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最编程 2024-01-11 11:33:18










import numpy as np
import random
import copy

class UnionSet(object):

    def __init__(self, arr):
        self.parent = {pos: pos for pos in arr}
        self.count = len(arr)

    def find(self, root):
        if root == self.parent[root]:
            return root
        return self.find(self.parent[root])

    def union(self, root1, root2):
        self.parent[self.find(root1)] = self.find(root2)

class Maze(object):

    def __init__(self, width=11, height=11):
        assert width >= 5 and height >= 5, "Length of width or height must be larger than 5."

        self.width = (width // 2) * 2 + 1
        self.height = (height // 2) * 2 + 1
        self.start = [1, 0]
        self.destination = [self.height - 2, self.width - 1]
        self.matrix = None
        self.path = []

    def print_matrix(self):
        matrix = copy.deepcopy(self.matrix)
        for p in self.path:
            matrix[p[0]][p[1]] = 1
        for i in range(self.height):
            for j in range(self.width):
                if matrix[i][j] == -1:
                    print('□', end='')
                elif matrix[i][j] == 0:
                    print('  ', end='')
                elif matrix[i][j] == 1:
                    print('■', end='')

    def generate_matrix_dfs(self):
        # 地图初始化,并将出口和入口处的值设置为0
        self.matrix = -np.ones((self.height, self.width))
        self.matrix[self.start[0], self.start[1]] = 0
        self.matrix[self.destination[0], self.destination[1]] = 0

        visit_flag = [[0 for i in range(self.width)] for j in range(self.height)]

        def check(row, col, row_, col_):
            temp_sum = 0
            for d in [[0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0]]:
                temp_sum += self.matrix[row_ + d[0]][col_ + d[1]]
            return temp_sum <= -3

        def dfs(row, col):
            visit_flag[row][col] = 1
            self.matrix[row][col] = 0
            if row == self.start[0] and col == self.start[1] + 1:

            directions = [[0, 2], [0, -2], [2, 0], [-2, 0]]
            for d in directions:
                row_, col_ = row + d[0], col + d[1]
                if row_ > 0 and row_ < self.height - 1 and col_ > 0 and col_ < self.width - 1 and visit_flag[row_][
                    col_] == 0 and check(row, col, row_, col_):
                    if row == row_:
                        visit_flag[row][min(col, col_) + 1] = 1
                        self.matrix[row][min(col, col_) + 1] = 0
                        visit_flag[min(row, row_) + 1][col] = 1
                        self.matrix[min(row, row_) + 1][col] = 0
                    dfs(row_, col_)

        dfs(self.destination[0], self.destination[1] - 1)
        self.matrix[self.start[0], self.start[1] + 1] = 0

    # 虽然说是prim算法,但是我感觉更像随机广度优先算法
    def generate_matrix_prim(self):
        # 地图初始化,并将出口和入口处的值设置为0
        self.matrix = -np.ones((self.height, self.width))

        def check(row, col):
            temp_sum = 0
            for d in [[0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0]]:
                temp_sum += self.matrix[row + d[0]][col + d[1]]
            return temp_sum < -3

        queue = []
        row, col = (np.random.randint(1, self.height - 1) // 2) * 2 + 1, (
                    np.random.randint(1, self.width - 1) // 2) * 2 + 1
        queue.append((row, col, -1, -1))
        while len(queue) != 0:
            row, col, r_, c_ = queue.pop(np.random.randint(0, len(queue)))
            if check(row, col):
                self.matrix[row, col] = 0
                if r_ != -1 and row == r_:
                    self.matrix[row][min(col, c_) + 1] = 0
                elif r_ != -1 and col == c_:
                    self.matrix[min(row, r_) + 1][col] = 0
                for d in [[0, 2], [0, -2], [2, 0], [-2, 0]]:
                    row_, col_ = row + d[0], col + d[1]
                    if row_ > 0 and row_ < self.height - 1 and col_ > 0 and col_ < self.width - 1 and self.matrix[row_][
                        col_] == -1:
                        queue.append((row_, col_, row, col))

        self.matrix[self.start[0], self.start[1]] = 0
        self.matrix[self.destination[0], self.destination[1]] = 0

    # 递归切分算法,还有问题,现在不可用
    def generate_matrix_split(self):
        # 地图初始化,并将出口和入口处的值设置为0
        self.matrix = -np.zeros((self.height, self.width))
        self.matrix[0, :] = -1
        self.matrix[self.height - 1, :] = -1
        self.matrix[:, 0] = -1
        self.matrix[:, self.width - 1] = -1

