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英语语法学习笔记 (8) 问题 1.1 疑问代词 1.2 疑问副词 1.3 疑问形容词 1.4 间接疑问句 1.5 附加疑问句 1.6 修辞疑问句、应答疑问句和叙述句型中的疑问句 2.1 疑问代词 2.

最编程 2024-03-08 13:06:51



  • 1.1 疑问代名词
  • 1.2 疑问副词
  • 1.3 疑问形容词
  • 1.4 间接问句
  • 1.5 附加问句
  • 1.6 修辞疑问句、应答疑问句、叙述句型的疑问句


  • 2.1 疑问代名词
  • 2.2 疑问副词
  • 2.3 疑问形容词
  • 2.4 间接问句
  • 2.5 附加问句
  • 2.6 修辞疑问句、应答疑问句、叙述句型的疑问句


  • 3.1 疑问代名词
  • 3.2 疑问副词
  • 3.3 疑问形容词
  • 3.4 间接问句
  • 3.5 附加问句
  • 3.6 修辞疑问句、应答疑问句、叙述句型的疑问句


1.1 疑问代名词

1. Who is the captain of this ship?  - Jack Brown is.

2. Who is the captain of this ship?  - It's Jack Brown.

3. What makes you laugh so?

4. Who is singing in the room? - Mary and Helen are.

5. Which of those ships is the May Flower? - The larger one is.

6. Whose keys are these? - They are Linda's.

7. Whose are these keys on the desk?  - They're Linda's.

8. What does she usually have for breakfast? - She usually has toast and coffee.

9. Which of these singers do you like? - I like A-Mei.

10. Who wants to go first? - I do.

11. Whom are you planning to invite?
=> Who are you planning to invite? (口语中常用)

12. What did you say?

13. What do you say?

14. What do you think of my new hat?

15. What about going for a walk?

16. What did you do that for?
=> Why did you do that?

17. What does it look like?
=> How does it look?

18. She bought butter, sugar and what not.

19. What do you say to playing a game of basketball with us?
=> What do you say to a game of basketball with us?

20. What if it rains?

21. What will become of the whales if we don't protect them?

22. I know what.

23. What did I tell you?

1.2 疑问副词

24. Where are you from? - I'm from England.

25. When did you hear the rumor? - The day before yesterday.

26. Why didn't you lock the door? - Sorry, I completely forgot.

27. How did you get here so quickly? - By taxi.

28. How do you feel? - I feel fine.

29. How far is it from your house to the station?

30. How long are you going to stay here?

31. How long is this bridge? - It's about 100 meters long.

32. How fast did Tommy run?

33. How soon will your parents come back?

34. How about going to a movie tonight?

35. How are you, Sue?

36. How do you do, Ms Smith?

37. How come you're not studying?
=> How does it come that you're not studying?

38. Whoever said so?

39. However did you do it?

40. Where on earth has he gone?

41. What in the world are you doing?

1.3 疑问形容词

42. What nationality is that man?

43. Which color do you prefer, red or blue?

44. I told him the truth. - You said what?

45. I'm sorry, Mom. I broke your... - You broke my what?

1.4 间接问句

46. Please tell me whether the museum is open on Monday.
=> Please tell me if the museum is open on Monday.

47. I don't know whether she is married or not.
=> I don't know whether or not she is married.

48. He can't decide whether to visit her or not.
=> He can't decide whether he will visit her or not.

49. Who is the man wearing a tuxedo?

50. I don't know who the man wearing a tuxedo is.

51. Why is the man wearing a tuxedo?

52. Can you tell me why the man is wearing a tuxedo?

53. What does he do?

54. Let me know what he does.

55. When he left the house is not known.

56. The problem is how we finish this job.
=> The problem is how to finish this job.

57. Do you want to know what I bought?

????58. I have no idea who broke the window.

59. Do you know what I have in my hands?
-> Yes, I do. You have some flowers.

60. What do you think I have in my hands?
-> I think you have some cherries.

1.5 附加问句

61. I am your boss, am I not?
=> I am your boss, aren't I?

62. There are ten more days until Christmas, aren't there?

63. Mary doesn't like onions, does she?

64. The accident victim could hardly walk, could he?

65. Don't touch it, will you?

66. Take a seat, will you?
=> Take a seat, won't you?

67. Speak louder, will you?
=> Speak louder, can't you?

1.6 修辞疑问句、应答疑问句、叙述句型的疑问句

68. Who knows?
=> Nobody knows.

69. What is the use?
=> It is no use.

70. What difference does it make?
=> It makes no difference.

71. Isn't it fantastic?
=> It is very fantastic.

72. Shall I ever forget her?
=> I shall never forget her.

73. I'm not interested in video games. - Aren't you?

74. He hit a home run yesterday. - Oh, did he?

75. You gave him your telephone number?

76. This sword is a thousand years old?


疑问可分为: 疑问代名词:who/what/which 疑问副词:when/where/why/how

2.1 疑问代名词


				主格		所有格		受格
谁				who		whose		whom
哪一个;哪一位	which	-			which
什么				what	-			what

(1) 当主词 / 主词补语
whose {
	所有格 + N
	所有代名词 (单独)

(2) 当受词
????句型:疑问代名词 + {
	beV + 主词 ?
	助动词 + 主词 + 原形动词 ?

