dictionary or Swift Array object ptv -- Print the highest table view in the hierarchy. pvc -- Print the recursion description of <aViewController>. pviews -- Print the recursion description of <aView>. rcomponents -- Synchronously reflow and update all components. sequence -- Run commands in sequence, stopping on any error. setinput -- Input text into text field or text view that is first responder. settext -- Set text on text on a view by accessibility id. show -- Show a view or layer. slowanim -- Slows down animations. Works on the iOS Simulator and a device. taplog -- Log tapped view to the console. uikit -- Imports the UIKit module to get access to the types while in lldb. unborder -- Removes border around <viewOrLayer>. unmask -- Remove mask from a view or layer unslowanim -- Turn off slow animations. visualize -- Open a UIImage, CGImageRef, UIView, or CALayer in Preview.app on your Mac. vs -- Interactively search for a view by walking the hierarchy. wivar -- Set a watchpoint for an object's instance variable. xdebug -- Print debug description the XCUIElement in human readable format. xnoid -- Print XCUIElement objects with label but without identifier. xobject -- Print XCUIElement details. xtree -- Print XCUIElement subtree. zzz -- Executes specified lldb command after delay. For more information on any command, type 'help <command-name>'.