        # 随机生成位于(start, end)之间的偶数
        def get_random(start, end):
            rand = np.random.randint(start, end)
            if rand & 0x1 == 0:
                return rand
            return get_random(start, end)

        # split函数的四个参数分别是左上角的行数、列数,右下角的行数、列数,墙壁只能在偶数行,偶数列
        def split(lr, lc, rr, rc):
            if rr - lr < 2 or rc - lc < 2:

            # 生成墙壁,墙壁只能是偶数点
            cur_row, cur_col = get_random(lr, rr), get_random(lc, rc)
            for i in range(lc, rc + 1):
                self.matrix[cur_row][i] = -1
            for i in range(lr, rr + 1):
                self.matrix[i][cur_col] = -1

            # 挖穿三面墙得到连通图,挖孔的点只能是偶数点
            wall_list = [
                ("left", cur_row, [lc + 1, cur_col - 1]),
                ("right", cur_row, [cur_col + 1, rc - 1]),
                ("top", cur_col, [lr + 1, cur_row - 1]),
                ("down", cur_col, [cur_row + 1, rr - 1])
            for wall in wall_list[:-1]:
                if wall[2][1] - wall[2][0] < 1:
                if wall[0] in ["left", "right"]:
                    self.matrix[wall[1], get_random(wall[2][0], wall[2][1] + 1) + 1] = 0
                    self.matrix[get_random(wall[2][0], wall[2][1] + 1), wall[1] + 1] = 0

            # self.print_matrix()
            # time.sleep(1)
            # 递归
            split(lr + 2, lc + 2, cur_row - 2, cur_col - 2)
            split(lr + 2, cur_col + 2, cur_row - 2, rc - 2)
            split(cur_row + 2, lc + 2, rr - 2, cur_col - 2)
            split(cur_row + 2, cur_col + 2, rr - 2, rc - 2)

            self.matrix[self.start[0], self.start[1]] = 0
            self.matrix[self.destination[0], self.destination[1]] = 0

        split(0, 0, self.height - 1, self.width - 1)

    # 最小生成树算法-kruskal(选边法)思想生成迷宫地图,这种实现方法最复杂。
    def generate_matrix_kruskal(self):
        # 地图初始化,并将出口和入口处的值设置为0
        self.matrix = -np.ones((self.height, self.width))

        def check(row, col):
            ans, counter = [], 0
            for d in [[0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0]]:
                row_, col_ = row + d[0], col + d[1]
                if row_ > 0 and row_ < self.height - 1 and col_ > 0 and col_ < self.width - 1 and self.matrix[
                    row_, col_] == -1:
                    ans.append([d[0] * 2, d[1] * 2])
                    counter += 1
            if counter <= 1:
                return []
            return ans

        nodes = set()
        row = 1
        while row < self.height:
            col = 1
            while col < self.width:
                self.matrix[row, col] = 0
                nodes.add((row, col))
                col += 2
            row += 2

        unionset = UnionSet(nodes)
        while unionset.count > 1:
            row, col = nodes.pop()
            directions = check(row, col)
            if len(directions):
                for d in directions:
                    row_, col_ = row + d[0], col + d[1]
                    if unionset.find((row, col)) == unionset.find((row_, col_)):
                    nodes.add((row, col))
                    unionset.count -= 1
                    unionset.union((row, col), (row_, col_))

                    if row == row_:
                        self.matrix[row][min(col, col_) + 1] = 0
                        self.matrix[min(row, row_) + 1][col] = 0

        self.matrix[self.start[0], self.start[1]] = 0
        self.matrix[self.destination[0], self.destination[1]] = 0

