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TestAutomation: First Wave

The first waveis filled with some good old-fashioned vendor tools like WinRunner, Silk Test,and QTP. In my eyes, these solutions started it all and set the stage forfuture testing automation innovations like Selenium.


第一波是一些老式的供应商工具,如WinRunner、Silk Test和QTP。在我看来,这些解决方案开创了这一切,并为将来的自动化测试创新(如Selenium)奠定了基础。

TestAutomation: Second Wave

Selenium beganthe second wave of test automation, focusing more on developers and programmingbest practices when creating automated tests.



But truth betold–in the quiet times when they think no one is listening–you can heartesters whispering the same curses they did about vendor tools: flaky tests andmaintenance driving them crazy.


The current buzzthese days is around AI and Machine Learning. Companies are rushing to createtools they can pitch as “AI-driven.” In fact, at a recent Google conference CEOSundar Pichai opened the event by stating that “We’re moving from amobile-first to an AI-first world.”

现在的热门话题是人工智能和机器学习。各公司都在争先恐后地开发他们可以称之为“人工智能驱动”的工具。事实上,在最近的一次谷歌会议上,谷歌首席执行官Sundar Pichai宣布,“我们正在从移动优先向人工智能优先的世界迈进。”

Here are eightnewer “AI”-based tools that I think will take us to the next stage of testautomation–the Third Wave. (Also, check out the Automation Guild Onlineconference for some awesome sessions we will have on AI test automation. You'llalso get a chance to ask question to many of the vendors mentioned in this article)


Automation Guild Conference


Test Automation:Third Wave Tools

Here are just afew of the “third wave” automation tools I’ve seen in the market. One of themain features of this software is that many of them are leveraging machinelearning and AI-assisted technology.



  • Applitools
  • SauceLabs
  • Testim
  • Sealights
  • Test.AI
  • Mabl
  • ReTest
  • ReportPortal

To learn moreabout these solutions, be sure to check out the Automation Guild 2018 onlineconference, where many experts from these vendors will be joining us for anepic event of automation awesomeness.



Applitools wasone of the first tools in the third wave that I got my hands on, and it made mestart believing that a new way of testing was possible.


When I firstheard about visual validation testing, which uses a sophisticated algorithm toout potential bugs in your application without you explicitly calling out allthe elements, I thought it must be B.S.


After speakingwith founder Adam Carmi, however, and checking out Applitools for myself, Ibecame a believer.

然而,在与创始人Adam Carmi交谈并亲自查看Applitools之后,我成了一名信徒。

I discoveredthere really are no visual processing settings, percentages or configurationsthat need to be set up to create visual testing with Applitools.


The algorithm isentirely adaptive, and I can only imagine where they’ll take the technology asAI and machine learning advances even further.


I recently sawan Applitools demo, and on their roadmap were some cool features they plan onadding on top of their existing machine-learning technology.


Possible AIType Features:

  • 可能的人工智能类型特征:
  • Leveraging ML/AI-based for automated maintenance (being able togroup together similar groups of changes from different pages/browsers/devices)
  • 利用基于机器学习/人工智能的自动化维护(能够将来自不同页面/浏览器/设备的类似更改组组合在一起)
  • Modifying their comparison algorithms to be able to discern whatchanges are meaningful/noticeable
  • 修改它们的比较算法,以便能够识别哪些变化是有意义/显著的
  • Being able to automatically understand which changes are more likelyto be bugs vs. desired changes and prioritize diffs
  • 能够自动理解哪些更改更可能是bug而不是期望的更改,并对差异进行优先级排序

A lot of these things are too early to see in action, butlooking at the roadmap will give you a sense of how much AI is now beingincorporated into test tool company’s roadmaps.


Sauce Labs

Of course, SauceLabs were one of the first players in the cloud-based test automation space,but with all the data they currently have access to they’re in a great positionto leverage machine learning and come up with some cool insights.


That was one ofthe points that came up during the 2017 SauceCon conference. During thekeynote, CEO Charles Ramsey displayed a slide that showed how we've gone frommainframe all the way to iOT, as well as things like artificial intelligence,machine learning, and deep learning.

这是2017年索塞孔会议上提出的观点之一。在主题演讲中,首席执行官Charles Ramsey展示了一张幻灯片,展示了我们如何从大型机一路走向物联网,以及人工智能、机器学习和深度学习等。

It’s obviousthat Charles believes the use of known pattern matching and different AItechnologies can be powerful within testing.


Which got methinking — with Sauce Labs running over a million and a half tests a day, theyhave a virtual treasure trove of data that can be used to help their customersbecome better testers.


I definitelyforesee Sauce adding more intelligence into their analytics that willproactively help customers improve their test automation.



Testim tries toleverage machine learning to speed up the authoring, execution and most importantlythe maintenance of automated tests. Their goal is to help you to start trustingyour tests.


Testim focuseson reducing your flaky tests and test maintenance, which they see as one of themost significant challenges for most organizations.


Oren Rubin,co-founder of Testim, mentioned in a recent TestTalks interview that the firm’smain goal is to help liberate test automation from the exclusive realm of developersand make it simple enough for anyone on the team to create. After speaking withOren I got a sense that Testim is well on its way to achieving that goal.

