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Obsidian 成为新家,语雀系统全面迁移

最编程 2023-12-31 20:27:38

之前一直使用Typora+各种博客(Wordpress/Hexo/Typecho)来进行笔记和写作,后来接触并爱上了语雀,主要是贴图太方便了。(使用Typora的时候会搭配PicGo+云存储,但是有时候会粘贴了多余的图片或者想替换已有图片时,懒得打开云存储进行删除,久而久之就忘了,造成了一定的空间浪费。) 刚开始用语雀的时候还特地看了下,可以导出md格式的文章。但最近想批量导出知识库时,发现只能选择PDF或者语雀特定的格式,数据不在自己手里感觉不大放心。于是弄了个脚本通过语雀官方API导出了全部文章,并开始寻找本地存储的笔记软件。 结合个人情况进行筛选后发现Obisidian比较适合,但是一开始不会用,不会怎么处理图片路径的问题。语雀是没有目录这个概念的,所以导出的文章都放到了一起,然后图片等资源也统一放到了文章目录中的某一目录。而如果我在Obsidian里通过建立多级文件夹的方式来分类文章,那么所有图片资源的链接都要进行改动,差点弃坑了。还好在B站看了关于ob的视频,学到了通过索引的方式来进行管理。



  • 基于ExportMD进行了一些优化,修复部分Bug以及适配Obsidian
    • 正则去除语雀导出时可能存在的标签
    • 导出的图片从./assets/修改为assets/,用于匹配Obsidian
  • 使用方法:
    • NameSpace:访问语雀个人主页https://www.yuque.com/<xxx>中的xxx部分
    • Token:访问语雀Token新建,只需要给读取权限即可。
$ python3 ExportMD.py
> 请输入语雀namespace: xxx
> 请输入语雀Token: xxx
  • ExportMD.py完整代码:
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from prettytable import PrettyTable
import re
import os
import aiohttp
import asyncio
from urllib import parse
from PyInquirer import prompt, Separator
from examples import custom_style_2
from colr import color
from cfonts import render, say

class ExportMD:
    def __init__(self):
        self.repo_table = PrettyTable(["知识库ID", "名称"])
        self.namespace, self.Token = self.get_UserInfo()
        self.headers = {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "User-Agent": "ExportMD",
            "X-Auth-Token": self.Token
        self.repo = {}
        self.export_dir = './yuque'

    def print_logo(self):
        output = render('ExportMD', colors=['red', 'yellow'], align='center')

    # 语雀用户信息
    def get_UserInfo(self):
        f_name = ".userinfo"
        if os.path.isfile(f_name):
            with open(f_name, encoding="utf-8") as f:
                userinfo = f.read().split("&")
            namespace = input("请输入语雀namespace:")
            Token = input("请输入语雀Token:")
            userinfo = [namespace, Token]
            with open(f_name, "w") as f:
                f.write(namespace + "&" + Token)
        return userinfo

    # 发送请求
    async def req(self, session, api):
        url = "https://www.yuque.com/api/v2" + api
        # print(url)
        async with session.get(url, headers=self.headers) as resp:
            result = await resp.json()
            return result

    # 获取所有知识库
    async def getRepo(self):
        api = "/users/%s/repos" % self.namespace
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            result = await self.req(session, api)
            for repo in result.get('data'):
                repo_id = str(repo['id'])
                repo_name = repo['name']
                self.repo[repo_name] = repo_id
                self.repo_table.add_row([repo_id, repo_name])

    # 获取一个知识库的文档列表
    async def get_docs(self, repo_id):
        api = "/repos/%s/docs" % repo_id
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            result = await self.req(session, api)
            docs = {}
            for doc in result.get('data'):
                title = doc['title']
                slug = doc['slug']
                docs[slug] = title
            return docs

    # 获取正文 Markdown 源代码
    async def get_body(self, repo_id, slug):
        api = "/repos/%s/docs/%s" % (repo_id, slug)
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            result = await self.req(session, api)
            body = result['data']['body']
            body = re.sub("<a name=".*"></a>","", body)  # 正则去除语雀导出的<a>标签
            return body

    # 选择知识库
    def selectRepo(self):
        choices = [{"name": repo_name} for repo_name, _ in self.repo.items()]
        choices.insert(0, Separator('=== 知识库列表 ==='))
        questions = [
                'type': 'checkbox',
                'qmark': '>>>',
                'message': '选择知识库',
                'name': 'repo',
                'choices': choices
        repo_name_list = prompt(questions, style=custom_style_2)
        return repo_name_list["repo"]

    # 创建文件夹
    def mkDir(self, dir):
        isExists = os.path.exists(dir)
        if not isExists:

    # 获取文章并执行保存
    async def download_md(self, repo_id, slug, repo_name, title):
        :param repo_id: 知识库id
        :param slug: 文章id
        :param repo_name: 知识库名称
        :param title: 文章名称
        :return: none
        body = await self.get_body(repo_id, slug)
        new_body, image_list = await self.to_local_image_src(body)

        if image_list:
            # 图片保存位置: .yuque/<repo_name>/assets/<filename>
            save_dir = os.path.join(self.export_dir, repo_name, "assets")
            async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                await asyncio.gather(
                    *(self.download_image(session, image_info, save_dir) for image_info in image_list)

        self.save(repo_name, title, new_body)

        print("%s 导出成功!" % color(title, fore='green', style='bright'))