    # 迷宫寻路算法dfs
    def find_path_dfs(self, destination):
        visited = [[0 for i in range(self.width)] for j in range(self.height)]

        def dfs(path):
            visited[path[-1][0]][path[-1][1]] = 1
            if path[-1][0] == destination[0] and path[-1][1] == destination[1]:
                self.path = path[:]
            for d in [[0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0]]:
                row_, col_ = path[-1][0] + d[0], path[-1][1] + d[1]
                if row_ > 0 and row_ < self.height - 1 and col_ > 0 and col_ < self.width and visited[row_][
                    col_] == 0 and self.matrix[row_][col_] == 0:
                    dfs(path + [[row_, col_]])

        dfs([[self.start[0], self.start[1]]])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    maze = Maze(51, 51)
    print("answer", maze.path)


import tkinter as tk
from Maze.mazeGenerator import Maze
import copy
import math

def draw_cell(canvas, row, col, color="#F2F2F2"):
    x0, y0 = col * cell_width, row * cell_width
    x1, y1 = x0 + cell_width, y0 + cell_width
    canvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color, outline=color, width=0)

def draw_path(canvas, matrix, row, col, color, line_color):
    # 列
    if row + 1 < rows and matrix[row - 1][col] >= 1 and matrix[row + 1][col] >= 1:
        x0, y0 = col * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5, row * cell_width
        x1, y1 = x0 + cell_width / 5, y0 + cell_width
    # 行
    elif col + 1 < cols and matrix[row][col - 1] >= 1 and matrix[row][col + 1] >= 1:
        x0, y0 = col * cell_width, row * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5
        x1, y1 = x0 + cell_width, y0 + cell_width / 5
    # 左上角
    elif col + 1 < cols and row + 1 < rows and matrix[row][col + 1] >= 1 and matrix[row + 1][col] >= 1:
        x0, y0 = col * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5, row * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5
        x1, y1 = x0 + 3 * cell_width / 5, y0 + cell_width / 5
        canvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color, outline=line_color, width=0)
        x0, y0 = col * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5, row * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5
        x1, y1 = x0 + cell_width / 5, y0 + 3 * cell_width / 5
    # 右上角
    elif row + 1 < rows and matrix[row][col - 1] >= 1 and matrix[row + 1][col] >= 1:
        x0, y0 = col * cell_width, row * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5
        x1, y1 = x0 + 3 * cell_width / 5, y0 + cell_width / 5
        canvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color, outline=line_color, width=0)
        x0, y0 = col * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5, row * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5
        x1, y1 = x0 + cell_width / 5, y0 + 3 * cell_width / 5
    # 左下角
    elif col + 1 < cols and matrix[row - 1][col] >= 1 and matrix[row][col + 1] >= 1:
        x0, y0 = col * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5, row * cell_width
        x1, y1 = x0 + cell_width / 5, y0 + 3 * cell_width / 5
        canvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color, outline=line_color, width=0)
        x0, y0 = col * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5, row * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5
        x1, y1 = x0 + 3 * cell_width / 5, y0 + cell_width / 5
    # 右下角
    elif matrix[row - 1][col] >= 1 and matrix[row][col - 1] >= 1:
        x0, y0 = col * cell_width, row * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5
        x1, y1 = x0 + 3 * cell_width / 5, y0 + cell_width / 5
        canvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color, outline=line_color, width=0)
        x0, y0 = col * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5, row * cell_width
        x1, y1 = x0 + cell_width / 5, y0 + 3 * cell_width / 5
        x0, y0 = col * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5, row * cell_width + 2 * cell_width / 5
        x1, y1 = x0 + cell_width / 5, y0 + cell_width / 5
    canvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color, outline=line_color, width=0)

def draw_maze(canvas, matrix, path, moves):
    -1: 墙壁
    0: 空白
    1: 参考路径
    2: 移动过的位置
    for r in range(rows):
        for c in range(cols):
            if matrix[r][c] == 0:
                draw_cell(canvas, r, c)
            elif matrix[r][c] == -1:
                draw_cell(canvas, r, c, '#525288')
            elif matrix[r][c] == 1:
                draw_cell(canvas, r, c)
                draw_path(canvas, matrix, r, c, '#bc84a8', '#bc84a8')
            elif matrix[r][c] == 2:
                draw_cell(canvas, r, c)
                draw_path(canvas, matrix, r, c, '#ee3f4d', '#ee3f4d')
    for p in path:
        matrix[p[0]][p[1]] = 1
    for move in moves:
        matrix[move[0]][move[1]] = 2

def update_maze(canvas, matrix, path, moves):
    matrix = copy.copy(matrix)
    for p in path:
        matrix[p[0]][p[1]] = 1
    for move in moves:
        matrix[move[0]][move[1]] = 2