Testim的联合创始人Oren Rubin在最近的一次TestTalks采访中提到,公司的主要目标是帮助将测试自动化从开发人员的专属领域解放出来,并使之足够简单,让团队中的任何人都可以创建。在和奥伦交谈之后,我感觉到Testim正在朝着这个目标前进。


Sealights is aCloud-based platform. We all know that developers and QA–both managers andengineers–are super busy these days using CI and CD practices, where they havefrequent releases and not enough time to test the entire application multipletimes.


That’s one ofthe main reasons Sealights was created.


With theirmachine learning-like technology that analyzes both your code and the teststhat run against it, it lets you know exactly what your tests are covering andwhat they're not. But when Sealights says “tests,” they don't only mean unittests; they mean any kind of test, from functional, manual, performance, youname it.


“Quality Risks” is even a more exciting insight they provide, as itfocuses the user's efforts on the things that matter, by letting him or herknow exactly which files/methods/lines have changed in the last build thatwasn't tested by a specific test type (or any test type). Once you know that,you can easily ensure that untested code will not reach production beforeundergoing, at the very least, a minimal validation.


As we movetoward CI/CD, dashboarding becomes critical.


If you're likemost companies, everything today is within your CI/CD, but often this data isnot visible or accessible for consumption by your teams.


Sealights makesit easy to create a quality dashboard that everyone will see. So for everybuild, you’ll be able to understand what was tested, what the status andcoverage were, and whether it’s improving, decreasing, or has quality holes ornot.



Test.AI isbilled as a tool that will add an AI brain to Selenium and Appium. It wascreated by Jason Arbon, co-author of How Google Tests Software and the founderof appdiff. Tests are defined in a simple format similar to the BDD syntax ofCucumber, so it requires no code and no need to mess with element identifiers.

Test.AI被称为一种将人工智能大脑添加到Selenium和Appium中的工具。它是由Jason Arbon创建的,他是Google如何测试软件的合著者和appdiff的创始人。测试是以类似于Cucumber的BDD语法的简单格式定义的,因此它不需要代码,也不需要处理元素标识符。

The AIidentifies screens and elements dynamically in any app and automatically drivesyour application to execute test cases.


It’s smartenough to know that if an element ever changes it can adjust and identify itwith you having to make any manual changes. This tool is still in beta, but Iwas given a sneak peek of it by Jason.


I’m excited tolearn more about it, as well as the potential of all these test tools.



Mablis similarto Test.AI. Mabl started by a bunch of ex-Google employess runs functionaltests against your apps or website. In Mabl terminology, you “train” your teststo interact with your applications. When you’re done recording, your trainedtests will run at a predetermined amount of time and alert you.


Their websitemakes three main promises:


  1. Eliminates flaky tests–like theother AI-based test automation tools, Mabl can automatically detect whetherelements of your application have changed, and dynamically updates the tests tocompensate for those changes.
  2. Mabl can continuously comparetest results to test history to quickly detect changes and regressions,resulting in more stable releases.
  3. Mabl helps identify and surfaceproblems quickly, alerting you to possible impacts before they impact yourcustomers.
  4. 消除不稳定的测试——与其他基于人工智能的测试自动化工具一样,Mabl可以自动检测应用程序的元素是否已更改,并动态更新测试以补偿这些更改。
  5. Mabl可以连续比较测试结果和测试历史,以快速检测变化和回归,从而获得更稳定的释放。
  6. Mabl有助于快速识别和发现问题,在问题影响到客户之前提醒您可能的影响。


Use anartificially intelligent monkey to fully automatically test your application.That’s how ReTest markets itself.


ReTest claims tobe different from other test automation tools because it was built specificallywith testers in mind.


It also stemsfrom an artificial intelligence research project, so it tries to bake that AIintelligence into their tool, effectively eliminating the need for their usersto possess any programming skills.


They, like some ofthe other tools on this list, also avoid having to select element IDs to workwith when creating a script. ReTest also automatically takes care of waittimes.


If you want totry out ReTest, they offer an excellent step-by-step demo post.



Looking for aneasy-to-install-and-use dashboard? Need to triage your automation test resultsas well as create awesome graphs?


Even better,what if it were free?


Well, I’ve gotsomething you should check out if you’ve been looking for an automation testresults dashboard solution: ReportPortal.io.


ReportPortaljust came our with a machine-learning algorithm to help you to analyze yourresults automatically.


The machinelearning algorithms use all the historical data that is already in thedashboard database for your project. That means it can analyze your latestexecution, and you can be confident about the status of your test cases.


I think theability to analyze large amounts of data is the perfect use of machine learningand see this type of approach really growing in the next few years.


To learn morecheck out my full post on getting started with ReportPortal.io


So isAI/Machine Learning Just Hype?


Clearly,AI/Machine Learning is the latest buzz word currently being used in the testingindustry. But is it real, or just hype?


Only time willtell if the third wave will finally fulfill the promise of reliable,easy-to-maintain test automation for all.


Let me know whatyour experience has been with these or any other tools you consider to be partof the third wave of AI test automation.


Also, check outthe Automation Guild Online conference for some awesome sessions we will haveon AI test automation. You'll also get a chance to ask question to many of the vendors mentioned in this article