????重点:what 的惯用表现
表提议:what about

散步 {
	go for a walk
	take a walk

to {
	to V  	不定词的to
	to 		介系词的to

2.2 疑问副词


when		何时(问时间)
where		哪里(问地点)
why			为何(问理由)
how			如何(问方法、手段等)

????句型:疑问副词 + {
	beV + 主词 ?
	助动词 + 主词 + 原形动词 ?

????重点:询问程度:How + 形容词/副词...?
how fast / how soon
how high / how tall
how many / how much
how deep
how far
how long
how old
how thick
how wide

????重点:how 的惯用表现
What about = How about
How are you doing?
How do you do.
Nice to meet you.

where on earth
what in the world

2.3 疑问形容词

what 及 which 可当形容词用,其后接名词。

You said what?
You broke my what?

2.4 间接问句

(1) 主要子句 + if/whether + 主词 + 动词

(2) 疑问词 + 主词 + 动词 ...

????重点:What do you think I have in my hands?
-> I think you have some cherries.


????重点:疑 + to V -> 名词片语
I don't know who to ask.

2.5 附加问句

You don't like him, do you?		升调 - 征求对方想法。
You don't like him, do you?		降调 - 征求对方确认。

2.6 修辞疑问句、应答疑问句、叙述句型的疑问句

Who knows?

I am not interested in video games.
-> Aren't you?

You gave him your telephone number?


3.1 疑问代名词

  1. 这艘船的船长是谁? - 是Jack Brown。 (who为主词)
  2. 这艘船的船长是谁? - 是Jack Brown。 (who为主词补语)
  3. 什么使你笑成这样?
  4. 谁在房间唱歌? - 是Mary和Helen。
  5. 这两艘船哪一艘是五月花号? - 较大的那一艘。
  6. 这些是谁的钥匙? - 是Linda的。
  7. 这些放在桌子上的钥匙是谁的? - 是Linda的。
  8. 她早餐通常吃什么? - 她通常吃吐司和面包。
  9. 这些歌手你喜欢哪一位? - 我喜欢A-Mei。
  10. 谁想先去? - 我先去。
  11. 你打算邀请谁? - Joe和Roland。
  12. 你说什么?
  13. 你意下如何?
  14. 你认为我的新帽子如何?
  15. 去散步如何?
  16. 你为什么做那种事?
  17. 它看起来如何?
  18. 她买了奶油、糖及其他种种的东西。
  19. 要不要和我们打场篮球?
  20. 万一下雨怎么办?
  21. 如果不保护鲸鱼,将来他们会变成怎么样?
  22. 我有个好主意。
  23. 没错吧!

3.2 疑问副词

  1. 你来自哪里? - 我来自英国。
  2. 你何时听到这传言? - 前天。
  3. 为何你没有锁门? - 抱歉,我忘了。
  4. 你如何这么快的到达这里? - 搭计程车。
  5. 你觉得如何? - 我觉得不错。
  6. 从你家到车站有多远?
  7. 你打算在这里呆多久?
  8. 这座桥有多长? - 大约一百公尺长。
  9. Tommy跑得多快?
  10. 你父母亲多久之后会回来?
  11. 今晚去看电影如何?
  12. Sue,你好吗?
  13. Smith小姐,你好吗?
  14. 你为什么不在读书?
  15. 究竟是谁这么说?
  16. 究竟你是怎么办到的?
  17. 你到底去哪里了?
  18. 你到底在做什么?

3.3 疑问形容词

  1. 那人的国籍是哪里?
  2. 你较喜欢哪一个颜色,红或蓝?
  3. 我跟他说了实话。 - 你说什么?
  4. 抱歉,妈妈。我打破你的...。 - 你打破我的什么?

3.4 间接问句

  1. 请告诉我这博物馆星期一是否开放。
  2. 我不知道她是否结婚了。
  3. 他无法决定要不要去拜访她。
  4. 穿燕尾服的人是谁?
  5. 我不知道穿燕尾服的人是谁。
  6. 那人为什么穿着燕尾服?
  7. 你能告诉我为什么那人穿着燕尾服吗?
  8. 他是做什么的?
  9. 让我知道他是做什么的。
  10. 没人知道他何时出门。
  11. 问题是(我们)如何完成这工作。
  12. 你想知道我买了什么吗?

????58. 我不知道谁打破窗户。

  1. 你认为我手中拿什么? - 是的,我知道。你拿着一些花。
  2. 你认为我手中拿什么? - 我想你拿着一些樱桃。

3.5 附加问句

  1. 我是你的上司,没错吧?
  2. 离圣诞节还有十几天,不是吗?
  3. Mary不喜欢洋葱,对吧?
  4. 那意外的受害者几乎无法走路,是吗?
  5. 别摸,好吗?
  6. 请坐吧?
  7. 大点声,好吗?

3.6 修辞疑问句、应答疑问句、叙述句型的疑问句

  1. 谁知道呢?
  2. 有用吗?
  3. 有何不同吗?
  4. 不是很棒吗?
  5. 我能忘了她吗?
  6. 我对电动没兴趣。 - 没有吗?
  7. 他昨天打了全垒打了。 - 噢,真的吗?
  8. 你给他你的电话号码了吗?
  9. 这把剑有一千年历史了吗?