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最编程 2024-02-21 16:08:49
Stay in touch

Meaning/Usage: To stay connected

Explanation: When you can touch someone, you are literally close to that person. "Stay in touch" is indicating that the person wants to keep communicating so they will be "close" as friends.

“Stay in touch” 的中文意思是“保持联系”。这个短语通常用于告诉别人要保持联系,让他们知道你想和他们保持联络。这个短语也可以用于恢复与某人的联系,或者在某个事件或项目结束后保持关系。


- Stay in touch with someone:与某人保持联系。
- Stay in touch via something:通过某种方式保持联系,如电话、电子邮件、社交媒体等。

其他跟“Stay in touch”类似的表达方法包括:

Keep in touch (保持联系)
Stay connected (保持联系)
Touch base (联系)
Keep in contact (保持联系)


We should stay in touch and catch up soon. (我们应该保持联系,尽快聚一聚。)

Don't forget to stay in touch while you're away! (你走了之后别忘了保持联系!)

Let's stay in touch and make plans for the weekend. (我们保持联系,一起计划周末吧。)

We need to stay in touch about the project's progress. (我们需要保持联系,关注项目的进展。)

It was great meeting you. Let's stay in touch. (很高兴认识你,我们保持联系吧。)

We'll be sure to stay in touch and let you know how things are going. (我们一定会保持联系,让你知道事情进展如何。)

Please stay in touch and let me know if you need any help. (请保持联系,如果需要帮助就告诉我。)

We should stay in touch and collaborate on future projects. (我们应该保持联系,在未来的项目中合作。)

Let's stay in touch and continue the conversation later. (我们保持联系,之后继续谈话。)

I'll make sure to stay in touch and keep you updated on any changes. (我会保持联系,让你了解任何变化。)

Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today.
