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<<程序员英语>> 笔记 2 -- 无人机/机器人

最编程 2024-04-15 19:46:37





  1. 长句阅读提示
    While the military has been using drones in its various wars and conflicts aroud the world since 1970s, /drones were mostly unknown to the public /until Amazon CEO Jeff Bazos revealed a secret R&D project on a CBS TV newsmagzine program, 60 minutes, in December 2013.


  • dominance 支配
  • make great strides 有长足的进步
  • the public 大众
  • lit up with 点燃
  • coverage gap 覆盖缺口
  • ~ beaming ~轰炸
  • speculation 推测
  • concern 担心
  • afloat 悬浮
  • complement 补充
  • kickstart 启动
  • jump on the bandwagon 赶时髦
  • look to 考虑
  • with a aim to do 目的是
  • altruistic 利他的
  • translate to 意味着


Their motivations are not entirely intruistic

More than 60% of the world‘s population does not have Internet access, which translate to for bilion potential new users.



  1. 主语 + help + 宾语 + 宾补
    Drone with digital cameras help farmers [to] identity problem areas. 带数码相机的无人机可以帮助农民发现问题区域


  • raven 乌鸦
  • unmmaned 无人的
  • wetland 湿地
  • conservancy 管理
  • vehicle 坐骑
  • long before 早在~之前
  • a swarme of 一群
  • yield 产量
  • close inspection 密切监测
  • water current 水流
  • infrared light 红外线
  • massive 巨大的
  • photosynthetic efficiency 光合效率
  • first responder 急救人员
  • lifeguard 救生员
  • prototype 样机
  • Dutch 荷兰的
  • piece 连接
  • be full of 充满
  • in minutes 几分钟内
  • render 制作
  • UAV unmmaned aerial vehicles 无人航空器



  1. 倍数表达,不能与of同时使用
    Her salary is ten times of my salary. 她的工资是我的十倍
    It is more than ten times of the number of human-written stories. 这是人类撰写报道数量的十倍以上


  • tell 区分
  • average estimate 平均估计
  • analyst 分析人士
  • see for yourself 亲自确认
  • per share 每股
  • revenue 收益
  • magnitude 大小
  • temblor 地震
  • byline 署名(报纸杂志的)
  • at a depth of 在深度~
  • transform A into B 将A转换为B
  • epicenter 震源
  • insight 见解
  • decreased profit 收益减少
  • the first quarter earning 第一季度收益
  • consensus 协商
  • call for 邀请
  • tell A from B 将A从B中区分


  1. but the consensus estimate calls for earnings per share of 40 cents this time.



  1. 主语 + 动词 + 宾语中,that引导的从句作宾语,that可以省略
    52% claim [that] robots will create more jobs.

  2. 比较句
    The robot-equipped warehouses process three times more than the old system.


  • pharmacy 药店
  • pharmacist 药剂师
  • mass unemployment 大量失业
  • nearly half of 近一半
  • be at risk 濒临危险
  • be concerned about 担心
  • perfect for 非常适合
  • fulfillment center 物流中心
  • pull up weeds 除草
  • prune vines 修建葡萄藤
  • vineyards 葡萄园
  • deliver 运送
  • dairy farm 奶牛场
  • scour 侦查
  • dig up 挖掘
  • routine task 日常工作
  • medication dispensing error 配药出错
  • vacuum 真空
  • account for 说明


Opinions from 2000 experts are divided

nearly half of US jobs are at risk over the next couple of decades.



  1. 情感类动词,容易将主体与动词混淆
    Five brilliant minds are concerned about AI. 五大知名人士很担心AI
    The idea fasnated mankind. 这个观点迷惑了人类
    = Mankind was fasnated by the idea. 人类被这个观点迷惑了
    Some scenarios are entertaining while other are freightening. 有些场景让人开心有些让人恐惧


  • be famous for 因~出名
  • cutting edge 尖嘴
  • exsitential 存在主义的
  • summon a demon 召唤恶魔
  • scenerio 场景,剧本
  • unfold 展开
  • nuke 核武器
  • in the camp 是一伙的
  • scientific circles 科学界
  • mathematician 数学家
  • coin 创造(单词)
  • inevitable 不可避免的
  • competitive advantage 竞争优势
  • compelling 引人入胜的
  • what about ~怎么样
  • pass a law 通过法律
  • spell 意味着
  • human race 人种
  • physical extinction 物理灭绝
  • at a ~ rate 以~速度
  • biologocal evolution 生物学进化
  • eradicate 摧毁
  • supersede 取代
  • world-renowned 世界知名的
  • awesomeness 可怕的
  • physicist 物理学家
  • singularity 奇点(qi dian) 指因文明演变出现的未来遐想点



  1. 关系副词连接两个句子,兼具连词和副词的作用
    A robot must obey the orders, except the case. + Such orders would conflict with the First Law in the case.
    机器人必须遵守命令,除了一种情况 + 这种命令会违背第一定律在这种情况下。
    = A robot must obey the orders, except the case in which such orders would conflict with the First Law.
    = A robot must obey the orders, except the case where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
    = A robot must obey the orders, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Anybody should have an inferiority complex every time. + He looks at a flower at the time.
每个人都会有自卑感每次 + 他看花的时候
= Anybody should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.
= Anybody should have an inferiority complex whenever he looks at a flower.


  • notable 值得注意的
  • at bottom 实际上的
  • discipline 学问
  • visiionary 远见者
  • emulate 模仿
  • survivial 幸存
  • vehicle 手段
  • inaction 无作为
  • blindly 盲目的
  • conflict with 冲突
  • selfish 自私的
  • molecule 分子
  • visualize 可视化
  • defect 缺点
  • A is to B what C is to D A之于B相当于C之于D
  • submarine 潜水艇
  • general 一般的
  • root for 支持
  • alter 改变
  • inferior 自卑的
  • speak of 谈及
  • inferiority conplex 自卑感
  • contradict 反驳
  • stupidity 愚蠢
  • guesswork 猜测
  • two-edge sword 双刃剑
  • cognition 认知
  • perception 直觉
  • physical world 物质世界