    # 将md里的图片地址替换成本地的图片地址
    async def to_local_image_src(self, body):
        pattern = r"![(?P<img_name>.*?)]" 
        # repl = r"![g<img_name>](./assets/g<filename>)"
        repl = r"![g<img_name>](assets/g<filename>)"  # 修改
        images = [_.groupdict() for _ in re.finditer(pattern, body)]
        new_body = re.sub(pattern, repl, body)
        # new_body = body
        return new_body, images

    # 下载图片
    async def download_image(self, session, image_info: dict, save_dir: str):
        img_src = image_info['img_src']
        filename = image_info["filename"]

        async with session.get(img_src) as resp:
            with open(os.path.join(save_dir, filename), 'wb') as f:
                f.write(await resp.read())

    # 保存文章
    def save(self, repo_name, title, body):
        # 将不能作为文件名的字符进行编码
        def check_safe_path(path: str):
            for char in r'/<>?:"|*':
                path = path.replace(char, parse.quote_plus(char))
            return path

        repo_name = check_safe_path(repo_name)
        title = check_safe_path(title)
        save_path = "./yuque/%s/%s.md" % (repo_name, title)
        with open(save_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

    async def run(self):
        await self.getRepo()
        repo_name_list = self.selectRepo()
        self.mkDir(self.export_dir)  # 创建用于存储知识库文章的文件夹

        # 遍历所选知识库
        for repo_name in repo_name_list:
            dir_path = self.export_dir + "/" + repo_name.replace("/", "%2F")
            dir_path.replace("//", "/")

            repo_id = self.repo[repo_name]
            docs = await self.get_docs(repo_id)

            await asyncio.gather(
                *(self.download_md(repo_id, slug, repo_name, title) for slug, title in docs.items())

        print("n" + color('导出完成!', fore='green', style='bright'))
        print("已导出到:" + color(os.path.realpath(self.export_dir), fore='green', style='bright'))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    export = ExportMD()
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


  • 运行脚本时出现如下错误:
  • 原因是默认的最大打开文件数不够,修复方法:
$ ulimit -n      # 查看当前最大打开数文件
$ ulimit -n 512  # 设置多一点




  • 先在AAA/目录,使用前面的ExportMD.py脚本下载全部文档
  • 然后再到BBB/目录,注释ExportMD.py中的139行,并打开140
# new_body = re.sub(pattern, repl, body)  # 注释此行
new_body = body                           # 打开此行
  • 并使用该脚本再下载一次文档。下载完成后,文档目录结构大概如下:
└── AAA/
    └── yuque/
        └── assets/  # 图片文件夹
        └── ...      # MarkDown文档
└── BBB/
    └── yuque/
        └── assets/  # 图片文件夹
        └── ...      # MarkDown文档
  • 最后手动将AAA/assets/这个图片文件夹删除,并将BBB/assets/图片文件夹移动到AAA/即可

解释一下: 第一次在AAA/目录下载的文档中的链接格式为:assets/xxx.png,这里部分图片存在上面所说的Bug; 而第二次在BBB/目录下载的文档中的链接格式为:https://cdn.nlark.com/yuque/xxx.png,这里的图片链接没经过正则匹配修改,是语雀文档中图片的原生链接; 所以这里先把2种链接格式的文档都下载下来,然后通过脚本从原生链接中下载图片,并替换掉存在Bug那部分的图片。

  • Download_Yuque_imgs.py完整代码:
# python3 Download_Yuque_imgs.py <Markdown文件路径>
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import re
import sys
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

# 读取markdown文件中全部图片URL
def get_urls(file_path):
    print(f"[+] 获取 {file_path} 全部图片链接 ... ")
    imgs = []
    with open(file_path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            img = re.findall(r"![image.png]((.*?.png)", line, re.S)
            if img:
    return imgs

# 遍历URL下载并存放到图片目录下
def save_imgs(imgs):
    index = 1
    for img_url in imgs:
            img_name = re.findall(r"520228/(.*?.png)", img_url)[0]
            urlretrieve(img_url, f'./{img_name}')
            print(f"[+] <{index}/{len(imgs)}> {img_name}")
            index += 1
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"!!! [-] <{index}/{len(imgs)}> {img_name} !!!")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = sys.argv[1]
    files = list(filter(lambda x: x[-3:]==".md", os.listdir(path)))
    for file in files:
        file_path = os.path.join(path, file)
        imgs = get_urls(file_path)
        print(f"====== 执行完成: {file} ======")



  • 先复制语雀全部文档的标题,然后利用以下脚本批量添加内链格式,最后根据情况进行手动调整。
file = "list.txt"
new_file = "list2.txt"

datas = []

with open(file, "r") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        data = "[[" + line.strip() + "]]"

with open(new_file, "w") as f2:
    for line in datas:
        f2.writelines(line + "n")
  • obsidian一些配置

版权属于:Naraku 本文链接:https://www.naraku.cn/posts/109.html 本站所有原创文章均采用 知识共享署名-非商业-禁止演绎4.0国际许可证 。如需转载请务必注明出处并保留原文链接,谢谢~