    row, col = movement_list[-1]
    colors = ['#525288', '#F2F2F2', '#525288', '#F2F2F2', '#525288', '#F2F2F2', '#525288', '#F2F2F2']
    if level > 2:
        colors = ['#232323', '#252525', '#2a2a32', '#424242', '#434368', '#b4b4b4', '#525288', '#F2F2F2']

    for r in range(rows):
        for c in range(cols):
            distance = (row - r) * (row - r) + (col - c) * (col - c)
            if distance >= 100:
                color = colors[0:2]
            elif distance >= 60:
                color = colors[2:4]
            elif distance >= 30:
                color = colors[4:6]
                color = colors[6:8]

            if matrix[r][c] == 0:
                draw_cell(canvas, r, c, color[1])
            elif matrix[r][c] == -1:
                draw_cell(canvas, r, c, color[0])
            elif matrix[r][c] == 1:
                draw_cell(canvas, r, c, color[1])
                draw_path(canvas, matrix, r, c, '#bc84a8', '#bc84a8')
            elif matrix[r][c] == 2:
                draw_cell(canvas, r, c, color[1])
                draw_path(canvas, matrix, r, c, '#ee3f4d', '#ee3f4d')

def check_reach():
    global next_maze_flag
    if movement_list[-1] == maze.destination:
        print("Congratulations! You reach the goal! The step used: {}".format(click_counter))
        x0, y0 = width / 2 - 200, 30
        x1, y1 = x0 + 400, y0 + 40
        canvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill='#F2F2F2', outline='#525288', width=3)
        canvas.create_text(width / 2, y0 + 20,
                           text="Congratulations! You reach the goal! Steps used: {}".format(click_counter),
        next_maze_flag = True

def _eventHandler(event):
    global movement_list
    global click_counter
    global next_maze_flag
    global level

    if not next_maze_flag and event.keysym in ['Left', 'Right', 'Up', 'Down']:
        click_counter += 1
        windows.title("Maze Level-{} Steps-{}".format(level, click_counter))
        cur_pos = movement_list[-1]
        ops = {'Left': [0, -1], 'Right': [0, 1], 'Up': [-1, 0], 'Down': [1, 0]}
        r_, c_ = cur_pos[0] + ops[event.keysym][0], cur_pos[1] + ops[event.keysym][1]
        if len(movement_list) > 1 and [r_, c_] == movement_list[-2]:
            while True:
                cur_pos = movement_list[-1]
                counter = 0
                for d in [[0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0]]:
                    r_, c_ = cur_pos[0] + d[0], cur_pos[1] + d[1]
                    if c_ >= 0 and maze.matrix[r_][c_] == 0:
                        counter += 1
                if counter != 2:
        elif r_ < maze.height and c_ < maze.width and maze.matrix[r_][c_] == 0:
            while True:
                movement_list.append([r_, c_])
                temp_list = []
                for d in [[0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0]]:
                    r__, c__ = r_ + d[0], c_ + d[1]
                    if c__ < maze.width and maze.matrix[r__][c__] == 0 and [r__, c__] != cur_pos:
                        temp_list.append([r__, c__])
                if len(temp_list) != 1:
                cur_pos = [r_, c_]
                r_, c_ = temp_list[0]
        update_maze(canvas, maze.matrix, maze.path, movement_list)
    elif next_maze_flag:
        next_maze_flag = False
        movement_list = [maze.start]
        click_counter = 0
        maze.path = []
        draw_maze(canvas, maze.matrix, maze.path, movement_list)
        level += 1

def _paint(event):
    x, y = math.floor((event.y - 1) / cell_width), math.floor((event.x - 1) / cell_width)
    if maze.matrix[x][y] == 0:
        maze.find_path_dfs([x, y])
        update_maze(canvas, maze.matrix, maze.path, movement_list)

def _reset(event):
    maze.path = []
    update_maze(canvas, maze.matrix, maze.path, movement_list)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 基础参数
    cell_width = 20
    rows = 30
    cols = 44
    height = cell_width * rows
    width = cell_width * cols
    level = 1
    click_counter = 0
    next_maze_flag = False

    windows = tk.Tk()
    canvas = tk.Canvas(windows, background="#F2F2F2", width=width, height=height)

    maze = Maze(cols, rows)
    movement_list = [maze.start]
    draw_maze(canvas, maze.matrix, maze.path, movement_list)

    canvas.bind("<Button-1>", _paint)
    canvas.bind("<Button-3>", _reset)
    canvas.bind_all("<KeyPress>", _eventHandler)



