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腾讯性能监控矩阵 - 如何使用

最编程 2024-04-17 09:41:56

由于 JCenter 服务将于 2022 年 2 月 1 日下线,我们已将 Matrix 新版本(>= 0.8.0) maven repo 发布至 MavenCentral。

  1. 在你项目根目录下的 gradle.properties 中配置要依赖的 Matrix 版本号,如:
  1. 在你项目根目录下的 build.gradle 文件添加 Matrix 依赖,如:
  dependencies {
      classpath ("com.tencent.matrix:matrix-gradle-plugin:${MATRIX_VERSION}") { changing = true }
  1. 接着,在 app/build.gradle 文件中添加 Matrix 各模块的依赖,如:
  dependencies {
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-android-lib", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-android-commons", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-trace-canary", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-resource-canary-android", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-resource-canary-common", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-io-canary", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-sqlite-lint-android-sdk", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-battery-canary", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-hooks", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true

  apply plugin: 'com.tencent.matrix-plugin'
  matrix {
    trace {
        enable = true   //if you don't want to use trace canary, set false
        baseMethodMapFile = "${project.buildDir}/matrix_output/Debug.methodmap"
        blackListFile = "${project.projectDir}/matrixTrace/blackMethodList.txt"

目前 Matrix gradle plugin 支持 Android Gradle Plugin 3.5.0/4.0.0/4.1.0。

  1. 实现 PluginListener,接收 Matrix 处理后的数据, 如:
  public class TestPluginListener extends DefaultPluginListener {
    public static final String TAG = "Matrix.TestPluginListener";
    public TestPluginListener(Context context) {


    public void onReportIssue(Issue issue) {
        MatrixLog.e(TAG, issue.toString());

        //add your code to process data
  1. 实现动态配置接口, 可修改 Matrix 内部参数. 在 sample-android 中 我们有个简单的动态接口实例DynamicConfigImplDemo.java, 其中参数对应的 key 位于文件 MatrixEnum中, 摘抄部分示例如下:
  public class DynamicConfigImplDemo implements IDynamicConfig {
    public DynamicConfigImplDemo() {}

    public boolean isFPSEnable() { return true;}
    public boolean isTraceEnable() { return true; }
    public boolean isMatrixEnable() { return true; }
    public boolean isDumpHprof() {  return false;}

    public String get(String key, String defStr) {
        //hook to change default values

    public int get(String key, int defInt) {
         //hook to change default values

    public long get(String key, long defLong) {
        //hook to change default values

    public boolean get(String key, boolean defBool) {
        //hook to change default values

    public float get(String key, float defFloat) {
        //hook to change default values

  1. 选择程序启动的位置对 Matrix 进行初始化,如在 Application 的继承类中, Init 核心逻辑如下:
  Matrix.Builder builder = new Matrix.Builder(application); // build matrix
  builder.pluginListener(new TestPluginListener(this)); // add general pluginListener
  DynamicConfigImplDemo dynamicConfig = new DynamicConfigImplDemo(); // dynamic config

  // init plugin 
  IOCanaryPlugin ioCanaryPlugin = new IOCanaryPlugin(new IOConfig.Builder()
  //add to matrix               

  //init matrix

  // start plugin 

至此,Matrix就已成功集成到你的项目中,并且开始收集和分析性能相关异常数据,如仍有疑问,请查看 示例.


  1. 从 v0.9.0 开始,Matrix for Android 迁移到了 AndroidX. 你可能需要添加 'android.useAndroidX=true' 标志到 gradle.properties 文件里。
  2. Matrix 分析后的输出字段的含义请查看 Matrix 输出内容的含义解析

Battery Canary Usage


BatteryMonitorConfig config = new BatteryMonitorConfig.Builder()
        .greyJiffiesTime(30 * 1000L)
        .setCallback(new BatteryMonitorCallback.BatteryPrinter())

BatteryMonitorPlugin plugin = new BatteryMonitorPlugin(config);

具体使用方式,请参考单元测试里相关用例的代码: com.tencent.matrix.batterycanary.ApisTestsample.tencent.matrix.battery.BatteryCanaryInitHelper.

Backtrace Component Usage

如何初始化 backtrace 组件:


初始化后其他 Matrix 组件就可以使用 Quicken Backtrace 进行回溯。更多参数的配置请查看 WeChatBacktrace.Configuration 的接口注释。

APK Checker

APK Check 以独立的 jar 包提供 (matrix-apk-canary-2.0.1.jar),你可以运行:

java -jar matrix-apk-canary-2.0.1.jar

查看 Usages 来使用它。

    --config CONFIG-FILE-PATH
    [--input INPUT-DIR-PATH] [--apk APK-FILE-PATH] [--unzip APK-UNZIP-PATH] [--mappingTxt MAPPING-FILE-PATH] [--resMappingTxt RESGUARD-MAPPING-FILE-PATH] [--output OUTPUT-PATH] [--format OUTPUT-FORMAT] [--formatJar OUTPUT-FORMAT-JAR] [--formatConfig OUTPUT-FORMAT-CONFIG (json-array format)] [Options]

     Read package info from the AndroidManifest.xml.
-fileSize [--min DOWN-LIMIT-SIZE (KB)] [--order ORDER-BY ('asc'|'desc')] [--suffix FILTER-SUFFIX-LIST (split by ',')]
     Show files whose size exceed limit size in order.
-countMethod [--group GROUP-BY ('class'|'package')]
     Count methods in dex file, output results group by class name or package name.
     Check if the resguard was applied.
-findNonAlphaPng [--min DOWN-LIMIT-SIZE (KB)]
     Find out the non-alpha png-format files whose size exceed limit size in desc order.
     Check if there are more than one library dir in the 'lib'.
-uncompressedFile [--suffix FILTER-SUFFIX-LIST (split by ',')]
     Show uncompressed file types.
     Count the R class.
     Find out the duplicated resource files in desc order.
-checkMultiSTL  --toolnm TOOL-NM-PATH
     Check if there are more than one shared library statically linked the STL.
-unusedResources --rTxt R-TXT-FILE-PATH [--ignoreResources IGNORE-RESOURCES-LIST (split by ',')]
     Find out the unused resources.
-unusedAssets [--ignoreAssets IGNORE-ASSETS-LIST (split by ',')]
     Find out the unused assets file.
-unstrippedSo  --toolnm TOOL-NM-PATH
     Find out the unstripped shared library file.

由于篇幅影响,此次不再赘述,我们在 Matrix-APKChecker 中进行了详细说明。

